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Beech Baron 58 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
0.43Mb (556 downloads)
FS2004 Aerolineas Argentinas Beech BE58, registration LV-JHS. Aerolineas Argentinas new color (ficticial) textures only for the default Beechcraft 58. Repaint by Jorge Selandari.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 08:42 by Jorge Selandari
Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport Package
Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport Package
33.24Mb (4916 downloads)
Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport (CYQB), Canada, v3.0. Includes terminal building, very accurate AFCAD, les Ailes Quebecoises, hangar AeroPro, hangar Essor Helicopteres, main security gate, taxi station, Air Canada Cargo buildings, fire station, aerocenter, hangar PetroT FBO, lighting on apron 1 and 2, antennas with strobe lights and red lights on mount Belair, hangar Trans-Sol FBO, Avitair-Jazz, Service Aerien Gouvernement du Quebec buildings, hangar Canadian Helicopters, Exeltech, Navcanada installation including the control tower, Groupe Alta, hangar Heli Express, maintenance installation buildings, new hangar for Trans-Sol FBO, parking exit cashier, Aqta Association Quebecoise des Transporteurs Aerien, Batiment des Gens de l'Air, airport administration building, fuel depot, les Cuisine de l'Air catering, fuel pump PetroT, static aircraft, ambulance. By Gilles Boily.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 06:40 by uploader
Airbus A310-300 TAP Package
Airbus A310-300 TAP Package
Airbus A310-300 TAP Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
15.03Mb (8798 downloads)
Model & VC by Thomas Ruth, textures & packed by ricardo_tv. The Airbus A310 is a medium- to long-range twin-engined widebody jet airliner. Launched in July 1978, it was the second aircraft to enter production by Airbus Industrie, the consortium of European aerospace companies which is now owned by EADS.
Posted Jun 10, 2012 22:00 by ricardo_tv
FSX Alternative Grass Textures
FSX Alternative Grass Textures
FSX Alternative Grass Textures (Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.49Mb (1894 downloads)
FSX Alternative grass textures. To install, copy the detail1.bmp to your FSX SceneryWorldTexture folder. Please ensure you backup your original detail1.bmp file.
Posted Jun 10, 2012 13:37 by uploader
FSX Photoreal Nauru Island (Category: FSX > Scenery)
17.15Mb (476 downloads)
Comes with complete Photoreal Scenery and Basic Autogen. Also includes a New AFCAD to suit the Photoreal Scenery. Nauru, in the south Pacific NE of Australia, is the world's smallest republic, covering just 21 square kilometres (8.1 sq mi). With just over 9,322 residents, it is the second least-populated country after Vatican City I have not done any work on the Airport and will leave that for someone else to do. If you make a New Airport please feel free to include this Scenery with your project and permission is not needed and you may do with this scenery anything you like except make money from it !!
Posted Jun 10, 2012 11:57 by Petro Lambert
CFS2            East Asia World War II scenery - Full package 2006 edition
6.78Mb (2415 downloads)
CFS2 East Asia World War II scenery - Full package 2006 edition. New release of this CFS2 add-on with more than 360 new airfields, seaplane bases and other sceneries to Combat Flight Simulator 2. By Xavier Berdaguer. 6.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2012 11:30 by archive
Boeing E-767 Japan Air-Self Defence Force
Boeing E-767 Japan Air-Self Defence Force
Boeing E-767 Japan Air-Self Defence Force (Category: FSX > Military)
59.19Mb (11897 downloads)
Japan Air-Self Defence Force Boeing E-767 84-3504. Upgraded to FSX using Alrot's revised Boeing 737-800 VC. This model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night textures. Model features High resolution textures, Dynamic flexing wings, Body gear steering, Nose gear steering, Rudder lock, Ground spoilers, Low speed aileron locks at high speed, Fully animated control surfaces, Fully independent suspension, Trim Animation, Opening Passenger Doors, Animated tilting bogies, Rolling wheels, Animated thrust reverser's with reverser block doors, Detailed textures, Full night lighting, Crash affects, Ground Service Vehicles And more. Included custom Boeing 767 sounds! Painted by Yosuke Ube FSX native model by Skyspirit. VC by Alejandro Rojas Lucena (Alrot). Modified for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jun 10, 2012 07:09 by Chris Evans
A320 EasyJet Package
A320 EasyJet Package
A320 EasyJet Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
58.73Mb (15776 downloads)
Project Airbus EasyJet A320 G-EZUI for FSX. Includes upgraded default VC by Jim Fly and great custom Airbus A320 sounds.
Posted Jun 9, 2012 16:55 by Jim Fly
FSX FLRZ Royal Airstrip, Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia
3.46Mb (662 downloads)
FSX FLRZ Royal Airstrip, Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia. Addition to FSX, No stock airstrip in FSX. For those who like bush flying
Posted Jun 9, 2012 11:32 by Bashir Ismail
Airbus A320 LTU Package
Airbus A320 LTU Package
Airbus A320 LTU Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
57.13Mb (1846 downloads)
Project Airbus LTU A320 D-ALTB for FSX. Includes default VC, upgraded by Jim Fly and great custom Airbus A320 sounds.
Posted Jun 9, 2012 06:16 by Jim Fly