All Files > Page 2444

GPS Oil Platforms V5.0
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.89Mb (1868 downloads)
Updated OLD SCENERY (3 GPS oil platforms V4.0) 3 mission Oil Platforms. Included a Oil tanker ship multiplayer mission scenery, the tanker is on fire with 2 Coast Guard cutters near itrnfor rescue. Open ended mission scenery for what ever scenario you come up with, Location is in read me. And I've marked the stock Oil platforms around the United states and Mexico with GPS tags, rnNDB, and VOR for navigation. Going to add more countrys stock oil platforms navigation locations in updates to come. All Platforms NDB"s are on helo deck.
Posted Sep 10, 2009 03:04 by T.Marsom/Thunder

Captain Sim C-130 910 AW( AFRC),YO Youngstown, Ohio Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
2.25Mb (1339 downloads)
You have purchase the Captain Sim C-130 for these textures. This textures is Youngstown Oh, ARS 910th AW C-130 Located at (KYNG) Made By Le'Will Brown (Vapor) 1st Time Painting an aircraft. No one Had these textures, and i wanted it so bad so I figured I'd make it and shared it with the people who has the Captain Sim C-130. Enjoy. Made by Le'Will Brown (Vapor)
Posted Sep 10, 2009 00:45 by Le'Will Brown

Alouette III Swiss Air Force Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
0.17Mb (1002 downloads)
Textures only for the Alouette III Nepal Police by Peter Salzgeber
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 9, 2009 17:32 by benimix

FS2004 AeroRepublica E-190
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.90Mb (5018 downloads)
Embraer E-190 of AeroRepublica, one of the Colombian regional airlines. Original model by J R Lucariny.
Posted Sep 9, 2009 17:31 by Jorge Herrera

FS2004 Copa Airlines Boeing 737-700
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
9.46Mb (5168 downloads)
Copa Airlines Boeing 737-700. Model created by Project Opensky. Includes Boeing 737 PDF manuals.
Posted Sep 9, 2009 17:13 by Jorge Herrera

EE Lightning F1A update
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.77Mb (4734 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the Alphasim
CFS2 English Electric Lightning F1A. I have updated the
flight dynamics, added afterburner effects,
added a panel, and added nav lights. There
is a working virtual cockpit, but the only VC
gauges that are clickable are in the pop up
windows. This update won't work in FSX, the
model won't show.
Posted Sep 9, 2009 14:36 by Bob Chicilo

FSX Boeing 747-400 EVA Air Textures & Traffic
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.97Mb (10536 downloads)
FSX Boeing 747-400 EVA Air Textures. Registration: B-16403. Textures only for the default FSX B747-400. A little surprise: EVA Air Cargo Textures. Registration: B-16481. And the usual bonus from me: EVA Air and EVA Air Cargo B747-400 traffic package included. Created by Gabor Kovacs
Posted Sep 9, 2009 12:56 by Gabor Kovacs

Mini-Mission--"Gorky Trusky Flight"
(Category: FSX > Missions)
13.37Mb (3754 downloads)
FSadventureSky's Mini-Mission--or "Quicky Flight of the day"... --Flying from Kosice to Tatry is a daily affair for Capt. Gorky Trusky. Each morning he gets up at 5:00 am has his frozen Rouka egg breakfast(?), gets into his moped and drives to the airport. After kicking the tires of the old AN-26 he plays with "piktu" the airport dog , checks on Milia the company secretary then gets into his aircraft's seat to start his daily chore. Today is raining pretty hard and there are many thunderstorms on route.He will not be flying today since he is going fishing at lake Gulyku with Petrosk his boss and partner in drinking habits. So,You are flying today as captain of the flight, with Katrina and Shasha as assistants..
Posted Sep 9, 2009 11:46 by Gera Godoy Canova

F-16 Viper Thunderbird Inclusive Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
19.88Mb (31625 downloads)
The LOCKHEED MARTIN F-16 Viper Thunderbird by Kirk Olsson modified for FSX. Inclusive package.
This package work out of the box. I have added FSX compatible gauges to the VC and 2d panel. Due to the way this aircraft was designed VC is limited in how many gauges can be added but I added all I could. Some areas of the VC are not editable. Fully edited 2d panel. Gauges and BMP's included. Merci Kirk for this beautiful aircraft. Updated by Danny Garnier.
Posted Sep 9, 2009 10:53 by GARNIER D
Project-Airbus FSX Roof Hole fix
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.40Mb (1410 downloads)
These mdl files fix the problem of Project-Airbus FS9 Airbus if used in FSX. They were showing a hole in the fuselage top where an antenna should have been. Thx to P-A people who fixed that before closing down. Just replace the mdl file by this one.
Posted Sep 9, 2009 10:53 by Henry Rastouil