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FS2004 Kalitta Air Boeing 777-300ERSF
FS2004 Kalitta Air Boeing 777-300ERSF
FS2004 Kalitta Air Boeing 777-300ERSF (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
15.00Mb (371 downloads)
Kalitta Air has recently been announced as the launch customer for the "Big Twin", a Boeing 777-300ERSF. Converted into freighter by IAI, and offered by GECAS, the aircraft will begin operations with Kalitta Air in 2023. Model by POSKY included.
Posted Nov 8, 2020 13:43 by fs10inator
Cockpit Orthodox A320NEO
Cockpit Orthodox A320NEO (Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
30.24Mb (507 downloads)
Adds icons to the default A320neo cockpit
Posted Nov 8, 2020 12:07 by TMSergey
EGXD-Dishforth Airfield, UK
EGXD-Dishforth Airfield, UK (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
2.72Mb (77 downloads)
EGXD-Dishforth Airfield, near Thirsk, UK.
Posted Nov 8, 2020 11:53 by Cudgedave
Caproni-Vizzola C-22J Ventura
Caproni-Vizzola C-22J Ventura (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
157.85Mb (1082 downloads)
The Machine: A fully aerobatic, very-light Jet that compares to the Bede BD-5J, but heavier and sporting two instead of one TRS-18 turbojets. Up to Mach 0.47 and 650 NM of range, with a service ceiling of 25000ft. A low stall speed (for a jet) makes the aircraft good for short field operations. Certified for VFR operations only, yet includes a good avionics suite. This is a "Classic" aircraft featuring "Steam" gauges and radios. Yet, controls and systems are easy to operate. The History: The C-22J is the last aircraft to be adorned with the legendary Caproni name. Originally known as "Caproncino", then marketed as "Ventura". A very-light jet developed in the 1980s as a military trainer, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft. Powered by two TRS-18 turbojets fed from a dorsal NACA intake, the aircraft reached Mach 0.47 and was fully aerobatic. The airframe shows its origin in a glider design, the Caproni A-21 Calif. After the merger with SIAI Marchetti, the project was cancelled in favor of the SF-260. The Simulation - 3D Model: This aircraft ships with a 3-D cockpit, that incorporates realistic night lighting, in the form of a dim dome flood light, backlit gauges and luminous digital displays. The flight crew of 2 is affected by your input in the payloads menu of Flight Simulator, allowing to choose between male, female or empty seats. The Copilot Figure can be hidden with a quick click in the internal 3D view as well. The Simulation - Realism: This aircraft has been tuned with the invaluable help of Engineer Carlo Ferrarin, who created the real aircraft. Unique and one-off documentation has been kindly provided, and used extensively, for the creation of this product! Just like the real aircraft, the systems are simple and of easy operation. Engines can be started with the press of a button. Systems modelling allows the following of real-world checklists as closely as Flight Simulator allows. An in-sim checklist is included, as well as a full flight manual. The flight model is tuned with advanced aerospace techniques, resulting in a highly realistic aircraft, yet, it is very pleasant to fly, both during aerobatic displays or "A to B" cruising. Highlights: - High-Resolution 3D cockpit - Full Documentation - Aerobatic THe FS-2004 Version is freeware due to platform limitations and has limited support (See Readme). FS-X & P3Dv4 (64-bit) versions are commercial products. In the future, we plan to release a Flight Simulator (2020) edition as well.
Posted Nov 7, 2020 10:53 by Mario Noriega
FSX/P3D ATR42-600 Aeromar
FSX/P3D ATR42-600 Aeromar (Category: FSX > Props)
59.32Mb (1418 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR42-600 Aeromar. Aeromar is a Mexican airline based at Mexico City Licenciado Benito Juarez and currently operate 12 ATR-42 aircraft flying to destinations around Mexico, Latin America and the USA. Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware. Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 7, 2020 08:19 by chris evans
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172C Skyhawk
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172C Skyhawk
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172C Skyhawk (Category: FSX > Props)
19.26Mb (1352 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 Cessna 172C Skyhawk The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an all-metal, single-engine, four-seat, high-wing light utility aircraft, produced by Cessna Aircraft Company between 1958 and 1962. Early 172s were similar in appearance to the 170s, with the same straight aft fuselage and tall landing gear legs, although the 172 had a straight tailfin while the 170 had a rounded fin and rudder. In 1960, the 172A incorporated revised landing gear and the swept-back tailfin, which is still in use today. Native FSX/P3Dv4,v5 by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 6, 2020 15:24 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D ATR42-300  Calm Air
FSX/P3D ATR42-300 Calm Air (Category: FSX > Props)
59.33Mb (758 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR42-300 Calm Air. Calm Air is a Canadian airline flying in northern Manitoba and the Kivalliq Regio, Nunavut with it's base at Winnipeg Airport. Calm Air currently operate 7 ATR 42. Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware. Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 6, 2020 07:48 by chris evans
FSX Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" A350-1000
FSX Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" A350-1000 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.85Mb (296 downloads)
FSX Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" A350-1000 AGS V6.5. Ground animations and vehicles have all been upgraded. 2d Panel but no VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Nov 6, 2020 05:45 by Camil Valiquette
FS2004 Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" Airbus A350-1000
FS2004 Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" Airbus A350-1000 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.33Mb (234 downloads)
FS2004 Virgin Atlantic "Rosie Lee" Airbus A350-1000 AGS V6.5. Ground animations and vehicles have all been improved. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Nov 6, 2020 05:43 by Camil Valiquette
Swiss Airfields
Swiss Airfields
Swiss Airfields (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
0.25Mb (226 downloads)
A small but growing collection of small GA airfields in switzerland to improve on the very limited fidelity of the fields included in FS2020. The fields are all in one package (with separate BGLs for each airfield) to reduce community folder clutter and dependency issues for common assets. At this stage the focus is on function and accuracy, and not (yet) on custom objects eye candy. List of airfields LSZV Sitterdorf LSPH Winterthur LSPG Kägiswil LSZT Lommis LSZK Speck Installation: Just unpack the zip in the community folder. PS: This is intended to be a community project - a corresponding github repository has been set up from the start. Contact me if you want to help/contribute. It's consuming way too much of my time...
Posted Nov 5, 2020 02:15 by mrbump