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Fix-V2 For Dornier Do-24K Flying Boat
Fix-V2 For Dornier Do-24K Flying Boat
Fix-V2 For Dornier Do-24K Flying Boat (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.45Mb (1018 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration fix with improved flight dynamics for Dornier Do24K flying boat (DO24VC-FSX.ZIP). Now the seaplane allows easier take offs and higher speed. The 2D-panel now shows the gun turret permanently in front of the cockpit. Before, a strange effect showed the virtual gun turret in front of the 2D-panel while on water and disapeared when airborne. By Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 8, 2013 06:20 by Erwin Welker
Tupolev Tu-134A Super Performer
Tupolev Tu-134A Super Performer
Tupolev Tu-134A Super Performer (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
29.52Mb (3015 downloads)
VikingAir`s Tupolev Tu-134A SuperPerformer. Enjoy this classic jetliner. Hear the powerfull sound of the Soloviev D-30-II turbofans. Smoke file included. Aircraft.cfg tuned up a little. 2d Cockpit. Enjoy your flight
Posted Dec 8, 2013 04:31 by Kim Schandorff
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Soundset for FSX/04/02/CFS3/2
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Soundset for FSX/04/02/CFS3/2 (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
1.99Mb (2143 downloads)
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Soundset for FSX/04/02/CFS3/2 Compiled from high quality audio samples for ultimate realism and immersion. The sound of the Allison V-1710 is captured in all it's splendor with this soundset. A perfect compliment to my recent Focke Wulf 190 release. These two aircraft went head to head in WWII combat. Also suitable for the P-39Q Airacobra. (Seperate sound cfg for CFS3 also). By Aaron R. Swindle Skysong Soundworks.
Posted Dec 7, 2013 22:27 by uploader
Boeing 737-800 Kings Air Textures
Boeing 737-800 Kings Air Textures
Boeing 737-800 Kings Air Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
9.11Mb (510 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX default Boeing 737-800. Repaint by M.Folkerts
Posted Dec 7, 2013 15:56 by M.folkerts
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0 (Category: X Plane > Military)
49.40Mb (3404 downloads)
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0. Thanks to Norman (SuperFighter2) for permission to upload this update of his MiG-21 M. Everything contained in this package has been originally created by Norman (every 3D instrument, object, .acf file, etc.). This package includes an updated 3D cockpit. Every 3D instruments in the cockpit has been created by Norman. Updated radar (from Norman's MiG-21PFM). Now shows traffic at correct angles. You can also lock targets. Night lighting in the cockpit. Optimised objects with single sided surfaces. Remapped and retextured external model. New canopy (can be opened pressing shift + F1). Three liveries included: Russia, Croatia, Romania. Also includes a paint kit. By Francesco d'Arpa.
Posted Dec 7, 2013 06:43 by uploader
LFOH  - Le Havre Octeville - France
LFOH  - Le Havre Octeville - France
LFOH - Le Havre Octeville - France (Category: FSX > Scenery)
6.43Mb (3437 downloads)
LFOH - Le Havre Octeville - France - tested with FSX /SP2 and with the NEXTMap ProMesh France 4.75m (FS Dreamscapes). Le Havre Octeville aiport is in Normandy - region of north-western France It is situated on the right bank of the estuary of the river Seine on the English Channel. Bruno VALLY
Posted Dec 7, 2013 06:22 by uploader
FSX C208B Caravan UN-WFP Textures
FSX C208B Caravan UN-WFP Textures
FSX C208B Caravan UN-WFP Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
2.32Mb (1020 downloads)
Repaint of the default C208B Caravan. Textures for the UN World Food Programme Humanitarian Air Services. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 23:40 by R.E. Wyman
Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 Package V2
Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 Package V2
Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 Package V2 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
22.58Mb (6419 downloads)
FSX Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 V.2 This revised model features a modern VC, a realistic slow radial engine start, a fuel and payload manager, built-in failure conditions, improved engine textures and new engine-focused cameraviews. Sound is aliased to the default DC-3. Three C-117D Expansion Packs will be available separately from Sim-Outhouse: a custom sound set by Ted "Tufun" Wolfgang, and a paintkit and two alternate VC texture sets by Gordon "Gman" Madison. Historical research by John Detrick, models by Manfred Jahn, flight dynamics by Alexander M. Metzger, gauges, animations, and failure conditions by Hansjoerg Naegele. Startup smoke effect by Ted Wolfgang. DX10 fix included.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 04:06 by uploader
Prepar3D v2 Launcher Utility (Category: Prepar3d > Utilities)
0.45Mb (1003 downloads)
Prepar3D v2 Launcher Utility. Why you need it? "Prepar3D v2" starts directly in flight. Even you enable the scenario starup menu on startup there is no option to load your flight from there. Every time, after the default flight gets loaded, you have to go to the menu and load your saved flight from there which is a total waste of time. I created this little utility to solve this little but annoying problem until Prepar3D development team takes care of it. The program will launch "Prepar3D v2" directly with your saved flight that you choose as you will expect. This method is also a faster way to start the simulator as you don't need to wait anything to be loaded except your saved fight.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 03:06 by Ahmet Mehmetbeyoglu
EGGW London Luton Airport, UK
EGGW London Luton Airport, UK (Category: X Plane > Scenery)
1.16Mb (1253 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery EGGW London Luton, UK, v1.0. London Luton Airport is an international airport located 1.5 miles east of Luton town center in the Borough of Luton in Bedfordshire, England. Requires Openscenery and special thanks to Walter Blinney for the fuel tank objects. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 6, 2013 02:56 by uploader