Mar 04, 2025 |
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MSFS P3D FSX FS2004 Flight Analyzer Utility V7.28
MSFS P3D FSX FS2004 Flight Analyzer Utility V7.28
18.23Mb (484 downloads)
Flight Analyzer Utility FsQC v7.28 Flight Data Recorder - with Logbook. FOR: MSFS P3D, FSX(Steam) and FS2004 Now with improvements and more features Very easy to use, just make a flight plan in the simulator or in this utility. (But please read the readme.txt file) What this program does: quickly change the settings of MSFS2020/P3D/FSX/FS2004, such as time, date, fuel, weight, traffic etc. Start a failure sytem, such as gear, flaps, engine, etc. runway detecting system to see wich runways are in use. Quickly look at Airport Info for all possible info such as: ILS, Radio, RW length, Elevation, etc, etc. This is all fully freeware. Full manual at: Only Limited demo for: The flight analyzing/data recording, Logbook and the PDF Flightreport. Flight analysis start recording at the moment when you begin taxiing. It gives you huge information such as: - takeoff- and landing-weight. - takeoff- and landing-roll in m. and ft. - separate fuel consumption in taxi, climb, cruise and descent. - maximum banking in flight. - which speed you using the flaps and gear. - when autopilot on or off. - vertical speed on touchdown. - reverser set after landing. - wich speed you cancel reverser. - bouncing at landing. - graphical landingchart with Touch&Go and Missed Approach. - graphical Climb-, Descent- and Full- flightchart. - and lots of more. You can better look the example of the pdf document. Requirements: Computer with Windows7 or higher and internet access.(XP also supported look in the help/manual) Flightsimulator MSFS2020, P3D, FSX(Steam), or FS2004 and FSUIPC installed. Note: requires paid activation for full use of the Flight Analyzer and Logbook. Register and you have 1 month free. Program fully works without registration at airport Athens and Iraklion (Greece). By Evander Tholen
Posted Mar 20, 2021 16:07 by Evander Tholen
SkySpirit2010 Boeing 767-200 MultiPack for P3Dv4/5 and FSX
514.85Mb (2117 downloads)
This package contains the SkySpirit2010 Boeing 767-200 models (v5), both cargo and passenger (2 models), equipped with the enhanced Microsoft FSX 737-800 VC model by Alrot (FSND). It has 22 liveries and 3 dedicated sound sets for PW and GE engines. It incorporates appropriate .air files for the different models. The aircarft.cfg has been very slightly adapted in comparison with the aircarft.cfg as provided by the SkySpirit Team. Many extra gauges has been added like TCAS, GPWS, GroundHandling, AntiSkid, and Cockpit Sounds. I also added some extra sound for various knobs in the VC. The VC textures comes in 2 colors: standard Ms FSX and brown tinted by Chris Evans. You can swap these colors easily, see the INSTALL.txt. See for credits concerning this package the file CREDITS.txt See for a full list of my adaptations the file 'Flanker256_log.txt' in the 'Docs' folder of the aircraft. Full documentation for the aircraft has been added as well as Reference and Check Lists. Night lighting for all liveries has been checked extensively in Prepar3D v4.5. Liveries: ABX Cargo, Air Canada, AmeriJet, ANA, Ansett, ATI Cargo (2x), CargoJet, Delta Airlines (3x),EL-AL, FAB, Jupiter (Bolivian AF), Kam Air, Pacific Western, Philipine Air, Star Air, Tampa Cargo, TransAero, United Air (2x). Happy flights and stay safe.
Posted Mar 20, 2021 11:06 by Flanker256
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-941 Delta Airlines package
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-941 Delta Airlines package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
74.21Mb (2266 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-941 Delta Airlines package. The world's 2nd largest airline is based at Atlanta Hartsfield - Jackson Airport and currently have 14 Airbus A350-941. FSX native AI model by FS Painter. 2020 updated interior model (VC) by Speedbird77. Textures, assembled and tested in P3D v5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions. By Chris Evans.
Posted Mar 20, 2021 10:25 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Finnair McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10 package
21.34Mb (1525 downloads)
FSX/P3D Finnair McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10 package ------- Finnair 70s-80s livery included in this package, registration OH-LYI. Model by Eric Cantu/SGA, converted by Eagle Rotor craft Simulations. VC Model by FSND. Panels: Original FSND edited by speedbird77. DC-9 guages: by Philippe Wallaert. Sounds: Adam Murphy. --- My Facebook page: ----- I will post videos about my repaints at my YouTube channel:
Posted Mar 20, 2021 08:47 by Cs_Csanad (AzureFire)
FSX/P3D Tunisair Express/Libyan Airlines Bombardier CRJ-900 package
FSX/P3D Tunisair Express/Libyan Airlines Bombardier CRJ-900 package
95.78Mb (420 downloads)
FSX/P3D Tunisair Express/Libyan Airlines Bombardier CRJ-900 package ----- Featuring 2 liveries (Tunisair Express and Libyan Airlines, registrations TS-ISA and 5A-LAM) Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion made by Speedbird77. Repaints made by NEANT Robin and Nael --- My Facebook page: ----- I will post videos about my repaints at my YouTube channel:
Posted Mar 20, 2021 08:32 by Cs_Csanad (AzureFire)
FSX/P3D Nordica and Estonian Bombardier CRJ-900 package
FSX/P3D Nordica and Estonian Bombardier CRJ-900 package
84.13Mb (470 downloads)
FSX/P3D Nordica and Estonian Bombardier CRJ-900 package -------------- Featuring 2 liveries (Estonian and Nordica) for the aircraft registered ES-ACB. Nordica is the successor of the Estonian national airline Estonian Air. Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion made by Speedbird77. Nordica textures by Chris Evans. --- My Facebook page: ----- I will post videos about my repaints at my YouTube channel:
Posted Mar 19, 2021 10:41 by Cs_Csanad
MiG-29K (IRIS) for FSX-P3D
MiG-29K (IRIS) for FSX-P3D (Category: FSX > Military)
38.09Mb (2140 downloads)
FSX Native MiG-29K 'Sea Fulcrum', model by IRIS simulations. Assignments unchanged from FS9, otherwise, FSX native materials and whatnot. Only did the single 'clean' model - the stores did not look so good. Hey, the price is right, looks great, super FPS, loads of fun.
Posted Mar 19, 2021 03:16 by ignoti et quasi occulti
McD (IRIS) F-15C/D for FSX-P3D
McD (IRIS) F-15C/D for FSX-P3D (Category: FSX > Military)
85.16Mb (2339 downloads)
FSX Native McD F-15C/D Eagle, model by IRIS Simulations. Hopefully, as this is unsupported freeware, and I've failed dismally at finding a contact, a native update won't cause distress. FSX standard materials, animations and tags, it's all working except for the inlet schedule, which I had to bodge a bit-see read me for details Clean 'C' and 'D', a Counter-air(2 tanks/6 'raams/2 -9L's/ALQ-184) C, a Combat trainer 'D' (2 tanks/-9/-120 acquisition rounds) I did a bit of a rebuild on the combat 'C', it was missing it's fuselage corner stores racks. Those are in place now.
Posted Mar 19, 2021 03:07 by ignoti et quasi occulti
Erwin Welker CFS2 Spruce Goose
Erwin Welker CFS2 Spruce Goose
Erwin Welker CFS2 Spruce Goose (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
29.17Mb (117 downloads)
The largest wooden airplane ever constructed, and flown only one time, the Spruce Goose represents one of humanity's greatest attempts to conquer the skies. It was born out of a need to move troops and material across the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1942, German submarines were sinking hundreds of Allied ships. Henry Kaiser, steel magnate and shipbuilder, conceived the idea of a massive flying transport and turned to Howard Hughes to design and build it. Hughes took on the task, made even more challenging by the government’s restrictions on materials critical to the war effort, such as steel and aluminum. Six times larger than any aircraft of its time, the Spruce Goose, also known as the Hughes Flying Boat, is made entirely of wood. A long time ago, I did a CFS 2 conversion for an earlier Spruce Goose model by Dennis Simanaitis released in 2004. Unhappily, the converted plane goes too low at water and I never uploaded it, but it flies well. I stored it hoping someone could build a better plane. When Erwin Welker released his new work, I simply made a last revision at the airfile and prepare a good DP, based on the BV238, to get a tested product.
Posted Mar 18, 2021 19:15 by Peperez
C-17 Globemaster
C-17 Globemaster
C-17 Globemaster (Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
262.84Mb (2369 downloads)
Here is the C-17 Globemaster with the working cockpit of the 747, this addon was made by UKMILL for FSX and converted to MSFS2020. Permission to upload this file was obtained by UKMILL and was granted to us. This Item will be updated and improved once in a while but will have less updates than the ATR. To install this addon you will need to drag and drop it into your MSFS community folder. Anyone who wants to make liveries is more than welcome to. This Addon is a Work in progress and still needs a lot of work on it. Some of the issues on this aircraft are that the gear is half sunken into the ground, some of the lights do not work, the physics, aerodynamics and Weight and Balance are all based off the 747. Cfg by Capt22
Posted Mar 18, 2021 05:11 by gamr101