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Aerospaciale Gazelle Static Helicopter
Aerospaciale Gazelle Static Helicopter
Aerospaciale Gazelle Static Helicopter (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
1.13Mb (1812 downloads)
This is the Aerospaciale Gazelle Helicopter as static helicopter to be placed in any scenery as a scenery object by any object placement tool. It comes in a Library and as Models (mdl). The helicopter was modelled in Gmax by Guy Diotte. texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 18, 2009 21:58 by Guy Diotte
SAME, Gabrielli Intl. Airport, Mendoza, Argentina.
SAME, Gabrielli Intl. Airport, Mendoza, Argentina.
5.97Mb (1981 downloads)
The International Airport has a civil and military area. The runways retain the original altitude and orientation (for on line navigation), but have been adapted to the reality of taxiways, parking area hangars and mov. jetways. It has fuel service truck for the two areas, bunkers for fighter bombers, and facilities in reality. Includes charts and actual photos. By Cristóbal Laje (2009).
Posted Oct 18, 2009 18:28 by Cristóbal Laje
Flugplatz Doberitz Historic AFB, Germany
Flugplatz Doberitz Historic AFB, Germany
Flugplatz Doberitz Historic AFB, Germany (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.53Mb (1394 downloads)
This is another one of my historical airports. If NAS Pensacola is the birthplace of American Navy Aviation, Flugplatz Doberitz is the birthplace of German Military Aviation. It is argueably the birthplace of the Luftwaffe. In 1910, only a year after Johannesthal was established, the German Government established Doberitz for the sole purpose of developing pilots and tactics to take the airplane to war. It served as both a training site and defense site throughout world wars I and II. After WWII it was behind the "Iron Curtain" and served the Soviets in various capacities, but not as the historical place it held within German Military History. The airfield is recreated here as it appeared in the 1920's to late 1930's. Throughout WWII, Doberitz continued to grow, and was host to all manner of military aircraft. With alumni like Max Immelman and Manfred Von Richtofen, most if not all of the German Aces had cycled through Doberitz at some time in their careers. Doberitz is now a nature park. By Jim Dhaenens
Posted Oct 18, 2009 18:05 by Jim Dhaenens
B7072 Luftwaffe missing texture fix
B7072 Luftwaffe missing texture fix (Category: FSX > Misc)
1.04Mb (2364 downloads)
Fixes the missing chunk of cheat line on the right side of the Spacecraft. For B7072/10+25 Lutfwaffe. textures. Sorry 'bout that!
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Posted Oct 18, 2009 14:28 by Mike Barnes
Learjet 25D Package
Learjet 25D Package
Learjet 25D Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
26.93Mb (13166 downloads)
Learjet 25D Package for FSX. Original FS2004 model created by Y Koun with virtual cockpit adapted for FSX with FSX compatible gauges by various authors. Updated by Danny Garnier.
Posted Oct 18, 2009 11:53 by GARNIER D
Grand Caravan FedEx Textures
Grand Caravan FedEx Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
5.56Mb (5832 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX default C208B Grand Caravan in the FedEx livery (Texture Only)
Posted Oct 18, 2009 11:18 by Greg Pape
2001 Orion Clipper, 3 Texture Pack
2001 Orion Clipper, 3 Texture Pack
2001 Orion Clipper, 3 Texture Pack (Category: FSX > Misc)
16.33Mb (1940 downloads)
Three more textures for Tim "Piglett" Conrad's "2001 Orion Clipper". NASA, Federal Express, and U-Haul. Hey! It could happen! Repaints by Roy "Boikat" Altholz.
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Posted Oct 18, 2009 09:34 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Capt Sim Yak-3 Normandia Neman Joseph Risso Textures
4.99Mb (367 downloads)
This is a repaint only for Captain Sim's Yak-3. This aircraft is Legendary Yak-3 "Normandia-Neman" regiment, Joseph Risso Gross-Kalweitchen end 1944 Repaint by CSA
Posted Oct 18, 2009 07:09 by CSA
FS2004/FSX Concorde Lufthansa Textures
FS2004/FSX Concorde Lufthansa Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.84Mb (9357 downloads)
This airplane represents a what-if Concorde if Lufthansa had bought it, with the livery used until 1988. Textures only. Requires Concorde Collection by Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 18, 2009 06:40 by Giorgio Varisco
YSFlight Professional Flight Simulator
YSFlight Professional Flight Simulator (Category: Other Flight Simulators > YSFlight )
11.39Mb (13758 downloads)
YSFlight is the best stripped down flight simulator on the market. And what's more. it's free! Choose from a wide range of aircraft from Boeing 737s to F-22 raptors and even a few helicopters! YS Flight Simulation System 2000 is a fully featured lightweight flight simulator. As well as basic functionalities, it has network feature that allows you to fly with or against your friends. You also can fly a formation leader, dogfight, intercept, attack ground, take off and land on an aircraft carrier and so on, and you can choose your airplane from more than 50 airplanes, and there are several maps as well. YSFlight 2000 has been updated for easier usage and you can choose from 3 modes. CPU-Rendered Z-Sorting mode is the more simpler, not bothered about graphics one. It renders smoother and quicker than the Direct-X which is 3D and looks better than the Flat rendered plane mode. The last is Open-GL which is if you have a mac. YsFlight Professional was tuned by CaptainYS.
Posted Oct 18, 2009 06:28 by Daniel Allen