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                  Embraer 120 2D panel v 3.0
FSX Embraer 120 2D panel v 3.0 (Category: FSX > Panels)
1.58Mb (5202 downloads)
FSX Embraer 120 2D panel v 3.0. Also for FS2004. Based on my former bitmap panels but slightly revisited. Upgraded set of gauges as annunciator, quadrant, new overhead panel, ... and some other improvements. Still based on the beautiful "Brazilia" designed by Eric Cantu. By Pierre Fasseaux. 1.6MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  Flight Management Automation (FMA)
FSX Flight Management Automation (FMA) (Category: FSX > Panels)
8.77Mb (8629 downloads)
FSX Flight Management Automation (FMA), adds VNAV automation to the FSX default Boeing 747 like an FMC. It also features thrust selection for a "pitch for air speed" logic as well as autoland for fully automated landings. If you want it to, FMA is capable of completing an entire flight on its own just after rotation. Also included is a version that handles only the VNAV. Each version now has an optional step climb feature. Additionally FMA can be deactivated at any time and doesn't use extra buttons allowing you to control it completely from the VC. This revision (version 2.0) includes many fixes detailed in the instructions. 9MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  Alternative Cessna C208 Caravan 2D panel.
1.37Mb (2435 downloads)
FSX Alternative Cessna C208 Caravan 2D panel. Another one ! ... As a replacement for the default FSX C208. Based on photograph with XML gauges mainly from MSFSX (some of them slightly modified). No change at all for the VC. By Pierre Fasseaux. 1.4MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  Dash-8-300 2D Panel.
FSX Dash-8-300 2D Panel. (Category: FSX > Panels)
1.75Mb (6370 downloads)
FSX Dash-8-300 2D Panel. XML gauges of which many newly built by the author. Panel built on the Dash8 modified by Eric Buchmann for FSX and based on the works by Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - see "". Not fully operating with FS2004 (some secondary AP actions have to be adapted - later). By Pierre Fasseaux. 1.8MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                    - Piper PA28R 2D "beige" panel
FSX - Piper PA28R 2D "beige" panel (Category: FSX > Panels)
3.21Mb (2240 downloads)
FSX - Piper PA28R 2D "beige" panel. And another panel for this aircraft, designed on the Hauke Keitel's Piper but independant of it. XML gauges of which some new ones by the author. No 3D panel. By Pierre Fasseaux. 3.3MB Fix: FSX - Piper PA28R 2D "beige" panel - FIX . Night panel for the file "", the original is blind ! With my apologies, Pierre Fasseaux. 550K
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  Piper PA28R 2D Panel
FSX Piper PA28R 2D Panel (Category: FSX > Panels)
1.94Mb (2766 downloads)
FSX Piper PA28R 2D Panel. Another panel for this aircraft - particularly for the Arrow built by Hauke Keitel. With gauges made by H. Keitel but some new XML gauges by the author. 3D panel by H. Keitel stays unchanged. By Pierre Fasseaux. 2MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  Piper Pa28 Panel.
FSX Piper Pa28 Panel. (Category: FSX > Panels)
0.90Mb (2441 downloads)
FSX Piper Pa28 Panel. Uses a photorealistic bitmap and only default gauges. Panel made by Marco Spada. 921K
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
                  F-16 Panel
FS2004/FSX F-16 Panel (Category: FSX > Panels)
1.81Mb (20066 downloads)
FS2004/FSX F-16 Panel. Includes the new radar gauge developed by Eric Marciano for fighter jets: radar gauge showing AI aircraft and multi-player aircrafts plus HUD gauge with adjustable brightness. Based on Johan Peeter's F-16 Fighting Falcon panel graphics. By Eric Marciano. 1.8MB
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
FSX                   F/A-18 Panel with realistic HUD
FSX F/A-18 Panel with realistic HUD (Category: FSX > Panels)
15.13Mb (15512 downloads)
FSX F/A-18 Panel with realistic HUD F/A-18 HUD and panel (2D and 3D) for use with Team FS KBT’s Super Hornet (here). Built from scratch for FSX, and at higher resolution than previous versions. Works well within the 3-D virtual cockpit. Multiple zooms in 2D also supported. Very little framerate loss in fullscreen. The symbology is now much more realistic (almost identical, pixel for pixel, to the real Hornet’s. See pics and video within.) New HUD features added, including courseline steering arrow (can be linked to NAV1, NAV2, or GPS), multiple clock modes, realistic HUD reject options, altitude options, energy caret, etc. Many pics and vids within, as well as useful and informative documents, including actual carrier pattern specs. By Scott Printz
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive
FSX MD-11/ 3 Engine Jet Panel (Category: FSX > Panels)
0.22Mb (4205 downloads)
FSX MD-11/ 3 Engine Jet Panel. Created for an MD-11 but could be used in some other 3 engine jets. Adapted for FSX by Eric Buchmann. 227K
Posted Sep 10, 2009 06:47 by archive