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X-Plane 11 Shareware Utility - V1.1.5 Addit! Pro
(Category: X Plane > Misc)
33.77Mb (778 downloads)
Addit! Pro is a comprehensive add-on manager for Laminar Research's X-Plane 11. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, liveries, scenery, libraries for scenery, plugins, flight plans, sounds, textures, videos and more! Automatically update and arrange X-Plane's scenery library (scenery_packs.ini). A powerful aircraft editor lets you tweak your fleet, assign pictures to planes and panels, and even hide aircraft. Rearrange scenery layers, set priorities, and manage entries with the scenery library editor. Full-featured add-on management lets you import, archive, recreate, and remove add-ons. Check an add-on's health to reveal configuration problems and missing files. Shareware, please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Readme.htm for details. Requires X-Plane 11 by Laminar Research. By Joseph Stearns.
Posted Mar 5, 2020 15:19 by Joseph Stearns

(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
29.44Mb (200 downloads)
The Airfile aind Air.cfg are completely new and a lot more realistic (we learn a lot in 15 years). I’m using the revised Erwin Welker VC model made for FS2004 as a basis. I also picked up his panel bitmap. I kept the original JR Lucariny texture, but I added two more aircrafts by Rodolfo Valery. As I suspect non-CFS2 stuff are causing CTD, I’m using only standard or very tested gauges like those made by Ground Crew. Weapons are Luft’46, designed by Laszlo Becz.
Posted Mar 5, 2020 12:31 by Pedro Paulo Rezende

FSX/P3D Alyemda DC-3 1977 Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
21.52Mb (173 downloads)
This is a repaint of a DC-3 in Alyemda colors. The freeware DC-3 (C-47) v3.14 by Manfred Jahn is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FSX-SE & P3D. Textures are 32bit dds. This repaint is of one of their 4 DC-3s, 7O-ABE. The DC-3s were phased out by 1980. Alyemda was founded by presidential decree om March 11 1971. It was the national airline of South Yemen (Aden). It replaced Brothers Air Services (BASCO) as the new national carrier.It acquired the BASCO fleet of DC-3s and the DC-6B. Alyemda's first jetliner, a Boeing 720B, previously operated by American Airlines, was delivered on November 25, 1974 and put to work early in 1975 on a daily service to Jeddah. Between 1979-1981 707s were purchased, together with a Tu-154. In 1983 the route network was : Abu Dhabi, Addis Ababa, Al Ghayday, Beihan, Bombay, Damascus,Djibouti, Jeddah, Kuwait, Mogadishu, Qishn, Riyan, Sana’a, Seiyan, Sharjah, and Socotra. 1984 saw them receive 2 737-200s, followed by a leased A310-300 from Airbus Industrie in 1993. Alyemda merged with Yemenia Airways Corporation to form Yemenia, on May 26, 1996.
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Posted Mar 5, 2020 00:19 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D Alyemda Airbus A310-304 1994 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.94Mb (185 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Airbus A310-300 in Alyemda colors. The freeware Airbus A310-300 by Thomas Ruth is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE but should work on P3D v1-3 and FSX. In 1992 Alyemda put in a request with Airbus to lease an A310. There was one in storage at Frankfurt, since December 1990, which was not taken up by Air Algerie. The A310 was delivered to Alyemda in August 1993 and flew with the carrier until its transfer to the new entity - Yemenia, in February 1996. It was then purchased by Qatar Airways in November 1998, and finally being sold to the Pakistani Air Force in February 2007.
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required file
Posted Mar 4, 2020 00:25 by Ted Giana

FSX/FS2004/P3D3 Alyemda 737-2R4C 1984 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.25Mb (192 downloads)
This is a repaint of a 737-298C in Alyemda colors. The freeware Erick Cantu/Kittyhawk 737-200 is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS for FSX/P3Dv3 (Not v4+), and 32bit BMP for FS2004.This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should also work on FSX & P3D v1-3. Alyemda received their two 737-200s in 1984. They served the airline well for 12 years, from 1984 till 1996 when they merged into Yemenia. Even then, they were used by the newly formed carrier. This 737, 7I-ACQ, was unlucky whilst flying for Yemenia. It was damaged beyond repair at Khartoum in June 2000, after landing hard, then veering off the runway and hitting a number of obstructions, which caused the nose gear to collapse. No casualties, but the aircraft was written off.
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required file
Posted Mar 4, 2020 00:24 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D Captain Sim Boeing 707-336C Alyemda 1988 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
16.90Mb (182 downloads)
This is a repaint of a 707-336C in Alyemda colors. The payware 707-300C by Captain Sim is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3. Alyemda had four 707s in their fleet. They were utilized by the carrier from 1977 to 1996 when Alyemda merged with Yemenia Airways Corporation to form Yemenia.
This 707, 7O-ACO, was purchased in December 1981 from British Airways, and after 15 years of service, was busted up in Aden in May 1996.
Posted Mar 4, 2020 00:23 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D/FS2004 Alyemda DC-6A 1976 Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
15.79Mb (195 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas DC-6A (CB17 model) in Alyemda colors. The freeware CalClassic DC-6A CB-17 model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS & 32bit BMP. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE and should work on FSX & P3D v1-3, & FS2004.
Alyemda operated 5 DC-6s from 1971 to 1985. This particular aircraft, 7O-ABO, was purchased from Inex Adria in June 1976. It flew for the carrier for 2 years, when it was damaged in Damascus in May 1978. It was withdrawn from use and stored in Aden in 1979.
Posted Mar 4, 2020 00:21 by Ted Giana

Update for FSX of the Vistaliners B737-500 Winglets
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
18.84Mb (629 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Vistaliners
B737-500 Winglets. It includes the paint for
United Airlines Bold by Jonas Wikander and
Sky Airlines textures that I believe are
original Vistaliners textures. I have
combined the textures into the texture
folder so you don't need the VL_737_base
folder. I added all the wheels, and updated
the flight dynamics. This was one of those
aircraft that had the base model G-forces
set to 0 so it would crash when loaded.
This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 3, 2020 16:01 by Bob Chicilo

Update for FSX of the Vistaliners B 737-500
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
18.85Mb (313 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Vistaliners
B737-500 without Winglets. It includes the
paint for United Airlines Bold by Jonas
Wikander and Sky Airlines textures that I
believe are original Vistaliners textures. I
have combined the textures into the texture
folder so you don't need the VL_737_base
folder. I added all the wheels, and updated
the flight dynamics. This was one of those
aircraft that had the base model G-forces set
to 0 so it would crash when loaded. This is
the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 3, 2020 15:45 by Bob Chicilo

Beriev BE12 Missing Gauges
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.43Mb (762 downloads)
Missing gauges for the Beriev BE-12 uploaded to simviation. Just drop the gauges into your main panel folder of the BE-12
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required file
Posted Mar 3, 2020 03:58 by anon