All Files > Page 389

FSX Default DG-808S Glider Flaps & Speeds Settings Fix
(Category: FSX > Gliders and Ultralites)
0.01Mb (520 downloads)
FSX Default DG-808S Glider flaps & speeds settings fix. The 3D cockpit does not show the flap settings correctly.
The 2D does.
I hope this helps!
Posted Apr 7, 2020 03:49 by Jo

Iris F15 Eagle Polish Air Force textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.48Mb (207 downloads)
Polish Air Force textures for the payware Iris F15 Eagle. By Voiteh.
Posted Apr 7, 2020 01:16 by Voiteh
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Magnetic Variation Update
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.23Mb (741 downloads)
The Updated Magnetic Variation data package provides an updated set of Magdec.bgl files (2020) for FS9, FSX and P3D. New values have been calculated according to the exact WMM2020 mathematical model at epox 1/1/2020. Replacing the default magdec.bgl file with the one provided will result in a better fit between displayed headings and current data. Install instructions are included. by Herve Sors
Posted Apr 6, 2020 00:33 by Alec

FSX/P3D Boeing 757-200 Royal Flight package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
59.02Mb (1034 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 757-200 Royal Flight package.
Royal Flight is a Russian charter airline based at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport and provides seasonal charter flights to popular holiday destinations. Royal Flight currently have 5 Boeing 757-200 in their fleet.
The FSX Native Boeing 757-200 model from TDS includes ground servicing and more. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND upgraded Boeing 737-800 VC cockpit brown tinted to be more like the 757, plus a 2d 757/767 panel by Philipe Wallaert (press F10). This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and additional G1000 MFD and PFD screens, More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 757 sounds included for that extra realism. Edited views, wheel levels. Added wing views. Checklist included.
See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Textured and assembled for P3D & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 5, 2020 06:15 by chris evans

Trans Texas DC-3 textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
4.96Mb (202 downloads)
FSX Trans Texas Airways DC-3 textures for Awesome 4 some DC-3 by James Eden and John Murchison.
Trans Texas textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 4, 2020 15:27 by Gary Harper

HMT Olympic and HMHS Britannic Package
(Category: FSX > Misc)
9.92Mb (644 downloads)
Package consisting of the sister ships to the Titanic, HMT Olympic in her dazzle paint and HMHS Britannic as a hospital ship. Model created by Mitsuya Hamaguchi as the Titanic. Olympic texture designed by Michael Barnes. The Britannic was my texture.
Posted Apr 3, 2020 12:15 by TheHawkerHurricaneMan

UPDATED! Albatros D.V Kurt Wolff Fictional Texture
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.32Mb (241 downloads)
This is an updated texture package for my previous "Kurt Wolff Albatros D.V (Fictional Paint Scheme From The Red Baron Film)" The original required tweaking, but is now more authentic to the airplane in the movie. If you already have the texture, I have included instructions on how to replace it. If you don't, you will require A.F Scrub's Albatros D.V (Ernst Udet) aircraft.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 3, 2020 11:58 by TheHawkerHurricaneMan

FSX/P3D Piaggio P-166 Collection
(Category: FSX > Props)
56.40Mb (3263 downloads)
This package contains a FS-X native conversion of all my original Piaggio P-166 models developed for FS-2002/2004. All versions are included: P-166A, P-166BL-2, P-166CL-2, P-166M, P-166S, P-166DL-3 and P-166DP-1. The 3D models are virtually the same, so these are fairly simple models. Yet they come with a VC (no 2D panel this time!). With respect to the FS-2002/2004 releases, they come with very much improved panels, in two flavors: Piston and Turboprop. Gauges developed by Milton Shupe & Scott Thomas for the Aero Commander / Turbo Commander Aircraft series, and Edgar Guinart López of Aeroproyecto for the Embraer 110. Other Gauges from my own Piaggio P-180 & PD-808. Also Included is a brand-new flight model redeveloped from scratch. The 3D models are mildly improved, with a proper pilot figure, main panel backlighting and bump-mapping. Please refer to the Reference and Checklist pages provided via the FS Kneeboard for flying and operating instructions. Models converted with Arno Gerretsen’s Model Converter X. The Piaggio P-166 is a light small twin. An Exotic twin-engine prop that sold all over the world including America, UK, and Australia. Its origin is traced Back to the Piaggio P-136, a light amphibian, which the P-166 keeps the wings, the engines and the tail planes. The first P-166A flew in November 1957. The aircraft was still in production in the early 21st century in an improved turboprop version, the P-166DP-1.
Posted Apr 2, 2020 10:58 by Mario Noriega

Piaggio P-166 Collection
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
40.89Mb (1418 downloads)
This package contains an updated re-release of all my original Piaggio P-166 models developed for FS-2002/2004. All versions are included in a single package: P-166A, P-166BL-2, P-166CL-2, P-166M, P-166S, P-166DL-3 and P-166DP-1. The 3D models are the same, so these are fairly simple models. Yet they come with a VC (no 2D panel this time!). With respect to the original releases, they come with very much improved panels, in two flavors: Piston and Turboprop. Gauges developed by Milton Shupe & Scott Thomas for the Aero Commander / Turbo Commander Aircraft series, and Edgar Guinart López of Aeroproyecto for the Embraer 110. Other Gauges from my own Piaggio P-180 & PD-808. Also Included is a brand-new flight model redeveloped from scratch. Please refer to the Reference and Checklist pages provided via the FS Kneeboard for flying and operating instructions.
The Piaggio P-166 is a light small twin. An Exotic twin-engine prop that sold all over the world including America, UK, and Australia. Its origin is traced Back to the Piaggio P-136, a light amphibian, which the P-166 keeps the wings, the engines and the tail planes. The first P-166A flew in November 1957. The aircraft was still in production in the early 21st century in an improved turboprop version, the P-166DP-1.
Posted Apr 2, 2020 10:50 by Mario Noriega

FSX KBEC Wichita Kansas Beech Factory Airport USA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.51Mb (390 downloads)
FSX/FSX-SE KBEC Wichita Kansas Beech Factory Airport USA. Redo of the Beechcraft airport factory in Wichita, KS. Read the readme file for installation and information on the redesign of the airport and surrounding area. By Dick Mohatt.
Posted Apr 1, 2020 12:17 by uploader