All Files > Page 1859

Aerial Foundry Swiss Airforce F/A-18C Hornet J-5011 Tigers Staffel 11 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
2.92Mb (997 downloads)
Aerialfoundry Swiss Airforce F/A-18C Hornet J-5011 Tigers Staffel 11 (June 2011 PaintScheme)
Repaint only!! Requires the payware Aerialfoundry CF-188
Posted Jul 22, 2011 00:46 by Dreadwings Aviation

Supermarine Spiteful XIV
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.71Mb (4249 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Spiteful
The Supermarine Spiteful was a direct development of the Spitfire using a new laminar flow wing.Spiteful RB517, was the third production Spiteful XIV. The Spiteful was ordered into production as the Spiteful XIV and 150 of the aircraft were ordered. With the advent of jet propulsion, however, the future of high-performance fighters was clearly with the jet fighter, and so the order was later cancelled with only a handful of Spitefuls built.GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 21, 2011 14:54 by A.F.Scrub

FSX Panel for FSX Acceleration Aircraft Carrier Nimitz and Eisenhower Packages
(Category: FSX > Misc)
1.32Mb (3226 downloads)
FSX photorealistical Panel for the FSX Acceleration aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and USS Eisenhower from Javier Fernandez (requires: Note: This fantastic carriers works als in FSX SP2. Included are additional camera views for the aircraft.cfg. Bitmaps and configuration for the additional views by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 21, 2011 11:42 by Erwin Welker

Panel for FSX Acceleration Navy Supply Ship Patuxent
(Category: FSX > Misc)
1.30Mb (742 downloads)
FSX photorealistical Panel for the FSX Acceleration US Navy supply ship USNS Patuxent from Javier Fernandez (requires: This huge supply ship is as FS-model included with USS Nimitz and USS Eisenhower. Note: This fantastic ships works als in FSX SP2. Included are additional camera views for the aircraft.cfg, which allows to have a realistic view from the bridge, where you can see the supply masts in front of the bridge windows. Bitmaps and configuration for the additional views by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 21, 2011 11:14 by Erwin Welker

Airbus A320-211 CFM Balkan Holidays with VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
19.05Mb (2445 downloads)
Airbus A320-211 CFM Balkan Holidays with VC. Project Airbus A320-200. Repaint by Mathieu Vos. Matched to the default A321 VC by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 21, 2011 07:14 by Chris Evans

Boeing 737-800 Continental Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.82Mb (1652 downloads)
Continental textures only for the default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Jul 20, 2011 22:35 by Maicom de Macedo Rodeghiero

Boeing 737-800 China Southern Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.09Mb (1825 downloads)
China Southern textures only for the default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Jul 20, 2011 21:39 by Maicom de Macedo Rodeghiero

69 World National Flags textures for Default Animated Race Pylons
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
2.04Mb (1153 downloads)
If You are not much of the race type (like me) and want to have wind waving animated
National Flag in your country's airports then you download this file and the rest is easy.
This will turn your 3 default Secret Race Pylon race flags into any (or three)Animated National flags.
There are 23 folders each containing 3 National Flags 69 in Total . All Europe Australia most of the Asian Nations North and South America and part of Africa is covered in this .
For European countries look for the ECU Flag to place in your set. There is also a paint kit in case you want to create your own air clubs flag or a combination of race flags.
The bitmaps are in simple 16 bit mode to work in both FSX and 2004. You must have a
scenery placement tool (Instant Scenery, RW12 e.t.c.) to place the national flags in the correct place around your airports. Package by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
Posted Jul 20, 2011 21:11 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

FSX/FS2004 DC-4 Northwest 1947 Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
3.13Mb (677 downloads)
FS9/FSX Northwest Orient textures for the JBK DC-4-1009 V.3 by Jens Kristensen. These textures represent Northwest's livery for the DC-4 about 1947.
Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 20, 2011 19:09 by Gary Harper

FSX French Navy Topsail Schooner "Etoile" Upgrade Pack
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.19Mb (1363 downloads)
FSX camera configurations and improved air- and sound files for the French Navy topsail schooner "Etoile" from Pierre de Rotalier (requires Features: 6 camera views: At the helm, on the maindeck, at the jibboom, on the main- or foremastmast and an external bowview. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 20, 2011 03:52 by Erwin Welker