All Files > Page 310

Nida Airport and City Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.18Mb (292 downloads)
This is a Scenery for Nida Airport and Nida pier.
Nida Airport is a small regional airport, opened in 1967, located in Nida, in the western part of Lithuania, near the Baltic Sea and Klaipeda.
Containing major buildings near pier, border to Russia, light towers etc..
Posted Dec 21, 2020 07:03 by Kalyan Mukherjee

FSX/P3D Mitsubishi F-2A #13-8508 "Black Panthers" Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
4.93Mb (294 downloads)
Mitsubishi F-2A #13-8508 "Black Panthers" repaint textures for freeware "Team FS KBT F-2A" These textures depict F-2A 508 in the special "Black Panthers" paint scheme of the 8th TF Sqdrn, Misawa AB.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 21, 2020 02:09 by Daniel Gregory

Sukhoi Su-7B FITTER -A for FSX/P3D
(Category: FSX > Military)
59.74Mb (1414 downloads)
The Sukhoi Su-7 (NATO designation name: Fitter-A) is a swept wing, supersonic fighter aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in 1955, with service introduction in 1959. The Su-7B series became the main Soviet fighter-bomber and ground-attack aircraft of the 1960s. FITTERs were rugged and simple, but short ranged and had a light weapon load. The Su-9/11-Su-7B family was well-liked by aircrews, and led to the Su-15 series and the very effective Su-17/22 family of combat jets. Su-7B FITTER by Mehlin Rainer, for FS9, ca.2010 FSX native version 2020 by Y.T. Models included for clean and various weapon load-outs: Long range interdictor, Nuclear Strike, Close Air Support bomb (FAB100M46), and S-24 heavy rocket. Bombs and rockets provided, load-outs from a saved flight, see readme for simple instructions. Merged in DRStalker80's Su-9 VC. It's largely identical in aircraft systems, though the nav-attack suite differs- the Su-9 has a full search/track/fire control radar system and other all-weather IA-PVO interceptor kit. The Su-7B carries a ranging set and largely VFR nav-attack suite. NOTE: You must have the DRSTALKER80 Su-9B FISHPOT for FSX installed for this to work. There are a number of dependencies for textures, panel, sounds aliased back to the Su-9B(DS). Weapons from a CFS2 kit by Laszlo Becz. Nuclear stores and auto-cannon object by Y.T.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 03:23 by Aardvark Ratnik

Sukhoi Su-9B Su-11 FISHPOT FSX/P3D
(Category: FSX > Military)
74.82Mb (1227 downloads)
Sukhoi's Su-9B and Su-11 FISHPOT were large, single engine all weather interceptors that served with the IA-PVO Strany from 1959 to the mid eighties. These are new and old FS9 models updated to FSX standard materials and tags.
Su-9B(DS) by By Drstalker80, systems by Alex Belov.
Conversion to FSX with gracious permission of the author.
Su-9B(BH), Su-11(BH), and R8M AAM by Brett Hoskins.
FSX native conversions, features, scut work by Y.T.
NOTE: You must have the (enclosed)DRSTALKER80 Su-9B FISHPOT for FSX installed for this to work.
There are a number of dependencies for textures, panel, sounds aliased back to the Su-9B(DS).
Posted Dec 20, 2020 02:56 by Aardvark Ratnik

Nomads Travel Club DC-7 textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
6.26Mb (202 downloads)
FS9/FSX Nomads DC-7 textures for California Classic DC-7 by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson.
Nomads textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 20, 2020 02:10 by Gary Harper

Salmson 2A2, Escadrille SAL 40
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.38Mb (148 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, French Escadrille SAL 40, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:19 by Captain Kurt

Salmson 2A2 91st Aero Sqd USAS
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.37Mb (94 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, 91st Aero Squadron, USAS American Expeditionary Force, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:16 by Captain Kurt

Salmson 2A2, Escadrille SAL 18
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.42Mb (84 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, French Escadrille SAL 18, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:13 by Captain Kurt

Salmson 2A2 1st Aero Sqd USAS
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.66Mb (85 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, 1st Aero Squadron, USAS American Expeditionary Force, France 1918
The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:08 by Captain Kurt

FSX Embraer EMB 120ER Brasilia Swiftair package
(Category: FSX > Props)
106.13Mb (1190 downloads)
FSX Embraer EMB 120ER Brasilia Swiftair package. FSX Native.
Spanish airline Swiftair is based at Madrid-Barajas Airport and currently operate 10 EMB120 for cargo services. .
Originally designed by Erick Cantu, now available as FSX and P3D native. This release has some fixes, added a new soundpack. FSX/P3D native conversion by George Arana, Brandon Filer. Sounds by
Adam Murphy. Panel/Gauges by Microsoft. Textures by Chris Evans
Posted Dec 19, 2020 09:58 by chris evans