All Files > Page 353

FSX Nemeth Aerospatiale AS350 Ecureuil - South African National Parks Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
17.72Mb (226 downloads)
Textures for the Nemeth Designs payware Aerospatiale AS350 Ecureuil. Textures of the South African National Parks. This aircraft is used daily in anti-poaching operations in South African National Parks. (Mainly the Kruger National Park.)
Posted Aug 22, 2020 01:52 by Jeremy Lohrentz

IRIS F16D Polish Air Force Nato Tiger Meet texture
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.58Mb (235 downloads)
Polish Air Force Nato Tiger Meet textures for the payware IRIS F16D. Texture by Voiteh.
Posted Aug 22, 2020 01:29 by Voiteh

FSX/P3D Virtavia PB4Y Late/Post War Replacement Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
8.34Mb (178 downloads)
These are replacement textures for the late/post war varients of Virtavia's recently released PB4Y-1 & 2.
The default textures were a bit too bright and saturated, so I darkened them up to match the "almost black" blue paint used by the USN at the time.
Posted Aug 21, 2020 16:51 by InDeepSchit

IRIS C27J Spartan Polish Border Guard textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
2.18Mb (239 downloads)
Polish Border Guard textures for the payware IRIS C27J Spartan. Texture Designs by Voiteh
Posted Aug 21, 2020 14:44 by Voiteh

FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Lufthansa Retro Livery package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
79.74Mb (874 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Lufthansa Retro Livery package. Germany's flag carrier airline currently have 43 Airbus A321-200 and this one D-AIDV is panited in a retro theme.
Includes 2020 revised model and VC.
Model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77. Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v4.5 and should be ok in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 20, 2020 10:27 by chris evans

FSX/FS2004 Westates Convair 590 textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.64Mb (394 downloads)
FS9/FSX Westates textures for Greg Pepper's Convair 580.
Westates textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Aug 20, 2020 02:06 by Gary Harper

FSX/P3D Boeing 747-446BCF Global SuperTanker Services Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.78Mb (495 downloads)
T-944 from GSTS is gaining more popularity as it's use increases. Unlike it's previous 2 versions T-947 and T-979, T-944 is also in a newer platform. Being used across the fire prone western United States and in Brazil in the last few years show promise in the large aerial firefighting tanker staying around. Capable of carrying 19,600 US Gallons, it carries double that of the DC-10 VLATs. The size of the 747 and it's complex tank have not been met without controversy and struggles, but GSTS has continued to push forward. Repaint by Nicholas Mitchell. Model used for this repaint works in v4.5 of P3D. Represents company livery as of mid-2020.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 20, 2020 01:38 by Nicholas Mitchell

FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 FSX Native Contour Aviation Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.92Mb (1221 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 FSX Native Package, Contour Aviation/Contour Airlines. Contour Aviation is a US charter airline based at Smyrna Airport, Tennessee and currently have 30 ERJ-130.
Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-135 FSX native model and VC.
Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky.
VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky.
XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky.
FSX and Prepar3D (tested up to v5) 2020 conversions by Speedbird77.
Textured by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 19, 2020 05:16 by chris evans

3M0 - Gaston's on the White, Arkansas, v4
(Category: X Plane > Scenery)
0.13Mb (135 downloads)
Gaston's White River Resort began 61 years ago when Al Gaston, Jim Gaston's father, purchased 20 acres of White River frontage with six small cottages and six boats...the year was 1958. Present day, Jim’s grandson - Clint Gaston - will carry on the family legacy for many years to come. The resort now covers over 400 acres, and has 79 cottages ranging in size from two double beds to ten private bedrooms. The airstrip has grown from 1,800 feet to 3,200 feet. The six boats are now over 70, and with a state of the art dock to hold them all. The years have brought an award winning restaurant, private club, gift shop, tennis court, playground, game room, duck pond, three nature trails, swimming pool, conference lodge, and fly fishing school. I added near-by points of interest in Bull Shoals. See if you can find the sleeping dog at Gaston's. Extract and drop into X-Plane 11/Custom Scenery.
Posted Aug 18, 2020 04:51 by Hugh G Tester
FSX/Accel Pilotable Battleship HMS Prince Of Wales
(Category: FSX > Misc)
18.73Mb (566 downloads)
FSX/Accel Pilotable Battleship HMS Prince Of Wales, a King George V-class vessel. Prince Of Wales was commisioned in January 1941 and was supposed to support HMS Hood against the German battleship Bismarck in May 1941. Prince of Wales served at the Atlantic, the Mediteran Sea and finally in Far East. In December 1941 she and the battlecruise HMS Repulse were attacked and hit by torpedos of japanese submarines and finally sunk by air attacks. Now you can explore this warship in camo textures by toggling through twenty two cameras showing hundreds of realisticly details including a virtual nav-bridge. Effects are seperatly configured for port and starboard. The original grey textures for the ai-version of the HMS King George V. are included. The Ai-vessel is converted from Sketchup to native FSX by Klaus Novak and belongs to his WWII Royal Navy fleet at SOH. Repaint in camo, 2D-panel, configurations and files for pilotable vessel by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 18, 2020 02:25 by Erwin Welker