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Khalkhin-Gol Incident-USSR
(Category: CFS2 > Missions & Campaigns)
129.55Mb (216 downloads)
This is an historical campaign, based on the Khalkhin-Gol battles, also known as the Nomonhan Incident between the Soviet Union and the Empire of Japan in Mongolia. The conflict occurred in the border regions of Mongolia and Manchuria from 11 May until 15 September 1939. It began with a border dispute between Mongolia (a USSR ally) and Manchukuo (the name for the Japanese puppet government of occupied Manchuria).
Historically, the incident ended in a decisive Soviet victory. Neither side wanted to go to war, and especially the Japanese, once the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed their non-aggression pact. That would have meant that Japan would then have to fight the Soviet Union alone, without her Axis allies. Both sides wanted peace
This CFS2 campaign packet consists of only the Soviet side of the conflict, with 32 total missions, set up in a 23-mission long campaign, both air to air engagements and air to ground, offensive and defensive. In some cases, the numbers of aircraft are reduced proportionately because of the limitations of the sim. For example, in mission four, over 140 aircraft were involved in a massive dogfight, but I used only 70.
My sources rarely gave exact locations for the starting points/bases and target or engagement locations throughout the campaign. Therefore, I used a best guess for these. Also, the CFS2 map is relatively flat and though changes in elevation are noted in Mission Builder, hills, valleys and some rivers do not show well when you fly the rolling steppe terrain. Geographic features are rare and are also, with a few exceptions, a best guess, using the source maps.
Enjoy the air "war"!
Posted Nov 12, 2020 22:18 by Gregory Baskin AKA Shadow Wolf 07

P3D/FSX Rolls-Royce/SNECM 593 Concorde Sound Package Update
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
72.39Mb (558 downloads)
An update for My Newest Heavily updated Concorde Sound Package, the idle was too quiet so I updated it be louder.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 14:57 by Kelvin Keeble

FSX/P3D de Havilland Canada DHC8-Q400 Package V2
(Category: FSX > Props)
62.53Mb (3612 downloads)
FSX/P3D de Havilland Canada DHC8-Q400 Package v2.0. The "Dash 8" Q400 (Q for Quiet) was originally developed and built by Bombardier, but was sold in 2019 to Longview Aviation Capital, who re-instated the de Havilland Canada brand. Includes 6 liveries: ASky Airlines (ET-AQD), Air Baltic (YL-BBV), Flybe (G-JEDI), Croatia Airlines (9A-CQB), Westjet Encore (C-GENU) and White (C-GKUK). New wide 2D glass panel and updated Premier Aircraft Design (PAD) VC V2.0, with a new complete set of XML gauges including multi-function PFD, MFD and EICAS screens. This aircraft is based on the beautiful DHC8-Q400 FSX model by Dreamwings, featuring a brand new Air file and much improved flight dynamics. All textures are very detailled with new alpha layers and reflections. All textures are DXT5. Improved night lighting, with a new set of effects. The new panels are using the following extra gauges: HGS, Ground Services, VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32 and new Cockpit sounds. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Realistic Pratt and Whitney PW150A sound file. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9). Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 11:54 by Philippe Marion

FSX/P3D ATR42-500 Air Corsica.
(Category: FSX > Props)
62.01Mb (698 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR42-500 Air Corsica. Air Corsica is based at Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte (Campo dell'Oro) Airport on the French Island of Corsica and currently have 1 ATR42-500 in their fleet.
Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware.
Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 09:16 by chris evans

Brighton part 2
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
148.94Mb (201 downloads)
Continuing on from Brighton part 1, this scenery moves west along the coast line of Hove to Portslade by Sea
This scenery is better used in conjunction with Brighton Part 1
Posted Nov 12, 2020 05:58 by John Lovell

Brighton, UK, Part 1
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
224.10Mb (188 downloads)
This scenery I am releasing in two parts at the moment, though I will be adding more parts to this. You can get the 2nd part to this scenery here
Part 1 here is the main strip of Brighton covering 2 kilometers of the coast line from Hove to Brighton Marina. This is where all the main attractions are including the i360 viewing tower and the famous pier.
I have colour corrected the textures removing the blue that is quite common with these google imports.
I few issues I will be addressing here to do with the water clashing/height surrounding the pier.
Installation guide included in the zip file and also the line you will need to add to your content.xml in order for the scenery to show in the sim
Posted Nov 12, 2020 05:11 by John Lovell

FSX French Bee Airbus A350-900
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.98Mb (368 downloads)
FSX French Bee Airbus A350-900 AGS V6.5.
Ground animations and vehicles have all been upgraded.
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Nov 12, 2020 03:47 by Camil Valiquette

FS2004 French Bee Airbus A350-900
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.50Mb (319 downloads)
FS2004 French Bee Airbus A350-900 AGS AGS V6.5.
Ground animations and vehicles have all been upgraded.
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Nov 12, 2020 03:45 by Camil Valiquette

FSX/P3D de Havilland Canada DHC-7 United States Army pac
(Category: FSX > Military)
86.30Mb (1521 downloads)
FSX/P3D de Havilland Canada DHC-7 United States Army pack.
The United States Army uses the DHC-7 as a surveillance aircraft.
Model by Milton Shupe, Mike Kelly, George Arana and Sim-Outhouse. FSX native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Thanks to Matt Ervin for the great textures. Textured and tested in P3Dv5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and all previous P3D versions.
Posted Nov 11, 2020 11:26 by chris evans

FSX/P3D/FS2004 Worldways DC-4 textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
5.87Mb (205 downloads)
FS9/FSX Worldways textures for Jens Kristenen's DC-4 V3.
Worldways textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Nov 10, 2020 21:43 by Gary Harper