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Beechcraft C-45G "Expediter" USAF Package
Beechcraft C-45G "Expediter" USAF Package
19.21Mb (9079 downloads)
(Window transparency fixed!) FSX Beechcraft C-45G "Expediter" USAF A complete redesign by Cliff Presley that converts simTECH Flight Design's FREEWARE Beech 18 into a fabulous, photo realistic delineation of a USAF C-45 "Expediter." 500 man hours went into the new textures and upgraded interior, engine detail, and reconfigured flight crew. It also includes a sound system by Des Braban, instrument panel by Fred Choate, and revised aircraft.cfg file by John de Giorgio that makes this beauty fly the way she was supposed to. Converted to FSX by Danny Garnier. Textures and panel edits.
Posted Jun 12, 2012 13:22 by Garnier D
Edwards AFB, California, Ground Additions
Edwards AFB, California, Ground Additions
Edwards AFB, California, Ground Additions (Category: FSX > Scenery)
7.21Mb (5417 downloads)
Edwards AFB, California, Ground Additions This Scenery Addition is an unofficial Update for the Acceleration Pack Edwards AFB Scenery. It adds 2 Refuel Stations, Static KC-135 Tanker, Static F-15C, Static A-10, Static Predator, Static C-130 Hercules.
Posted Jun 12, 2012 07:54 by uploader
Isla del Maiz - Corn Island Nicaragua (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.18Mb (228 downloads)
Beautiful Caribbean island in Nicaragua.
Posted Jun 12, 2012 01:42 by Alberto Thomas
FSX Bahamasair/Xtra Boeing 737-500
FSX Bahamasair/Xtra Boeing 737-500
FSX Bahamasair/Xtra Boeing 737-500 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
86.32Mb (3617 downloads)
FSX 737-500 new Bahamas Air (C6-BFE) and New Xtra Airlines Bahamasair that has services to KBWI, KRDU, KRIC, KSDF. Painted by BahamasFlyers. Original model by Eric Cantu/FFX adapted for FSX. (No VC.)
Posted Jun 11, 2012 23:26 by Shawn Penn
WoP3 P-51D '303' Sqn Textures
WoP3 P-51D '303' Sqn Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
11.94Mb (364 downloads)
This is a repaint for the payware Wings of Power 3 P-51D Mustang by A2A Simulations. The skin depicts personal plane of the last CO of 303 (Polish) Squadron, S/L Witold Lokuciewski. Repaint was done using superb paintkit by Martin Catney (A2A)
Posted Jun 11, 2012 15:17 by Lukasz Kubacki
SAAB 340 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
SAAB 340 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
SAAB 340 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.83Mb (473 downloads)
FS2004 Aerolineas Argentinas textures only for the FFG Saab 340. Repaint by Jorge Selandari.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 15:00 by Jorge Selandari
A320 Donbassaero Package
A320 Donbassaero Package
A320 Donbassaero Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
31.76Mb (1598 downloads)
Project Airbus Donbassaero A320 UR-DAB for FSX. Donbassaero is an airline with its head office in Donetsk International Airport in Donetsk, Ukraine. Includes default VC, upgraded by Jim Fly and great custom Airbus A320 sounds.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 13:48 by Jim Fly
FS2004 Extra-300L SP/HA
FS2004 Extra-300L SP/HA (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.38Mb (724 downloads)
FS2004 Extra-300L SP/HA The Walter Extra Factory's tandem seater aerobatic plane. The main gauges builted in the model V.C. MSFS model designed by Michael Garbers. Livery, fixed FD mods by George Csillag.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:46 by George Csillag
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Alice Blue Textures
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Alice Blue Textures
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Alice Blue Textures (Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.13Mb (419 downloads)
For use with the C337 by Mike Stone are these textures in a white with two tone blue scheme. These are the textures only, you need to use. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
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required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:27 by Don Brynelsen
FS2004 Skymaster RNC "Sky Ninja" O-2 Textures
FS2004 Skymaster RNC "Sky Ninja" O-2 Textures
0.12Mb (395 downloads)
Inspired by the Ben Dunn comic book "Ninja High School" are these textures for the Cessna O-2 by Mike Stone. In the comic RNC is a Japanese Mega Corporation bent on world Dommination. To this end they employ a variety of equipment ranging from APCs to giant mecha. An aircraft such as this might be equiped with such things as Radar and Communications Disruption gear, Survailance equipment, even EM pulse generators! These are the textures only, you will need Mike's O-2 (Found in his Skymaster package to use. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:23 by Don Brynelsen