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FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-140 FSX Native South African Airlink package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
38.00Mb (859 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-140 FSX Native South African Airlink package.
Known as just Airlink, South African Airlink is associated with South African Airways through a franchise. Currently South SAfrican Airlink has 11 ERJ-140 flying to destinations around South Africa and nearby African countries.
Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-140 2020 updated FSX native model and VC.
Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky.
VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky.
XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky.
FSX and Prepar3Dv4 Adaptations by Collin MacKenzie.
Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Aug 26, 2020 03:59 by chris evans

MSFS A320neo Alaska Airlines Textures
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
7.45Mb (1155 downloads)
Alaska Airlines textures for the default MSFS Airbus A320neo
Posted Aug 26, 2020 02:58 by uploader

MSFS Default A320neo United Airlines Textures
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
7.69Mb (1191 downloads)
United Airlines textures for the default MSFS Airbus A320neo
Posted Aug 26, 2020 02:57 by uploader

P3D/FSX Mirage F1 for P3Dv4 / 5
(Category: Prepar3d > Military)
69.27Mb (3047 downloads)
Kirk Olsson's FS9 gmax Mirage F1 converted for use in P3Dv4 and 5. Includes: New textures, configuration manager. The cockpit is almost completely rebuild and features a.o. 3D modeled gauges/switches and P3D dynamic mirrors. Just like the original FS9 model, the layout is based on the Mirage F1.CR version. This package is created for / tested in P3Dv4 (also works in P3Dv5) and requires XMLTools (64bit) to enable all features (weight and fuel gets updated by changing payload/fuel options, dumping fuel or in flight refueling. Radio preset frequencies are loaded from a customizable text file). Credits: Kirk Olsson for allowing use of his files, Frank Safranek for his valuable feedback and testing, Jens Ole Kjolberg for the F.1ZA textures. Henk Schuitemaker
Posted Aug 25, 2020 08:19 by admin

FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Air Canada Express o/b Jazz Air package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
88.26Mb (1071 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Air Canada Express o/b Jazz Air package.
Jazz Air operate flights for Air Canada under the Air Canada Express brand and fly to smaller regional airports around Canada and the USA.
Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion by Speedbird77. Models by Nicholas Wilkinson/Hiroshi Igami Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3D v5 (and previous) compatible MdlX conversions by Speedbird77.
Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Aug 25, 2020 02:29 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Lufthansa Cityline package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
87.29Mb (1941 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Lufthansa Cityline package. Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 updated FSX native model and VC conversion by Speedbird77. Models by Nicholas Wilkinson/Hiroshi Igami Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3D v5 (and previous) compatible MdlX conversions by Speedbird77.
Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Aug 24, 2020 04:46 by chris evans

(Category: FSX > Vintage)
23.73Mb (690 downloads)
Fokker D-XXIII EXTRAS. As Michael Pook made a nice new VC [with working gauges (included)] and also gave me a couple of new textures this will make the aircraft complete. Just put in all the folders in your excisting model, rename your aircraft.cfg or throw it away, put in the new one and off you go.
Posted Aug 23, 2020 11:16 by erik hertzberger

Pantelleria Italy, V1.00
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
5.80Mb (768 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Pantelleria 2012 Italy. Pantelleria Airport (ICAO code: LICG) is an Italian airport opened to commercial air traffic national and international. It is situated in the northwest part of Pantelleria Isle. The structure has two bituminous conglomerate runways, the longest of which is 1800 meters long. At the same time, it is the site of Pantelleria Airport Detachment, subordinate to the 37
Posted Aug 23, 2020 08:29 by Julian Smith

FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-145 Legacy InterCaribbean Airways package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
42.52Mb (1075 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-145 Legacy (EMB-145) FSX Native InterCaribbean Airways package. InterCaribbean is based at Providenciales International Airport in the Caribbean Turks and Caicos Islands and offers flights all around the Caribbean Islands. Currently Intercaribbean have 4 ERJ145 Regional Jet in their fleet of 17 aircraft.
Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-145 FSX native model and VC.
Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky.
VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky.
XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky.
FSX and Prepar3Dv4/5 2020 adaptations by Speedbird77.
Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Aug 23, 2020 02:12 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 Legacy 650 Air Hamburg package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.78Mb (899 downloads)
FSX/P3D Native Embraer ERJ-135 Legacy 650 Air Hamburg package. Air Hamburg is a private German charter airline based at Hamburg Airport and operate 19 Embraer EMB-135BJ Legacy 650 available for private and business charter.
New 2020 FSX Native Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-135 model and VC.
Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky.
VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky.
XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky.
FSX and Prepar3D (tested up tp v5) 2020 conversions by Speedbird77.
Textures by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 22, 2020 02:53 by chris evans