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Boeing 747-8I Experimental
Boeing 747-8I Experimental (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.61Mb (2830 downloads)
SkySpirit2012 Boeing 747-8I Experimental. Textures by Hugo Espinosa.
Posted Nov 19, 2013 03:28 by Chris E
EDXW Sylt Airport, Germany (Category: X Plane > Scenery)
6.59Mb (880 downloads)
X-Plane 10 EDXW Sylt Airport v1.1. This airport is located on the top rated seaside resort island of Sylt in the North Sea off the northern coast of Germany close to the Danish border. The airfield dates from 1919, after 1945 it was also known as Airfield B. 170 used by RAF Sylt. The military part was closed in 2005 and is demolished by now therefore not included in this scenery pack. All buildings are custom made, ATC taxi routes and night textures are added even though the airport closes 30 minutes after sunset. The scenery includes the main terminal/tower building for scheduled flights mainly, the general aviation terminal (GAT), the repair facilities of Flugwerft Sylt and the local glider scene by Aero-Club Sylt. Uses OpenSceneryX, but not required. By Manfred Muller.
Posted Nov 19, 2013 03:22 by uploader
P3D Screensaver Photos
P3D Screensaver Photos (Category: Prepar3d > Misc)
101.08Mb (1526 downloads)
200 HD Photographs of P3D aircraft and scenery. Default and add-ons for desktop screensaver for Windows 7 and XP
Posted Nov 18, 2013 11:51 by David Robles
How to change the Default Aircraft in FSX Missions
0.00Mb (3031 downloads)
Have you ever wandered how to put that favorite Spitfire of yours into one of the FSX Missions...?
Posted Nov 18, 2013 01:56 by TheHawkerHurricaneMan
Duxford Airshow Aircraft Package  Hurricane Starter Fix
0.01Mb (1198 downloads)
If you've recently downloaded the ACG DAAP, you've more than likely noticed that the Hurricane won't start up on her own, follow the included instructions to fix.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 18, 2013 00:12 by TheHawkerHurricaneMan
SW Korea Bases
SW Korea Bases (Category: CFS2 > Scenery)
2.46Mb (570 downloads)
This scenery pack contains 22 redone bases with 25 runways in Manchuria, North Korea and South Korea circa 1950-52. These bases were created using the visual layout and airbase.dat info of the "Fox Four" team's work. i.e Some are concrete and some dirt runways. Some are located in Manchuria and North Korea, but most are in South Korea. (More data about locations of additional N. Korean bases would be welcome.) Some are in forests, some bases are in urban areas and some are in clear or partially clear terrain.
Posted Nov 17, 2013 21:22 by Greg "Shadow Wolf 07" Baskin
Flight Log Client V2.7
Flight Log Client V2.7
Flight Log Client V2.7 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
4.82Mb (481 downloads)
Now with Virtual Airlines support. Flight Log Client is a windows client software that allow you to log your flights to a database and keep a lifetime flight data history, you can connect to your members area and view all your logged flights in a map. The SERIES 2 of FLC was born, now with ability to create and submit flightplans to our network, you can also save them in "FPL IVAO compatible format" to share with your IVAO application or load them in further flight logs.
Posted Nov 17, 2013 11:33 by Mario Dantas FSXMAP
FSX\FSXacceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA
FSX\FSXacceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA
FSX\FSXacceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA (Category: FSX > Vintage)
7.86Mb (2168 downloads)
FSX/FSX Acceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA. The Bristol Bulldog was a single seat biplane fighter of the inter-war period and one of the most famous aircraft used by the RAF during that time. The Bulldog Mk II entered service with the Royal Air Force in May 1929, replacing the Gloster Gamecock and Armstrong Whitworth Siskin fighters then in frontline use. It is remembered for spectacular aerial formation displays at the annual Hendon RAF competition. The Bulldog's superb maneuverability and ease of handling made it very popular with its pilots. The Spanish used the Bulldog at the outset of the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side. This is AlphaSim freeware Bristol Bulldog, no 2D panel but working VC. Upgrade to FSX-FSX Acceleration by A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 16, 2013 09:02 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Illinois Airfield Locator Update 1
FSX Illinois Airfield Locator Update 1 (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.43Mb (190 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is an update for Illinois, USA. It moves airfield il05 to the correct position. It replaces the original FSX Illinois airfield locator. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Nov 15, 2013 13:55 by carl vokes
LROP, Bucharest-Otopeni, Henri Coanda Airport, Romania
19.67Mb (2613 downloads)
LROP, Bucharest-Otopeni, Henri Coanda airport, Romania, for FSX. Includes new finger terminal and more.
Posted Nov 15, 2013 06:02 by Lucian Cristea