Mar 04, 2025 |
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FSX/P3D Boeing 777-200ER Alitalia with FSX native VC
99.99Mb (1877 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-200ER Alitalia with FSX native VC. Italy's flag carrier airline, Alitalia, currently operate 11 Boeing 777-200ER and is based at Rome Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport. Includes revised VC and Honeywell FMC (via Views-Instrument panel). Skyspirit model features opening doors & cargo doors, detailed textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects, animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, stairs, ground service vehicles when cargo doors open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Util), detailed virtual cockpit and more. Added custom B777 sounds. VC night lights fixed thanks to Hagar. To use FMC - Go to Views - Intrument panel - FMC. See FMC docs. Finely crafted native FSX model by Skyspirit/Project Opensky. Jetway exits added. Thank you to Zachary777 for the native conversion of the brilliant Jacob Kubique VC. Gauges added by Chris Evans. Thank you to Skyspirit/TDS for their generous and detailed models and paintkits! Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D versions and FSX.
Posted Mar 27, 2021 11:33 by chris evans
Global AI Ship Traffic MSFS V1
Global AI Ship Traffic MSFS V1 (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
1166.33Mb (1524 downloads)
The Global AI Ship Traffic Project provides AI ship traffic across the globe with realistic models of real life ships of all types from fishing boats to cruise ships, from tugs to tankers, container ships, and bulk carriers, from patrol boats to submarines, destroyers and aircraft carriers. More than 1300 models are placed on routes all over the world according to what is realistic for each region. More than a hundred ferry routes are covered with their specific ferries and you will find naval exercises with Navy ships from most regions. Watch a full scale NATO landing exercise on the West Coast of the Jutland Peninsula in Denmark or the Brazilian or Chinese navies doing the same in their respective areas. Watch the departure of a Tall Ship race from Saint Malo, Kiel or Sandefjord or a round the world sail race departing from Gothenburg... Go looking for Maersk Alabama in the exact spot she was attacked by pirates of the coast of Somalia as later depicted in the movie Captain Phillips with Tom Hanks. More than 24.000 ship movements ensure that the sea is no longer empty. Add to that killer whales, humpback whales, and right whales.... Models and textures by Erwin Welker, Jean-Pierre Fillion, Knud Kristoffersen, Dexter, Milton Shupe, Manfred Siedler, Bernardo Barroso, Paul Donnelly, Finn Kristoffer, Didier ‘‘Lagaffe’’ Puentes, Andrew Thomsen, Robystar, Antonio Diaz, Sebastien Viale, Alberto Garcia, Cxema, Pascal Dumat, Rick Keller, Lazarus Starkweather, Dave Garwood, Darren Lane; Henrik Nielsen, and more A great thank also to the many beta testers and a special thanks to the shipping company DFDS for providing documentation to make realistic models of their fleet of passenger and freight ferries. Idea and conceptualization Henrik Nielsen, KL791 For support and additional information please follow our threads on the project on,,, in English, on in Norwegian and Danish, on in Portuguese, and in French. Installation is simple: unzip and drop in your Community folder. Ensure you traffic settings for Ships and Ferries is 5% or more. All ships will appear at 5% so no need to increase to 100% unless you want to see repetition of the default ships. Known Issues - please be aware this is an "advanced" conversion of the FSX/P3D models meaning the models are not native MSFS models, however file structure, textures, and many of the older model files have been modified to suit the requirements of MSFS AI traffic. However as the project contains mdl files conversion can give stutters approaching ships depending on your system and settings; on high end gaming computer this should be limited, but if you run a MSFS minimum spec computer with high graphic settings you might see FPS drops when close to the ships. Also loading time of routes depends on your computer specs. You can read more on this here: Currently - March 2021 wakes are not enabled by MSFS. Nor does the models have hard decks. This will come in a subsequent update.
Posted Mar 27, 2021 04:56 by Henrik Nielsen
Wilderness Vacation
Wilderness Vacation (Category: FSX > Missions)
3.33Mb (865 downloads)
Ready for adventure? Fly to a remote cabin in the wilderness tucked into a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks. The weather is not the best but who knows, you may have the skills to complete this mission. Good luck
Posted Mar 27, 2021 01:04 by Gary Sease
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Allegiant 'Golden Knights' livery package
85.99Mb (688 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Allegiant 'Golden Knights' livery package. Las Vegas based Allegiant currently have 73 Airbus A320 aircraft. This one is painted in the 'Las Vegas Golden Knights' livery, even though in real life this livery is on a A319. Model by Project Airbus. 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. Airbus sounds included. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Mar 26, 2021 12:33 by chris evans
Update for FSX of the ATR 42-300 Swiftair
Update for FSX of the ATR 42-300 Swiftair
58.14Mb (722 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the ATR 42-300, model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware. Packaged by Chris Evans. I have changed the GPS; added an autopilot, nav/gps switch, and a trim gauge to the 2D panel; added the other 3 wheels, and the scrape points which were not there at all; and I updated the flight dynamics.
Posted Mar 26, 2021 07:06 by Bob Chicilo
Potez 56 for FSX
Potez 56 for FSX (Category: FSX > Vintage)
27.48Mb (867 downloads)
Potez 56 for FSX Designed by Louis Coroller as a transport aircraft, the Potez 560 prototype made its first flight on June 18, 1934. Built largely of wood, the aircraft was a low-floating plane with a wing profile similar to that of the Potez 53 racing plane, and a single-wing vertical tail. It had excellent aerodynamic contours. A small production run of 16 aircraft was built for various airlines. Denis Fouchard
Posted Mar 25, 2021 12:42 by uploader
Bernard 207T for FSX
Bernard 207T for FSX (Category: FSX > Vintage)
6.30Mb (379 downloads)
Bernard 207T for FSX Description = Aircraft built by the firm Bernard during the year 1933. The interior is on the model of the Delahaye Delage cars. The pilots Rene Marchesseau, Thuilliez and Decombe undertook a journey from the dark continent to Madagascar and the Cape with 400 liters of gasoline and this plane bears the name of the seaside resort of Berck sur mer. The 30.000 km journey stopped halfway between Niamey and the lake Chad for damaged propeller. Denis Fouchard
Posted Mar 25, 2021 12:39 by uploader
Latecoere 28.3H for FSX
Latecoere 28.3H for FSX (Category: FSX > Vintage)
15.72Mb (356 downloads)
Latecoere 28.3H for FSX In the 1920s, airliners were produced by many French firms. The most prolific was probably the SIDAL company, owned by Pierre-Georges Latecoere. The Late-3 (flown by the Ligne France Espagne Maroc airline) was the first to go on line. It was a small single-engine biplane, type D.H.4. In 1922 a single-engine 6-seat Late 8 Limousine was introduced. It was used in France and Spain, but it was not a success. Because of it, Latecoeur was even put on trial. The next was the Late 16. It was produced in a small series. This and subsequent passenger aircraft Latecoer - twin-engine Late 15 (6 passengers, 1925), single-engine Late 17 and Late 26 (1926), were high-flying trailing planes. The Late 26 was built in large series. Denis Fouchard
Posted Mar 25, 2021 12:39 by uploader
Latecoere 300 for FSX
Latecoere 300 for FSX (Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.69Mb (457 downloads)
Latecoere 300 for FSX The Late 300 series of seaplanes is not as well known to aviation enthusiasts as their 290-298 series counterparts. And that's not surprising. The 300 series was hardly ever produced individually, nor was it used as extensively. Nevertheless, the Late 300 was well worth a look. Denis Fouchard
Posted Mar 25, 2021 12:38 by uploader
Potez 62 for FSX
Potez 62 for FSX (Category: FSX > Vintage)
10.05Mb (393 downloads)
Potez 62 for FSX The prototype Potez 62 civil airliner, based on the military Potez 54, made its maiden flight on 28 January 1935. It retained the strut-braced high-set wing of the Potez 54, which was married to a redesigned fuselage of excellent aerodynamic form. Pilot and co-pilot were seated side-by-side in a control cabin with, to their rear, two cabins accommodating up to 16 passengers. The Potez 621, flown later in 1935, introduced 537kW Hispano-Suiza 12Xrs Vee engines and 2 sweepback on the wings. Production totalled 23, four of the 14 machines built as Potez 62s later being converted to Potez 621 standard, and in 1937 nine Potez 62s were re-engined with 671kW Gnome-Rhone 14N16/17 radials. Denis Fouchard
Posted Mar 25, 2021 12:34 by uploader