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FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable And Divable German WWII 9D U-Boat
FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable And Divable German WWII 9D U-Boat
18.19Mb (1639 downloads)
FSX/Accel/FS2004 Pilotable and divable German WWII 9D U-Boa with animations. This model comes originally from UBI Softs Silent Hunter 3, converted to FS2004/FSX by Shessie from SOH. After sending the crew into the boat you let it go submerging. Six different 2D views and twelve FSX camera views plus virtual conning tower views let you explore the boat. You even can watch the submerging from the periscope. The ship and weapon effects can be triggered with lights, strobe lights and smoke-key. Model convertion from SH3 to FS2004 and animations by Shessie from SOH. 2D Panels, activation of the virtual views, effect configuration and FSX-cameras by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 30, 2020 03:11 by Erwin Welker
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-100 FSX Native Conversion
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-100 FSX Native Conversion
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-100 FSX Native Conversion (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
23.02Mb (1626 downloads)
The Project Opensky Boeing 747-100 V4 Native Conversion for FSX/P3D is the first of the initial release of the POSKY 747V4 Classic Series, and it is a new conversion of the old top-hit freeware add-on aircraft series that is known to the Flight Simulation Community since FS2002, FS2004, and onwards to FSX and has been loved by thousands of Flight-simmers across the world because of its simple-but-great model, and completely free of charge. But with newer flight simulators on the line under the ESP Flight Simulator Type such as Lockheed Martin Prepar3DV4 and V5, the Project Opensky Boeing 747V4 Classic Series (which was only made for FS9) were slowly falling behind and couldn’t keep up with the current flight simulators today. And now, for the first time in 2020; this conversion has surfaced to the public and in the eyes of the flight simulation community. Destined to fly in the current flight simulators of today like FSX, FSX: Steam Edition, Prepar3D V1 to V4 and Prepar3D V5, this classic freeware had continued to live on into the new era, bringing nostalgia not only just to those who flown it before in FS2004, but also for a new generation who can relive classic scenes of the Jumbo Jet’s illustrious history through this iconic freeware add-on aircraft series in today’s flight simulator platforms. And the permission to convert the models was acquired from the developer who was the mind of the POSKY 747V4 Classic Series: Hiroshi Igami. And he gave our conversion team the green light to do so. Leading to this conversion to surface in the public for the first time. Follow the instructions in the Readme txt file. And read the documentation for more info and the credits on this base package. See docs for credits. 2d panel only. No VC
Posted Sep 30, 2020 01:44 by uploader
VOHS - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
VOHS - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
VOHS - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, India. First ever indian scenery for MSFS2020. Highly detailed VOHS (Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport) for MSFS2020. The scenery objects were re-used from my XPlane-11 scenery. Made a few enhancements to it. Hope you enjoy it.
Posted Sep 30, 2020 01:03 by conneCT
MSFS C152X Realism Mod
MSFS C152X Realism Mod [external link] (Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
MSFS C152X Realism Mod. Some of the current improvements (not exhaustive): Modified stall speeds flap up/flap down in accordance with published information. Aircraft will now stall at a significantly higher speed. Numerous changes to engine performance, now in accordance with Lycoming O-235L2C (115HP, 2700RPM) See note below. Fuel consumption adjusted. Long Range Fuel Tanks 37.5USG total useable. See note below. Fuel Gauges correctly calibrated. Fuel Gauge indications will vary realistically in out of balance flight (depending on quantity of fuel in tank) and also on the ground when the aircraft is not wings level. More ...
Posted Sep 30, 2020 00:03 by gamr101
IconA5 mission in Alaska
IconA5 mission in Alaska (Category: FSX > Missions)
0.59Mb (713 downloads)
Take off in an IconA5 from Warm Spring Bay airport in Baranof , Alaska make 3 water landings and end the mission with a wheeled landing at Juneau.
Posted Sep 29, 2020 15:17 by Don Olsson
FAIB Airbus A321 Red Wings Textures
FAIB Airbus A321 Red Wings Textures
FAIB Airbus A321 Red Wings Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.93Mb (99 downloads)
FS9/FSX Red Wings new colors textures only for AI-traffic FAIB Airbus A321 CFM model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Sep 29, 2020 13:05 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Aeromexico package with native B787 cockpit
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Aeromexico package with native B787 cockpit
82.79Mb (1566 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Aeromexico package with native B787 cockpit. Mexico's flag carrier airline is based at Mexico City Licenciado Benito Juarez Airport and currently have 10 Boeing 787-9 with a further 4 on order, flying to destinations worldwide. The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Bender Erik great adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document folder to get the best out of the VC. Textured, assembled and tested in P3Dv5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Sep 29, 2020 06:03 by chris evans
Skagway - Alaska
Skagway - Alaska
Skagway - Alaska [external link] (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
Add some very much needed scenario to Skagway, Alaska. The original scenario is missing a lot of detail and, to make matters worse, has some cruise ships and the marina very clearly visible in the background image of the port. To install simply drop into your Community folder. This is my first scenery so I'm not sure if everything is ok, especially concerning library dependencies. Be sure to check my other scenarios in the same area:
Posted Sep 29, 2020 01:05 by conneCT
EGNG Bagby Airfield, UK
EGNG Bagby Airfield, UK (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
3.19Mb (128 downloads)
This is Bagby Airfield in North Yorkshire,UK. A small GA airfield - made with custom models.
Posted Sep 28, 2020 13:20 by MorrisseysMonkey
15.67Mb (853 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/P3DV3/FS2004 German frigate F222 Baden Wuerttemberg, a new vessel of the German F125-class. The package contains a pilotable and three ai-versions; one with a MH-90 helicopter doing take off and landing training. The ship is launched in 2014 and has a length of 150 m. It is armed with a 127 mm, two 27 mm and five 12.7 mm remote controled maschine guns plus Harpoon missiles and carries two Sea Lynx or MH-90 helicopters. The pilotable version has more than fourty moving parts, a complete realistic virtual nav-bridge plus a matching 2D bridge. The animations shows movements of the helicopter, Harpoon missile launches and a Zodiac boat moved down to the water surface. Twenty five camera views let you explore all decks and the virtual bridge, let you operate all weapons and the helicopter. The gauges are made by Pierre-Jean Carosin. FSDS 3.5 models and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 28, 2020 08:38 by Erwin Welker