All Files > Page 1702

TBM700 FSX Update and N702BM Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
3.21Mb (1609 downloads)
A minimalist update to FSX of Michel Migaud, Cyril Breton, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, Benoit Dube, Jean-Pierre Langer, Arne Bartels, Maurice Rancourt and Bruno Tresarrieu's fantastic TBM700, including a patched version of Cirrus Productions' great N702BM repaint.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 23, 2012 13:56 by Jean-Luc Peters

TBM700/850 wide-screen 2D G1000 Glass 2d Panel
(Category: FSX > Panels)
5.18Mb (1536 downloads)
A photorealistic wide-screen 2D glass panel based on an patch of the default FSX G1000 PFD and MFD gauges, and intended primarily for an update to FSX of Michel Migaud, Cyril Breton, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, Benoit Dube, Jean-Pierre Langer, Arne Bartels, Maurice Rancourt and Bruno Tresarrieu's fantasctic TBM700. Original VC. SEE PATCH ABOVE
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 23, 2012 13:53 by Jean-Luc Peters

FSX Virtualcol F50 AirUK Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
1.23Mb (475 downloads)
AirUK used F50s for a short time before being totally taken over by KLM and rebranded KLM UK. You will need the payware Fokker F50 from
Posted Feb 23, 2012 04:08 by Ian Roussel

Piper PA-18 Super Cub
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
10.05Mb (2243 downloads)
FS2004 Piper PA-18 Super Cub.
Tis is a complete aircraft. Thanks to J.E. Narcizo for his original model. Included three new liveries: Tierärzte ohne Grenzen - Impfen für Afrika (D-ETOG), Peter's Birch Creek Expeditions (N8653C) and Oyster Bay Beach Resort Sint Maarten (PJ-GISC). Comes with a light modified panel (fuel gauge). Repaints by Ingo Schwan
See panel fix above
Posted Feb 23, 2012 03:16 by Ingo Schwan

FS9/FSX HSS1 Seabat Textures
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
7.72Mb (1538 downloads)
2 repaints (textures only) and a unmarked USN standard skin for the FS 2004/FSX S-58 by Niels de Ruyck, as HS-1 and HS-4 HSS-1 Seabats, late '50's/ early '60's vintage
in USN dark sea blue. Its a sweet helio with a nice external model, and a nice (static) VC. Displays well in FSX Accel, with the usual couds in front issue,
but no 'blue hole of death' rotor disc like the (sigh) simshed Wessex. Great for flying off Mike Davies Essex class.
install: unzip, add contents to S-58 folder, ammend the config file with the entries below.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 23, 2012 02:17 by Lazarus

SE161 Languedoc Aeronavale Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.55Mb (1025 downloads)
2 Aeronavale repaints (textures only) for Jens Kristensens excellent SE161 Languedoc. A development of the FWW 200 Condor airliner/MPA,
the Languedoc was an indifferent airliner, but found extensive use with the Armee'd Air and Aeronavale as a transport/hack,
SAR aircraft and navigation/crew trainer. With the gracious permission of Jens.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 22, 2012 19:38 by Lazarus

FSX Mitsubishi T-2 Advanced Trainer Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
7.87Mb (802 downloads)
2 tactical repaints (textures only)for Tim Conrads excellent FSX Mitsubishi T-2. Reapaints are a modification of
the default skins created by Mr Conrad, putting the T-2 into Air Superiority grey and standard varigated F-1 pattern cam.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 22, 2012 19:35 by Lazarus

Inner Dowsing, Lincs & Lynn Offshore Wind Farms, UK
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.25Mb (1229 downloads)
Three neighbouring wind farms in the North Sea close to Skegness on the Lincolnshire coast, England.
A total of 129 animated wind turbines.
Each wind turbine includes a boat landing platform.
Addon for freeware FSX Power Project v4.0
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 22, 2012 17:20 by Ray Porter

VFA125 Rough Riders texture For the FSX Acceleration F18
(Category: FSX > Military)
1.87Mb (2285 downloads)
This texture was created with Photoshop CS5 For use with the Acceleration F18 and Sludge F18 and F18 2012 for fsx
Posted Feb 22, 2012 17:18 by Jim Abbey

FSX Panel for modern twin-engine turboprop
(Category: FSX > Panels)
1.13Mb (3381 downloads)
Generic panel for modern twin-engine turboprop, by Enrique Medal. Using only original fsx gauges.
Posted Feb 22, 2012 16:17 by Enrique Medal