All Files > Page 2431

Alouette 3 Static Helicopter
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
1.34Mb (1379 downloads)
This is the Alouette 3 Helocopter for FSX as a scenery object to be place by any Object Placement tool. The helicopter comes in a library or models (Netherlands Blue and camouflage). The Alouette was made by Guy Diotte.
Posted Sep 22, 2009 20:47 by Guy Diotte

FSX F-35 JSF in USA & Flying Tigers Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.00Mb (1937 downloads)
Enclosed is a repaint combining the F-35B Flying Tigers Texture and Andy Nott of AGN textures' JSF Demo Team USA for the payware IRIS F-35B texture into one for FSX that may work for FS2004. Although with all my addons, I have to warn that results may vary from my screenshots - I hope you like my paintjob. This required some work in Abacus FS Repaint V2 to make possible + bmp2dxt3 & imagetool to work in FSX Gold (FSX Deluxe + Acceleration in one package). By Josef of
Posted Sep 22, 2009 18:36 by Josef of FSXTipline

FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B "Ghost Rider", Edwards AFB textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.66Mb (1854 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Realistic Ghost Rider textures depicting one of the B-1Bs seen at Edwards AFB. Repaint for the ex-payware Alphasim B-1B Lancer FS9 package.
Textures by Gary J. Scott
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 22, 2009 17:53 by Gary J. Scott

AS365 Dophin French Navy Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.14Mb (1333 downloads)
This France Navy Texture is for the AS365 Dophin by Antti Pankkonen
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 22, 2009 13:42 by benimix

Grantley Adams International Airport, Barbados TBPB
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
70.93Mb (6917 downloads)
Barbados International Airport (TBPB). Grantley Adams International Airport for FSX. This scenery represents a complete redevelopment of the stock airport and reflects the state of the airport in 2007/2008. Features 3D models of the main terminals made in Gmax plus cargo area, fire station, Concorde Experience Museum and other ancillary structures in the airport property and beyond, photoreal ground polygons designed in Gmax, 3D taxi lighting and approach lighting system for runway 09. By Max Kraus.
Posted Sep 22, 2009 05:35 by Paul Atreides

Galveston, TX Oil Co. HQ, Oil Rigs, and Hospital Emergency Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (2979 downloads)
Updated version with some bugs fixed. Now 5 oil rigs offshore. Hospital with 4 landing pads. Oil company HQ with 4 landing pads, and an accident site. Oil company landing pads have workers standing by waiting for a lift to the rigs. The pad closest to the building has the Oil company owner with 2 body guards waiting for a lift to tour the rigs. The hospital has ambulances and EMT's with stretchers waiting for the accident victims. The accident has 2 flipped tanker trucks on fire with cars involved. The police have the road blocked off and the fire dept is on the scene. EMT's are treating the accident victims by the ambulances waiting for your life flight to the hospital. 1 of the offshore oil rigs has a cargo ship unloading and loading some cargo containers and another oil rig has a tanker ship loading up with oil. Hope all the helo pilots enjoy this. I made this with Abacus's free application called Scenery Shortcut. P.S. all the people at the various landing sites will not actually get in your helicopter. use your imagination.
Posted Sep 22, 2009 02:24 by Ryan Brown
FSX 35 Textures Pack for the Dodosim 206
(Category: FSX > Payware)
FSX 35 textures Pack for the Dodosim B206 :
Coca; Redbull; Jaguar; France television; Patrouille de France; Armee de l'air; Canon; Samu;samu2; UPS; Police; Douanes (Customs); Sexpistols;H Heineken .. lady; Loxos & civil versions
Posted Sep 22, 2009 01:21 by R.Blanchard

FSX/FS2004 Firefly T Mk2
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.33Mb (2552 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly T Mk2 Warbird
The Firefly T Mk2 was basically an F.1 converted for use as a deck-landing conversion and instrument-flying trainer. The raised rear cockpit was occupied by the instructor and was raised by 12 inches above the normal position. This was to improve the vision by its occupant in landing.
The planes were usually unarmed, although a few carried two 20mm cannon.
The Canadian Navy operated two types of Firefly trainers: The T Mk 1 and the T Mk 2. The T Mk 1 being a two-seat dual control, unarmed, deck landing conversion trainer. The T Mk 2 was the tactical weapons trainer having two 20mm cannons and a synchronised Gyro gunsight in each cockpit.
Textures by Morton. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 14:53 by A.F.Scrub

Pensacola NAVY Training
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
82.23Mb (7927 downloads)
This is a Scenery Pack for a complete NAVY training including the bases KNPA and KNSE (Jim Dhaenens) with some additional Scenery (Guy Diotte) and the USS Eisenhower (Javier Fernandez) for Carrier Training with everything working! We are using this pack at our server "Pensacola NAVY Training" on Gamespy!
Posted Sep 21, 2009 12:41 by Karl Meindl

Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp 2009
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.45Mb (1252 downloads)
This is the Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp in Spain locate West of Madrid,this scenery works with default scenery Fs2004.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 12:25 by Yves sy Dsg