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FSX/FS2004 Iris Mig-29 Fulcrum Updated Navy Package
FSX/FS2004 Iris Mig-29 Fulcrum Updated Navy Package
57.55Mb (7806 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004/FSX of the Iris Mig-29 Fulcrum (Navy). I have updated the flight dynamics, added a 2D panel and changed or added gauges to the VC. I have fixed the VC_glass texture so it is clear instead of grey; and changed the smoke textures. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Jun 11, 2011 13:24 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 737-800 Telkom Indonesia Textures
Boeing 737-800 Telkom Indonesia Textures
Boeing 737-800 Telkom Indonesia Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.82Mb (783 downloads)
This is fictional textures of Telkom Indonesia (Indonesian Telocommunication Company)for the default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Jun 11, 2011 03:33 by ikhsan ramadhan ritonga
NASA B-52 Textures
NASA B-52 Textures
NASA B-52 Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
5.42Mb (3039 downloads)
NASA B-52 Textures only for the Boeing B-52D Stratofortress by Team KBT updated for FSX by Danny Garnier. Textures by Steven J. Avila
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2011 01:53 by Steven J. Avila
Boeing 737-800 USA  Airlines Textures Pack
Boeing 737-800 USA Airlines Textures Pack (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
23.36Mb (9684 downloads)
North America Airlines textures pack for the default Boeing 737-800. United Airlines 'Old' and 'New', ,Southwest 'Gold' & 'Blue', DHL, Aloha Retrojet, Continental. Assembled and uploaded by Amierilina
Posted Jun 10, 2011 23:19 by Amierilina
 P51D Mustang-Montana Miss Textures
 P51D Mustang-Montana Miss Textures
P51D Mustang-Montana Miss Textures (Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.28Mb (1383 downloads)
P51D Mustang-Montana Miss Textures only for Warwick Carter's wonderful FSX P-51D Mustang Package. This is the best freeware P-51D.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 10, 2011 23:18 by Steven J. Avila
 Vought A-7 Corsair II Edwards AFB Textures
 Vought A-7 Corsair II Edwards AFB Textures
7.31Mb (1332 downloads)
Edwards AFB Textures. Requires the Iris Vought A-7 Corsair II updated for FSX by Danny Garnier. Textures by Steven J. Avila
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 10, 2011 22:59 by Steven J. Avila
Boeing 747-400 Asian Airlines Textures Pack
Boeing 747-400 Asian Airlines Textures Pack (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.20Mb (5073 downloads)
Asia Airlines textures set for the default FSX 747-400 Included with Malaysia Airlines, Thai and Philippines. Assembled and uploaded by Amierilina
Posted Jun 10, 2011 22:56 by Amierilina
FSX/FS2004 RAF Fairford Scenery, UK
FSX/FS2004 RAF Fairford Scenery, UK
FSX/FS2004 RAF Fairford Scenery, UK (Category: FSX > Scenery)
5.49Mb (3848 downloads)
RAF Fairford 2009 for FSX by Dave Morgan. Tested on FSX & Accelleration. Held annually each July at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire,, UK the Royal International Air Tattoo, the world's largest military airshow, has gained the well-earned reputation as one of the UK's top outdoor family events
Posted Jun 10, 2011 18:42 by bradley silverthorne
Malaysia Airlines A330-200 Textures
Malaysia Airlines A330-200 Textures
Malaysia Airlines A330-200 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.91Mb (1818 downloads)
Malaysia Airlines textures only for Thomas Ruth's A330-200 model.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 10, 2011 14:44 by Amierilina
FSX Nice, France, Helicopter Scenery
FSX Nice, France, Helicopter Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (2138 downloads)
Scenery of a mansion, marina and helipad for FSX situated in Nice, France. By Elliot Grubb
Posted Jun 10, 2011 13:53 by Elliot Grubb