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FSX Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia
FSX Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia
4.89Mb (9723 downloads)
Soekarno-Hatta International(ICAO: WIII) is Indonesia's largest airport. Also one of the busiest in the world based on passenger terms,this airport serves Jakarta and Banten area. Opened in 1985. A great replacer for the default Soekarno-Hatta(WIII)in FSX, which is too simple. Including detailed airport building. but the gates are static. May also work in FS2004, though not tested. Includes night lights.
Posted May 18, 2012 03:42 by ryanID
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt28, block 77.
90.85Mb (287 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 18, 2012 03:33 by Wayne Evans
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt27, block 76.
156.15Mb (300 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 18, 2012 03:27 by Wayne Evans
Mt Kilimanjaro Fictional Airfield
Mt Kilimanjaro Fictional Airfield (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (433 downloads)
A Science spot on the top of Kilimanjaro mountain, in Kenya, Africa. Look for airport id: WSMT
Posted May 17, 2012 19:05 by Martin
Air Pacific Boeing 747-412 Package
Air Pacific Boeing 747-412 Package
Air Pacific Boeing 747-412 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
26.85Mb (3159 downloads)
Air Pacific B747-412 v4 for FSX. Air Pacific Limited is the flag carrier airline of Fiji. It operates international and domestic services around the Pacific and to North America and Hong Kong Features recolored default 747 VC, Ground services. Posky utilities to enable ground service traffic and stairs. (Find it under Views-Instrument panel - Posky Utilities). Textures by Xudeva Irribarra. Upgraded to FSX model by Chris Evans.
Posted May 17, 2012 18:01 by Chris Evans
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt26, block 75.
166.80Mb (327 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 17, 2012 13:24 by Wayne Evans
SX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt25, block 69.
45.92Mb (275 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 17, 2012 12:37 by Wayne Evans
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt24, block 68.
62.17Mb (239 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 17, 2012 12:19 by Wayne Evans
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt23, block 67.
36.12Mb (266 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 17, 2012 11:48 by Wayne Evans
FSX Canadian CDED mesh above 60 degrees Lat 19 metre resolution Pt22, block 66.
127.61Mb (270 downloads)
As Raimondo Taburet hasn't processed the CDED files above 60 degrees latitude for Canada, well here are the ones I have processed. There isn't any data available from geobase in some of the blocks above 60 degrees latitude, these are blocks: 15, 17, 18, 28, 108, 109, 118, 119. See jpg for coverage. Thanks go to Geobase (Copyright) Canada for the availability & public use of this data.
Posted May 17, 2012 11:37 by Wayne Evans