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Concorde Supersonic Sound Package
Concorde Supersonic Sound Package
Concorde Supersonic Sound Package (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
214.13Mb (7507 downloads)
SkyHigh Audio Simulations is proud to present our new FSX Concorde Sound Package! This add-on will hopefully bring Concorde back to life since the real thing no longer flies and I do not think an Olympus 593 turbojet engine has run since 2003. So to achieve this goal, I have worked to the bone to fine tune this sound and add as many features as possible. The main new feature of this sound is XML Gauge Sound technology, never seen before in a SkyHigh sound release, or on any sound package release for the matter. The XML gauge sounds include a brake sound, sonic boom sound effect, as well as a switch panel that plays various cabin annoucements. 3D Sound Cone Technology has of course, been extensively used in this release, as with our other FSX sound releases. You can even hear the ground trembling from the noise when Concorde flies by. I could go for days explaining the features of these sounds but I'd like for you to hear them for yourself. So please give this download a go if you want to bring Concorde back to life with a very realistic sounding Concorde sound package for FSX! Please visit our website at: for more info and sound packs!
Posted Nov 27, 2013 09:42 by Adam Murphy
FSX Boeing 737-800 Titan Airways Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Titan Airways Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Titan Airways Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
14.73Mb (1168 downloads)
Based at London's Stansted Airport Titan Airways is a specialist in corporate and sub charter leasing as well as freight moving. This is a High Definition texture only repaint for the FSX 737-800. To operate in Hi Def follow the simple instructions included in the download.
Posted Nov 27, 2013 07:58 by Paul Davies
Transavia PL-12 Airtruk
Transavia PL-12 Airtruk
Transavia PL-12 Airtruk (Category: FS2004 > Props)
5.76Mb (1698 downloads)
Transavia PL-12 Airtruk This is a complete aircraft. Original by Mike Stone. Two repaints (Star Agrochemicals, USA and one Australian livery) by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Nov 27, 2013 00:55 by Ingo Schwan
FSX/FS2004 Grumman F14D "La Bestia II" Textures
FSX/FS2004 Grumman F14D "La Bestia II" Textures
3.79Mb (884 downloads)
Flight Dynamics Ver.3-07 FSX/FS2004 F14D model by Ivan Kostic/Steve Hinson using Dino Cattaneo & Jeff Dobbings Excellent aircraft with great maneuverability and power. This aircraft was painted for the Armada fictitiously. The Beast II, "La Bestia II". Textures only. You can see video in youtube
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2013 16:29 by Jorge Selandari
2B3 Parlin Field, Newport, New Hampshire  Airport
2B3 Parlin Field, Newport, New Hampshire  Airport
0.62Mb (831 downloads)
This FSX scenery package contains the 2B3 Parlin Field airport in Newport, New Hampshire. This airport is intended to be used with FSX and the free addon - TileProxy. TileProxy provides real-time photorealistic satellite imagery in place of the stock auto generated FSX scenery or any other scenery package. This airport was originally released as part of an FSX airport scenery package containing 21 airports, located in New Hampshire and Vermont. The link to the original 21 New Hampshire & Vermont Airport package is shown below. This file is not required, but allows you to download 21 related airports. The 2B3 Parlin Field airport in the original 21 airport package was missing a required scenery file which corrects the airport altitude (from 784 ft. to 794 ft.) due to the mis-location of the stock FSX airport. This download provides all three of the required .bgl scenery files.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 21:44 by John Greenwood
FSX/FS2004 Airbus A320 Monarch Airlines Textures
FSX/FS2004 Airbus A320 Monarch Airlines Textures
20.88Mb (1433 downloads)
Monarch, is a British airline based at Luton Airport,operating scheduled flights to destinations in the Mediterranean, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Turkey, with additional charter services to Europe, the United States, the Caribbean, India and Africa.Monarch Airlines (G-MONX) Old (G-MRJK) New Photoreal textures in 32 bit for freeware Project Airbus A320 v2.1 (model not included; get it at the Project Airbus website). Repaint by: Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 20:50 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Manchester Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Manchester Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Manchester Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
15.04Mb (1387 downloads)
Another livery variation from UK operator Jet2. Manchester is one of several UK bases the airline conducts flights from. This is a High Definition 'texture only' for the default FSX Boeing 737-800. To operate in Hi Def follow the simple instructions included in the download.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 08:17 by Paul Davies
Loire Nieuport LN411 Updated Package
Loire Nieuport LN411 Updated Package
Loire Nieuport LN411 Updated Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
21.55Mb (1165 downloads)
The Loire Nieuport was a French dive bomber operated by the French Navy in 1940 and had a significant role in a couple of battles against the German invasion in 1940. This FSX package features a completely re-modelled and enhanced VC and and 2D panel as well as additional gauges in the 2D panel. Model by Patrice Grange, new panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 05:00 by Michael Pook
X Plane 10 Boeing Field, KBFI, Washington
X Plane 10 Boeing Field, KBFI, Washington
X Plane 10 Boeing Field, KBFI, Washington (Category: X Plane > Scenery)
3.97Mb (846 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery - Boeing Field (KBFI), Washington (WA), USA, v1.0. Boeing Field, officially King County International Airport, is a public airport owned and operated by King County, five miles south of downtown Seattle, Washington. Uses OpenScenery and RUScenery. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Nov 25, 2013 04:34 by Dave French
Upgraded FSND Boeing 707-420 Package
Upgraded FSND Boeing 707-420 Package
Upgraded FSND Boeing 707-420 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
67.42Mb (16270 downloads)
Boeing 707-420 Updated. Comprehensive package with high detail virtual cockpit and many more features! Liveries: Air France, Pan Am, TWA, Varig, American Airlines, Platano. The 707's jet speed, long range, high seating capacity and operating economics revolutionised airliner travel when it was introduced into service in 1958. The 707 also laid the foundations for Boeing's dominance of the jet airliner market. Brett Henderson made an extraordinary work in flight dynamics by making this aircraft as near to 100% realistic, An expert avionics consultant put the emphasis on realistic flight rather than simple eye candy. Custom sounds package, and much more! FSX-SDK-SP2 now provides a better basis for realistic flight. Made exclusively for the Simviation/FSND community by Alejandro Rojas Lucena (Alrot) (Not for redistribution). Previous version had over 77000 downloads.
Posted Nov 24, 2013 18:39 by Alejandro Rojas Lucena