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KHMZ-Bedford Co, Pa,  Update
KHMZ-Bedford Co, Pa, Update (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (259 downloads)
This is an update to the airport in Bedford, PA. You may want to download the tree removal kit because there is one tree in-front of the newest hangar.
Posted Feb 26, 2012 00:12 by Jarrod Clapper
Airbus A 320 Aerolineas Argentinas
Airbus A 320 Aerolineas Argentinas (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
23.16Mb (2827 downloads)
Airbus A 320 with IAE engines in Aerolineas Argentinas 2010 scheme. Model by Project Airbus (v 2.1)
Posted Feb 25, 2012 23:14 by Luis Castro
TBM700/850 wide-screen 2D G1000 Glass 2d Panel Patch
TBM700/850 wide-screen 2D G1000 Glass 2d Panel Patch
0.08Mb (1084 downloads)
PFD and MFD gauges forgotten, here they are. Sorry about that!
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 25, 2012 16:50 by Jean-Luc Peters
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-800 Package
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-800 Package
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-800 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
33.09Mb (17699 downloads)
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-800 package for FSX. Package includes the great added VC by 'Dennis' and the glass fix (thank you 'fuzzfly'! Other credits go to the great talent of Project Airbus team for the wonderful model and Mathieu Vos (APSS) for great repaint. I tried to just make this as an update only, but decided it was too clumsy for many users. For this reason I have included the whole package. Uploaded by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 25, 2012 14:12 by Chris Evans
UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3
UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.21Mb (3705 downloads)
FSX UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3, This CamSim Version 3 feature an improve aircraft's wing root design including updated Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). 2d panel included (no VC) Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Feb 25, 2012 14:04 by Camil Valiquette
UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3
UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.94Mb (2195 downloads)
FS2004 UPS Boeing 787-9 Cargo V3, This CamSim Version 3 feature an improve aircraft's wing root design including updated Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Feb 25, 2012 13:21 by Camil Valiquette
Piaggio P50
Piaggio P50
Piaggio P50 (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
18.14Mb (487 downloads)
The Piaggio P.50 was an Italian heavy bomber aircraft projected by two of the most skilled prewar engineers, Giovanni Pegna and Giovanni Casiraghi. In the P.50, Casiraghi tested features of the only Italian heavy bomber of WW2, the Piaggio P.108. F Giulli
Posted Feb 25, 2012 10:21 by Pepe Rezende
Jetblue A320 Red Sox (updated)
Jetblue A320 Red Sox (updated) (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
64.60Mb (1805 downloads)
one last update to my jetblue a320. VC is fixed and put in to the aircraft. Model by project airbus, vc from default a321, Textures by Brody C Carlson
Posted Feb 25, 2012 10:00 by Brody C Carlson
FSX Washington Airfield Locator Update_1 (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.98Mb (156 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download is an update for the original FSX Washington airfield locator. It adds 2 missing airfields.. WA84 and 90WA and the "tidying my places" instructions. It is the complete file, not an add-on. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325 Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Feb 25, 2012 09:58 by carl vokes
FS2004 / FSX  SMS A340-300 Lufthansa Textures
FS2004 / FSX  SMS A340-300 Lufthansa Textures
FS2004 / FSX SMS A340-300 Lufthansa Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
4.04Mb (1667 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Lufthansa Airbus A340-300, registration D-AIGW, 'Gladbeck'. Highly detailed 32 bit textures only for the payware SMS Overland Airbus A340-300. By FSRepaintsGER / Benjamin Spranger.
Posted Feb 25, 2012 07:27 by FSRepaintsGER/ Benjamin Spranger