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LET-410 V3 PBR Package 4
LET-410 V3 PBR Package 4 (Category: Prepar3d > Props)
168.86Mb (640 downloads)
For P3DV4.4+ only! Included are LET-410NG PBR and LET-410UVP Skydiving PBR variants. IMPORTANT: The base package is needed and must be installed to use this package. Authors: Ulrich Esser (Bluebear) and Thomas Roehl (TiAr) History: LET-410-Originally developed for FS2004 by the Pannon Wings Design Team of Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai and Jiri Masnik. (See original readme file included with this package) After securing permission from Tibor Kokai to convert their work to Native FSX, Sim-outhouse members Bluebear and Falcon409 began the process of updating the models to native FSX. This conversion process was done by Bluebear. Now LET-410 V3 PBR is the current development. It features - PBR in all exterior and interior models. - 2 more models based of the original now available. - New western style grey cockpit with new gauges, systems similar to the older black one. - New exterior and interior sound system - In respect to the original authors we modified nearly all original models and paintings to PBR. 20 fully new liveries are included.
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Posted Nov 27, 2019 19:24 by Bluebear
LET-410 V3 PBR Package 3
LET-410 V3 PBR Package 3 (Category: Prepar3d > Props)
205.11Mb (377 downloads)
For P3DV4.4+ only! Included are LET-410FG PBR and LET-410UVPT Transport PBR variants. IMPORTANT: The base package is needed and must be installed to use this package. Authors: Ulrich Esser (Bluebear) and Thomas Roehl (TiAr) History: LET-410-Originally developed for FS2004 by the Pannon Wings Design Team of Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai and Jiri Masnik. (See original readme file included with this package) After securing permission from Tibor Kokai to convert their work to Native FSX, Sim-outhouse members Bluebear and Falcon409 began the process of updating the models to native FSX. This conversion process was done by Bluebear. Now LET-410 V3 PBR is the current development. It features - PBR in all exterior and interior models. - 2 more models based of the original now available. - New western style grey cockpit with new gauges, systems similar to the older black one. - New exterior and interior sound system - In respect to the original authors we modified nearly all original models and paintings to PBR. 20 fully new liveries are included.
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Posted Nov 27, 2019 19:11 by Bluebear
LET-410 V3 PBR Package 2
LET-410 V3 PBR Package 2 (Category: Prepar3d > Props)
149.27Mb (286 downloads)
For P3Dv4.4+ only! Included are all LET-410UVP PBR variants. IMPORTANT: The base package is needed and must be installed to use this package. Authors: Ulrich Esser (bluebear) and Thomas Roehl (TiAr) History: LET-410-Originally developed for FS2004 by the Pannon Wings Design Team of Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai and Jiri Masnik. (See original readme file included with this package) After securing permission from Tibor Kokai to convert their work to Native FSX, Sim-outhouse members Bluebear and Falcon409 began the process of updating the models to native FSX. This conversion process was done by Bluebear. Now LET-410 V3 PBR is the current development. It features - PBR in all exterior and interior models. - 2 more models based of the original now available. - New western style grey cockpit with new gauges, systems similar to the older black one. - New exterior and interior sound system - In respect to the original authors we modified nearly all original models and paintings to PBR. 20 fully new liveries are included.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 27, 2019 19:05 by Bluebear
LET-410 V3 PBR Base Package
LET-410 V3 PBR Base Package (Category: Prepar3d > Props)
188.36Mb (771 downloads)
For P3Dv4.4+ only! Included LET-410UVPE PBR variants. This base package is needed to use LET-410 V3 PBR Package 2 and 3. Authors: Ulrich Esser and Thomas Roehl History: LET-410-Originally developed for FS2004 by the Pannon Wings Design Team of Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai and Jiri Masnik. (See original readme file included with this package) After securing permission from Tibor Kokai to convert their work to Native FSX, Sim-outhouse members Bluebear and Falcon409 began the process of updating the models to native FSX. This conversion process was done by Bluebear. Now LET-410 V3 PBR is the current development. It features - PBR in all exterior and interior models. - 2 more models based of the original now available. - New western style grey cockpit with new gauges, systems similar to the older black one. - New exterior and interior sound system - In respect to the original authors we modified nearly all original models and paintings to PBR. 20 fully new liveries are included.
Posted Nov 27, 2019 18:59 by Bluebear
FSX/P3D Douglas DC10-30 V3 Classic Liveries
FSX/P3D Douglas DC10-30 V3 Classic Liveries
FSX/P3D Douglas DC10-30 V3 Classic Liveries (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
579.40Mb (3230 downloads)
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC10-30 V3 classic liveries collection. Based on Thomas Ruth and Eric Cantu's model, featuring a brand new extended Airfile and an improved 2D/3D Panel V3 with completely re-written gauges. This V3 package of the legendary DC10 wide-body airliner is a complete rework of the great "tomdc10" V2 package. Every element of the original package has been reworked, including aircraft textures, 2D panel and VC, sounds, effects and most of all, flight dynamics. This collection contains 12 beautiful liveries from some of the most iconic airlines from the 80's, including: Air Afrique, UTA, Garuda Indonesia, Swissair, Martinair Holland, Ghana Airways, Air New Zealand, Laker, JAT, American Airlines, Eastern Airlines and Aeromexico. All textures are extremely detailled with new alpha layers and improved specular lighting. All metallic textures have been enhanced to display realistic reflections and dynamic shine. All textures are DXT5. The new panel features the following extra gauges: FMC by Garret Smith, TCAS by Dietmar Loleit, and VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32, Brake and Cockpit sounds by Philippe Marion. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Superb environment sound file based on Benoit Plamondon (Aeromusica) CF6-50 V1 package, with updates by Philippe Marion. PaintKits included: White and Metal, complete with Alpha layers. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9). Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Works in V4 but sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Nov 27, 2019 12:14 by Philippe Marion
FSX/FS2004/P3Dv1-3 TWA Lockheed Jetstar Textures
FSX/FS2004/P3Dv1-3 TWA Lockheed Jetstar Textures
2.24Mb (330 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Lockheed Jetstar in TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe colors. The freeware Lockheed Jetstar by Mike Stone is needed for this repaint. TWA used the Lockheed Jetstars for pilot training. They has a total of 3 in thier fleet. Textures are 32bit BMP. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX, P3Dv1-3, & FS2004.
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Posted Nov 26, 2019 22:50 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D Lockheed L-1011-1 TWA 1980 Textures
FSX/P3D Lockheed L-1011-1 TWA 1980 Textures
FSX/P3D Lockheed L-1011-1 TWA 1980 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
4.90Mb (378 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Lockheed L-1011-1 in TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe colors. The freeware Lockheed L-1011-1 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations (George Arana) native FSX conversion with VC, of Erick Cantu's Lockheed L-1011-1 is needed for this repaint (link provided). On March 29 1968, TWA made an announcement, together with Eastern Airlines, for an order of 44 L-1011 Tristars (33 firm orders ans 11 options) with 22 deliveries scheduled for 1972. Thus, this multi-company contract officially launched the Lockheed widebody tri-jet, which was considered to be the most advanced civil airliner of its era. TWA advertised the L-0101 as 'the most advanced airliner in the sky' capable of flying itself from takeoff to landing. TWA operated 41 of these elegant airliners from 1972 to 1997. This repaint is of N81025, which was delivered to the carrier in November 1974 and flew for TWA until April 1997. The textures are 32bit DDS. It was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FSX & P3Dv3.
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Posted Nov 26, 2019 22:48 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D Sky Simulations DC-9-14 TWA 1967 Textures
FSX/P3D Sky Simulations DC-9-14 TWA 1967 Textures
3.28Mb (74 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-9-14 in TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe colors. The payware DC-9-10 by Sky Simulations is needed for this repaint. TWA's first DC-9-14 was delivered new from Douglas in February 1966. They ordered it in 1965 to replace the Lockheed 749A Constellation. The total number of DC-9-10s in the TWA fleet was about 19. They were used primarily on short multistop flights.The fleet was finally sold in the late 1970s for fleet simplification. The textures are 32bit DDS. It was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FSX & P3Dv3.
Posted Nov 26, 2019 22:42 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D  DC-9-14 TWA 1967 Textures
FSX/P3D  DC-9-14 TWA 1967 Textures
FSX/P3D DC-9-14 TWA 1967 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.04Mb (166 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-9-10 in TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe colors. The freeware DC-9-10 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations (George Arana) native FSX conversion with VC, of Erick Cantu's DC-9-10 is needed for this repaint. TWA's first DC-9-14 was delivered new from Douglas in February 1966. They ordered it in 1965 to replace the Lockheed 749A Constellation. The total number of DC-9-10s in the TWA fleet was about 19. They were used primarily on short multistop flights.The fleet was finally sold in the late 1970s for fleet simplification. The textures are 32bit DDS. It was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FSX & P3Dv3.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2019 22:40 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D CLS Boeing 747-131 TWA 1979 Textures
FSX/P3D CLS Boeing 747-131 TWA 1979 Textures
34.92Mb (321 downloads)
This is a repaint of the 747-131 in TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe colors. The payware 747-200 HD by Commercial Level Simulations- CLS is needed for this repaint. TWA operated 37 various types of 747s; 100s, 200s, and SPs. This repaint is of a 747-131 which was purchased new from Boeing in April 1970 and stayed with the carrier till 2000, which was one year before the takeover of the airline by American Airlines. Textures are 32bit DDS HD. This repaint was tested FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3.
Posted Nov 26, 2019 22:37 by Ted Giana