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FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna Gauges
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna Gauges (Category: FSX > Props)
2.87Mb (693 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna Gauges These are all gauges and the light effect, needed for my Cessna variants in P3Dv4,v5. Just paste all DLLs into your P3D gauges map and the light.fx into the effects folder. It might be these items are already in your P3D installation, no need to copy them in that case. Fix by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 24, 2020 04:38 by A.F.Scrub
Aeroclub Parana, Argentina
Aeroclub Parana, Argentina (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
17.89Mb (57 downloads)
Aeroclub Ciudad de Parana - Argentina. Minor tweaks to solve issues with last update of MSFS. This scenery have the actual layout of airfield and more accurate profile of runway, with new photoreal ground texture. Unzip in community folder and enjoy.
Posted Nov 23, 2020 18:01 by Javier Rodriguez
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172 Early
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172 Early
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172 Early (Category: FSX > Props)
21.57Mb (1416 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172 Early The Cessna 172 was based on the Cessna 170 taildragger, and in 1956 the most notable difference between the airplanes was the gear. The tricycle gear that helped make the Cessna 172 an excellent training airplane was named Land-O-Matic by the marketing department. Native FSX/P3Dv4,v5 by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 23, 2020 06:09 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D AirSimmer Airbus A320 GetJet Textures
FSX/P3D AirSimmer Airbus A320 GetJet Textures
13.52Mb (69 downloads)
FS9/FSX AirSimmer Airbus A320 in GetJet livery with CFM engines. Textures only for payware AirSimmer model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Nov 23, 2020 04:36 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Portland International Airport, Portland OR USA - KPDX
Portland International Airport, Portland OR USA - KPDX
7.32Mb (184 downloads)
Scenery updates for KPDX in Portland OR, including: Hand modeled main terminal. Hand modeled control tower. Hand modeled Horizon Air hanger. Replaced generic scenery hangers with close library hangers. Updated lighting around the GA parking areas, gates and cargo areas. By FreakyD
Posted Nov 22, 2020 00:50 by gamr101
FSX/P3D Dassault Falcon 20 ECM Grupo 47 Spanish Air Force Textures
4.62Mb (443 downloads)
This is th only Dassault Falcon 20 that is operative in the Spanish Air force (Ejercito el Aire) on the 47th ECM/AAR squadron. This plane is used for elecronic warfare and elite missions. This aircraft is based in Torrejon AFB, Madrid. Original model by Rotorcraft. Textures by Alex.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 21, 2020 10:11 by Alex M. D.
(LRBC) Aeroportul International "George Enescu" Bacau, Romania
(LRBC) Aeroportul International "George Enescu" Bacau, Romania
159.60Mb (382 downloads)
(LRBC) Aeroportul International "George Enescu" Bacau P3D V4 V5. Create: -4 seasons - custom ground poly - custom airport objects - terminal buildings and tower - approach buildings and hangars - light objects with dynamic lighting - corect apron parkings - static aircrafts. Spent many hours to create! Have fun! ENJOY
Posted Nov 21, 2020 04:22 by Tompa Sergiu
San Francisco Intl - [KSFO]
San Francisco Intl - [KSFO]
San Francisco Intl - [KSFO] (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
122.85Mb (563 downloads)
This is made with the google maps decoder. All the gates, runways and frequencies work like before. I also added some lightning so at night it looks nice. Known downsides -Google jetways are still here (If anyone wants and can help I will share the file) Unzip the file and drop desnses-sanfrancisco into your community folder Want to request an airport? First check on google maps if it has 3d data and if there are no or very few planes parked at the gates/ramps My current list from sonnest to last (it may change with new requests) Credits: Current Version 1.0 by desnses
Posted Nov 20, 2020 03:53 by gamr101
Hong Kong International Airport-VHHH
Hong Kong International Airport-VHHH (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
1.42Mb (242 downloads)
Hong Kong International Airport-VHHH. Current Version 1.0 by NTSB
Posted Nov 20, 2020 03:29 by gamr101
FSX Egyptair Express Airbus A220-300
FSX Egyptair Express Airbus A220-300 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.88Mb (462 downloads)
FSX Egyptair Express Airbus A220-300 AGS V6.5. Ground animations and vehicles have all been upgraded. 2d panel but no VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Nov 20, 2020 02:36 by Camil Valiquette