All Files > Page 1858

Boeing 777-200ER Continental Airlines Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
35.85Mb (7506 downloads)
Boeing Continental Airlines package. Modified for FSX using Danny Garnier's modification of the Posky 777-200ER VC model. Original FS2004 model by Project Opensky. Assembled by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 14:02 by Chris Evans

Caproni Vizzola F5
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
10.53Mb (1036 downloads)
FS2004-Caproni Vizzola F5- Fighter
First flight on February 19, 1939
Fuselage had a framework structure, made by
soldered tubes,covered with duraluminium
panels,wings had two wooden spars covered
with fabric-coated, painted plywood panels.
Landing gear retractable with the main legs
rotating inward.Night&day fighter with 303Sq
167 Gr.tasked to defend Roma. Model,texture and
panel by F.Giuli. Gauges by different authors
Posted Jul 22, 2011 11:42 by FRANCESCO GIULI

Helicopter Auto Pilot
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
0.21Mb (13626 downloads)
Fixed Version. Helicopter Auto Pilot. (Fixed original upload). This file uses Antti Pankonen's Hover/Auto Pilot (used in Nor-Cals AS 350) to the Microsoft FSX EH 101 and any other rotorcraft for that matter. This system allows for a much more stable hover and therefore use of the winch and sling load operations. Auto pilot on long flights is a plus especially in rotorcraft. When I originally uploaded this file I left off two files that need to be copied into the FSX root directory. This is a rotorcraft autopilot that can be used for any rotorcraft.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 11:41 by Hugh G. Tester

FSX Acceleration F/A-18 Black Ops Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.79Mb (1685 downloads)
This is a Black Ops texture for the default FSX Acceleration F/A-18. By Dylan Brown.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 11:36 by Dylan Brown

FSX Acceleration F/A-18C Hornet Swiss Airforce J-5011 Tigers Staffel 11 Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
2.57Mb (2979 downloads)
Textures only representing the Swiss Air Force F/A-18C Hornet J-5011 Tigers Staffel 11 (June 2011 PaintScheme Version).
Requires the default FSX Acceleration Pack F/A-18C
Posted Jul 22, 2011 08:14 by Dreadwings Aviation

FS2004 Repaint and Panel for the the Mega Yacht
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
4.56Mb (2244 downloads)
FS2004 Repaint and Panel for the the Mega Yacht from Mitsuya Hamaguchi. ( required). The panel for this ship is configured to show 17 views (5 as photo realistical bitmaps, 12 as virtual look around views). Explore the luxury yacht by pressing numeric keys at the keypad for views in all directions: Enjoy the bridge, the incredible saloon, dining room or sky lounge, watch the girls and the dolphin at the stern, or the ladies at the sun- and pool deck. And last not least, you will love the cabin. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 22, 2011 03:54 by Erwin Welker

FS2004 Panel for the Japanese Destroyer DD155 Asagiri Battle Ship
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
1.12Mb (853 downloads)
FS2004 Panel for the Japanese destroyer DD155 Asagiri from Mitsuya Hamaguchi ( required). The panel for this ship is configured to show 16 views. Explore the ship by pressing numeric keys at the keypad for views in all directions: Enjoy the new bridge (2D-panel) and the virtual bridge, the foreship, watch or fire the radar controlled AA-guns or sea the hangar from the cockpit of the onboard helicopter. This modern destroyer with its hangar and helideck is comparable with a new standart frigate. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 22, 2011 03:51 by Erwin Welker

FSX Bristol Scout C Hellenic Royal Navy WWI Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
1.05Mb (767 downloads)
This is the Hellenic Royal Navys (VASILIKO NAYTIKO)Bristol Scout C -3013 That was in action during WW1 .Uknown
number of British overpainted aircraft have served under the Navys Comand as early as 1914 . The -3013 was delivered to the Hellenic Navy by RAF after the war ended and served as a recognizer until 1930. You will need the Freeware Stephen O'Leary's model Simscout zip for this which can be found Here at Simviation's 2004 Vintage page.
The model has full VC and was tested in FSX Acceleration Textures by: Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 22, 2011 02:52 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

New Standard D 25A N19157 Dallas Cowboys BiPlane Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.82Mb (2270 downloads)
A 5 seat open cockpit utility biplane From Aviations Golden
Age. This Aircraft has been redone in the NFL Dallas Cowboys
colors. The aircraft is fun to fly and that is why, I have redone
it just for fun flying and great VFR views. You can get low and
This flight model was created by the guys at Golden Age
Simulations. Thanks guy's for such a Great Plane.
The A2A 3D Light & Redux codes,Texures and Paint Kit.
By: David Grindele, Captain Dave the FSLightman.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 02:31 by michael

New Standard D 25A N19157 Dallas Cowboys BiPlane
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
13.08Mb (924 downloads)
A 5 seat open cockpit utility biplane From Aviations Golden
Age. This Aircraft has been redone in the NFL Dallas Cowboys
colors. This aircraft is fun to fly and that is why, I have redone
it just for fun flying and great vfr views. You can get low and
This wonderful flight model was created By: Golden Age
The A2A 3D Light & Redux codes,Texures and Paint Kit.
By: David Grindele, Captain Dave the FSLightman.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 02:24 by michael