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ILS CATII and III Autoland gauges (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (4684 downloads)
This is an ILS CAT II and III autoland gauge for various aircraft. Aircraft included are 50North & VistaLiners B737 300 400 500, AeroSim L1011, CLS A300 A310 ST (Beluga), CLS DC-10, default A321, default B737-800, default B747-400, PA A318 319 320 321, POSKY B737 600 700 800 900, POSKY B747-400 V3 V4, POSKY B757 - 767, QW B757 (free version), SMS A319-320-321 A330 A340, SMS A380, SMS B737 - 747 - 767 - 777, SMS MD-11, Tom Ruth A330 A340. Fine tuned for each one. With or without the autothrust engaged. Includes several options for ILS procedures. Published with permission from: Stefan Liebe who is the original author. Francois Dore who developed it further.
Posted Jun 8, 2012 20:50 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS_A330_A340 Gauge Upgrade v2 Fix (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.43Mb (237 downloads)
Posted Jun 8, 2012 20:49 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS A330 A340 Gauge Upgrade v2
SMS A330 A340 Gauge Upgrade v2
SMS A330 A340 Gauge Upgrade v2 (Category: FSX > Payware)
6.09Mb (2267 downloads)
This is v2 of the payware Overland SMS gauges upgrade pack. It fixes several problems found on the first package and adds a few more features. NEW FEATURES 1. It adds TERRAIN ON ND function, i.e. you can see the map at the ND (see screenshots). It is not very realistic, compered to the real thing, however it does add more realism and eliminates the use of the GPS for ground reference. 2. It adds a complete ILS CAT II & III autoland function to the aircraft. The original file belongs to Stefan Liebe, being modified by Francois Dore, and finally being fine tuned for use with SMS A330 and A340 by me. It has been tested many times and this is the closest it can get to the real thing. Now you can have a completely zero visibility landing performed automatically. 3. It provides new style square monitor 2d panels.
Posted Jun 8, 2012 20:48 by Dimitrios Moschos
Airbus A320 Turkuaz Airlines Package
Airbus A320 Turkuaz Airlines Package
Airbus A320 Turkuaz Airlines Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
30.50Mb (1146 downloads)
Project Airbus Turkuaz Airlines A320 TC-TCC for FSX. Includes upgraded default VC by Jim Fly and great custom Airbus sounds. You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu.
Posted Jun 8, 2012 06:33 by Jim Fly
Mi-2 Helioca YV 1628 Textures
Mi-2 Helioca YV 1628 Textures
Mi-2 Helioca YV 1628 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
4.64Mb (206 downloads)
Helioca YV 1628 Texture for the payware Nemeth Mi-2. By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S FS2004/FSX
Posted Jun 8, 2012 02:09 by Jose Armando Yanez
Airbus A320 Condor Package
Airbus A320 Condor Package
Airbus A320 Condor Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
56.40Mb (5356 downloads)
Project Airbus Condor A320 D-AICC for FSX. Includes VC (default) and great custom Airbus A320 sounds. You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu.
Posted Jun 7, 2012 19:21 by Jim Fly
Airbus A321 Condor Package
Airbus A321 Condor Package
Airbus A321 Condor Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
56.71Mb (7239 downloads)
Project Airbus Condor A321 for FSX. Includes VC (default) and great custom Airbus A320 sounds. You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu.
Posted Jun 7, 2012 18:12 by Jim Fly
FSX/FS2004 Westland Wapiti MkI and MkIII
FSX/FS2004 Westland Wapiti MkI and MkIII
FSX/FS2004 Westland Wapiti MkI and MkIII (Category: FSX > Vintage)
7.98Mb (1818 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Westland Wapiti MkI and MkIII In 1926 the Air Ministry looked for a replacement for the long serving D.H 9A to fill the role of general-perpose aircraft for the RAF. Westland, who had been producing the D.H 9A on a sub-contract basis decided to offer a plane using parts of the D.H 9 . Although the fuselage was an entirely new design, the wings and interplane struts were from the old 9A. This design was named the Wapiti . At the outbreak of WWII several machine were still serving in the Middle East and saw limited active service . This is a new MkIII model with added gun and a MkI with upgraded textures. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jun 7, 2012 18:03 by A.F.Scrub
Dobbins AFB Airshow Scenery
Dobbins AFB Airshow Scenery
Dobbins AFB Airshow Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.09Mb (3403 downloads)
Dobbins AFB with airshow scenery. Dobbins Air Force Base is located in Marietta, GA, United States and is home to a Lockheed-Martin F-22 and C-130 factory. When I saw how many people had downloaded my last version I knew I had to make it better and more detailed. The scenery was created with Airport Design Editor (ADE) and Abacus's Scenery Shortcut program. This is only my second scenery build uploaded to the web and I would like to dedicate this to all our American service men and women; now and throughout history!
Posted Jun 7, 2012 14:45 by Joshua Keaton
Just Flight Lightning RAF TTF Textures
Just Flight Lightning RAF TTF Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
20.48Mb (429 downloads)
RAF Lightning TTF textures only for the payware Justflight Lightning. By UKMil.
Posted Jun 7, 2012 09:11 by UKMIL