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PMDG Boeing 737-800 BCF CargoAir Textures
PMDG Boeing 737-800 BCF CargoAir Textures
PMDG Boeing 737-800 BCF CargoAir Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
68.89Mb (125 downloads)
PMDG Boeing 737-800BCF NGXu in Cargo Air livery. Textures in UHD format only for new payware PMDG model. Description and installation in Readme file. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Dec 17, 2020 04:34 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Greater Toronto Area Enhancement Pack
Greater Toronto Area Enhancement Pack
Greater Toronto Area Enhancement Pack (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
607.30Mb (304 downloads)
This pack features hand-picked key areas around Greater Toronto Area to compliment default photogrammetry and autogen areas and default terrain fixes for maximum VFR flight and IFR approaches enjoyment. FEATURES All areas implement 3 LOD levels, minimizing FPS impact Photogrammetry is heavily edited and texture color, contrast and brightness is carefully corrected to match surrounding autogen scenery Custom night lighting, including flashing strobes on tall buildings and facade illumination Stock buildings, cars, trains, antennas and other objects are added to enrich the scenery. Current Version 3.1.0 by romandesign
Posted Dec 17, 2020 04:01 by gamr101
La Defense, Paris, 3D Photogrammetry.
La Defense, Paris, 3D Photogrammetry.
La Defense, Paris, 3D Photogrammetry. (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
153.40Mb (186 downloads)
Just removed ugly defaut La defense to real 3D Photogrammetry. ByKeke92
Posted Dec 16, 2020 12:04 by gamr101
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Air India package with native B787 cockpit
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Air India package with native B787 cockpit
80.91Mb (746 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Air India package with native B787 cockpit. India's flag carrier airline is based at Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport and currently have 27 Boeing 787-8 flying worlwide. 8 The VC is the Erik Bender adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-8 model. See Document folder to get the best out of the VC. Textured, assembled and tested in P3Dv5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Dec 16, 2020 07:40 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 RR  KLM New Livery 100 years Textures
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 RR  KLM New Livery 100 years Textures
4.00Mb (303 downloads)
Thomas Ruth a330-200 RR klm 100 years texture only. Requires the Thomas Ruth A330-200 RR base model
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 15, 2020 23:21 by jaden
P3D/FSX Coulson C-130 Texture Pack
P3D/FSX Coulson C-130 Texture Pack
P3D/FSX Coulson C-130 Texture Pack (Category: Prepar3d > Military)
14.82Mb (312 downloads)
This repaint package is intended to be used on the stock P3D C-130H models. But will also work on the payware CaptainSim C-130 models in FSX. However, the aircraft.cfg entries included in this pack must be edited to match the CS models as the P3D versions are different. If this is not done, the repaints will not appear in FSX. This pack includes repaints for newly painted Coulson C-130H "Ty" T-132, and EC-130Q "Hercules" T-131, and T-390 the Australian contract livery of T-131 for EMV Victoria, Australia. The new liveries were applied in early December 2020 and resemble the markings of T-134, lost in January 2020 while fighting fires in Australia. Both aircraft are slated to be in service in Australia for the 20/21 Bush Fire Season. Repaints created by Nicholas Mitchell and Jeremy Ulloa.
Posted Dec 15, 2020 00:50 by Nicholas Mitchell
FSX P-51 Aces: Chuck Yeager
FSX P-51 Aces: Chuck Yeager
FSX P-51 Aces: Chuck Yeager (Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.71Mb (673 downloads)
Chuck Yeager's P-51D 'Glamorous Glen III'. Original model by Roger Dial, Steve Small & Mike Hambly. Uses A.F. Scrub's Cavalier Mustang panel. Textures repainted and converted for FSX by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Dec 15, 2020 00:26 by R.E. Wyman
FSX/P3D Sikorsky S-39B Amphibian
FSX/P3D Sikorsky S-39B Amphibian
FSX/P3D Sikorsky S-39B Amphibian (Category: FSX > Vintage)
11.92Mb (813 downloads)
FSX/P3D Sikorsky S-39B Amphibian Model of S-39B NC-803W at New England Air Museum, the oldest existing Sikorsky airplane. Model created in 3ds Max for FSX. Can be flown from land or water. VC includes complete model, with multiple camera views. S-39 was built in 1930 for Charles Deeds of Pratt & Whitney. Eventually procured by Civil Air Patrol in 1942 for rescue and patrol work in WWII. By George Diemer.
Posted Dec 15, 2020 00:20 by George Diemer
Robledillo de Mohernando Airfield (LERM), Spain
Robledillo de Mohernando Airfield (LERM), Spain
Robledillo de Mohernando Airfield (LERM), Spain (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
21.62Mb (107 downloads)
A brand new package by developer bringing the airport/airfield of Robledillo de Mohernando in Guadalajara, Spain to your copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release. Screenshot showing the LERM airport scenery in use in MSFS 2020.​The scenery is a fully-featured pack that brings the airfield as close-to-life as possible - in-line with the real-world airfield (and in great detail). Features include custom buildings such as hangars on the airfield along with terminal buildings, hand placed 3D objects including cars, diggers, windsocks, and even powerline poles surrounding the airfield. The airfield itself is located in the Guadalajara region of Spain and serves very minimal local air traffic. It's also worth noting that the real-world airport does not have any night lighting available so daytime VFR flights are the only option. It's an open airfield and accepting fly-ins from anyone (subject to landing fees). About the airport The real name of the airfield is Teniente General Vives Camino (ICAO: LERM). It's a private airfield located in Robledillo de Mohernando, Guadalajara, Spain. It's managed by the Aeroclub de Guadalajara and it's mainly focused on civil aviation. The airfield is not controlled, so the pilots have to announce in the radio frequency 123.325. It has an asphalt runway (01/19) of 1000x18 meters and a sand runway of 900x30. The elevation is 3096 ft (944 m). Close to the header of runway 01, there is a VOR (RBO) with a frequency of 113.950.
Posted Dec 14, 2020 11:13 by Avaldesign
FSX/P3D v4,v5 native Cessna 150
FSX/P3D v4,v5 native Cessna 150
FSX/P3D v4,v5 native Cessna 150 (Category: FSX > Props)
17.17Mb (1159 downloads)
FSX/P3D v4,v5 native Cessna 150 The Cessna 150 is a two-seat tricycle gear general aviation airplane that was designed for flight training, touring and personal use.The Cessna 150 is the fifth most produced civilian plane ever, with 23,839 aircraft produced. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 14, 2020 06:00 by A.F.Scrub