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FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Yorkshire Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Yorkshire Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jet2 Yorkshire Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
15.27Mb (836 downloads)
Jet2 is a low cost UK airline based at Yorkshire's Leeds/Bradford airport. It operates from several other UK locations as well as Alicante in Spain. This repaint is in the 'Yorkshire'livery and is High Definition 'texture only' for the default FSX Beoing 737-800. If you wish to operate in Hi Def follow the simple instructions included in the download.
Posted Nov 24, 2013 10:18 by Paul Davies
FS2004 SSP2010 KC-767J Complete Package
FS2004 SSP2010 KC-767J Complete Package (Category: FS2004 > Military)
14.18Mb (7787 downloads)
FS2004 SSP2010 KC-767J Complete Package. This Boeing KC767 package is set based on the model data in FS2004. JASDF texture. Base texture (E767 JASDF) by Yosuke Ube, editing by Hiroaki Kubota
Posted Nov 24, 2013 10:17 by Chris E
FSX World Airfields Locator
FSX World Airfields Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
5.81Mb (5336 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for ALL of the FSX default airfields. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. There is two versions. One is Microsoft Office Excel. The other is in basic Wordpad. With the exception of any updates, that's the lot. by Carl Vokes
Posted Nov 24, 2013 09:47 by carl vokes
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon (Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.37Mb (1978 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon The TF SuperBidons variants of the Breguet 19 were especially developed for long-range flights. The last and most advanced long-distance variant, Breguet XIX Super Bidon 'Point d'Interrogation' was built in 1929, and designed for transatlantic flight.In this unique aircraft, Costes and Bellonte flew 3,852 miles (6200 km)from Le Bourget airport to New York in 37 hours and 18 minutes on September 2nd 1930. making the first non-stop east-west crossing of the north Atlantic.The Cuatro Vientos was flown 4548 miles (7320 km) from Spain to Cuba on 11 June 1933. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 23, 2013 13:40 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Cessna 206 H Stationair
FSX Cessna 206 H Stationair
FSX Cessna 206 H Stationair (Category: FSX > Props)
23.57Mb (8130 downloads)
FSX Cessna 206 H Stationair. Original model by GUIDEE Francois Denis. Textures BONNE Roger Revised version with panel updates by Danny Garnier and further textures and panel tweaks by Chris Evans. The Cessna 205, 206, and 207, known variously as the Super Skywagon, Skywagon, Stationair, and Super Skylane are a family of single engine, general aviation aircraft with fixed landing gear used in commercial air service and also for personal use. Updates by Chris Evans
Posted Nov 23, 2013 10:58 by Chris Evans
FSX/FS2004 ATR 42-300/ 72-500 Update
FSX/FS2004 ATR 42-300/ 72-500 Update
FSX/FS2004 ATR 42-300/ 72-500 Update (Category: FSX > Props)
5.88Mb (2740 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 update for the panel and Scandinavian Airlines livery for the ATR 42 and 72 packge. The panel update adds ILS option. By Sander
Posted Nov 23, 2013 10:46 by sander
SAS Scandinavian Airbus A350-900
SAS Scandinavian Airbus A350-900 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.22Mb (3084 downloads)
FSX SAS Scandinavian Airbus A350-900 v4. This CamSim version 4 features more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS), featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays. Tilted main landing gear bogies updated. 2d panel but no VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Nov 23, 2013 09:51 by Camil Valiquette
SAS-Scandinavian Airbus A350-900
SAS-Scandinavian Airbus A350-900 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.53Mb (1516 downloads)
FS2004 SAS-Scandinavian Airbus A350-900 v4. This CamSim version 4 features more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS), featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays. Tilted main landing gear bogies updated. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Nov 23, 2013 09:48 by Camil Valiquette
65.40Mb (1097 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery--LSZA Lugano V10.25 XP 10.25r1. The LSZA Lugano is a scenery, not only an airport, with the city of Lugano, and the villages around the lake of Lugano, Agno, Magliaso, Caslano, Pura, Porto Ceresio and Melide. I reworked The LSZA Lugano scenery from october 24th for a couple of reasons: a) there was an obj. "parasole migros" creating a loading warning. Resolved! b) added many nice details inside the boarding area, have a look at it, it is as real as possible, even the letterbox is in the right place. c) improved some night textures, now it looks a little bit more realistic. d) added a seaplane ramp just in front of the city of Lugano. Again, all objects are made from picture taken in the area and reflect the typical house style of the south of Switzerland. Cranes and sailboats are from my dear friend "Helgo" Dieter Rosenkranz with his permission. A special thanks to Dieter who was my teacher in the use of SketchUp initializing the passion for building scenery. To run this scenery you do not need libraries of any sort, just drop the file as it is into your Custom Scenery folder. It is possible that even after several checks some objects may show up misplaced, there are so many that it is almost impossible to check it all. Just report it, it will be taken care in a future version. Note: the scenery was build for XP 10 and tested on V 10. 25 r1, could not test if it works also with V 9 as i do not have V 9 installed anymore. Hope you will enjoy flying around the area I live in as I do, with all the mountains and valleys making a VFR flight a one time experience. By Antonio Menotti
Posted Nov 23, 2013 02:59 by uploader
FSX/FS2004 ATR 42-300/ 72-500 Textures Sets
FSX/FS2004 ATR 42-300/ 72-500 Textures Sets
5.78Mb (2022 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 ATR 72 and ATR 42 package textures. 2 textures for the ATR 42 - Oman Air and EuroLot. Also Lufthansa Regional textures for the ATR 72 . The liveries are painted by Sander
Posted Nov 22, 2013 08:39 by Sander