All Files > Page 2501
Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Loganair Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.23Mb (2211 downloads)
Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Loganair Textures only.
G-BLDV BN-2B-26 Islander G-BLDV (cn 2179) operates for Loganair,
Scotland. The hybrid livery reflects Loganair's partnership
franchise with British Airways. G-BLDV carries the Scottish
Ambulance Service Crest as she is used primarily for medical
and ambulance flights within the Scottish highlands and islands.
Aircraft by Marcel Kuhnt (required here).
Repaint by Mark Beaumont. 1.2MB
See fix
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Cessna182 'Blaze' Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.77Mb (1486 downloads)
Cessna182 'Blaze' Textures only.
This is a repaint of the stock Cessna 182.I call BLAZE Painted
In Red And Yellow with Blazing nose art Textures only Created
by Mark Rooks. 1.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Canadian Forces CT-142 Gonzo (Longnose Dash8)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
21.11Mb (3557 downloads)
Canadian Forces CT-142 Gonzo (Longnose Dash8) Tail
# 142804. A four station navigational trainer operated by Canadian
Forces 402 Squadron, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. An all new
FSDS2.24 design with 2D panel, Dynamic VC, and Custom Sound.
In addition, a custom TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System),
a complete Ground Handling module with push back and taxi speed
control and the latest version GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning
System) is included. The visual model features an opening airstair
with detailed cabin interior, operating Cargo Door, lift dump
and roll control spoilers, passenger wing and cabin views, and
high definition reflective textures. A comprehensive set of
html documents (Check List & Ref List) are included for in-flight
information. A separate Panel_Docs folder with panel and systems
help files, pilot's notes and more. By Jean-Pierre Brisard,
Barry Blaisdell, Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. 21.6MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004 F-27 Troopship, Royal Netherlands Air Force Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.53Mb (1121 downloads)
F-27 Troopship, Royal Netherlands Air Force Textures only.
Repaint of the Fokker F27 Mk.300M Troopship, in it's first Royal
Netherlands Air Force livery. Tail number: C-5 (MSN 10155).
334 Squadron based at Soesterberg air base in Holland, 1960.
The F27-200 model of Mike Stone is required (here).
Repaint by Jaap de Baare. 539K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Beechcraft Starship Update
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.11Mb (3840 downloads)
Beechcraft Starship Update.
This is an update of Mike Stone's Beechcraft Starship and a
view fix for Ken Mitchell's panel made for it. It can be found
on page 39 FS2004
props. Description: This is an update of Mike Stone's Beechcraft
Starship and a view fix for Ken Mitchell's panel made for it.
I have redone the flight dynamics so the aircraft flys better.
The panel update will make Ken's panel work in FS2004 even if
the panel you have does not, and let you see over the nose better.
Bob Chicilo. 116K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004 Jodel D11 in 3 liveries French & Canadian.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
5.02Mb (3212 downloads)
A very popular aircraft in France, use by Clubs for training and small travel. Created in 1950 by Joly and Delemontez to developpe the French aeroclubs after WWII. Model by Jean-Francois Isabel
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
United Flight Group Beechcraft Baron Default Textures.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.80Mb (1330 downloads)
United Flight Group Beechcraft Baron Default Textures.
Textures By Quintein Vazquez. 820K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Piper PA28-140 Package.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
9.47Mb (24593 downloads)
Piper PA28-140 Package.
A Gmax Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, v1.0. The oldest model in the
Cherokee series. Features a fully modelled cabin and virtual
cockpit, photorealistic textures, full control surfaces, door
and suspension animation, dynamic shine and glass reflections.
By Ole Egholm. 9.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004 F-27, NLM Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.41Mb (1034 downloads)
F-27, NLM Textures only.
. This is a repaint of the Fokker F27 in NLM, Dutch Airlines
livery as it started in 1966. Registration: PH-KFB (MSN 10161).
Originaly a F27 Mk.300 Troopship, this aircraft was leased from
the Royal Netherlands Air Force. These are textures only. The
F27-200 model of Mike Stone is required (here).
Repaint by Jaap de Baare. 649K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Viscount 708 Starways Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.63Mb (633 downloads)
Viscount 708 Starways Textures only. Founded in 1948 based
at Blackpool, Starways moved to Liverpool the following year.
It expanded throughout the 1950 and in 1961 this Viscount was
acquired from Air France where it had served since June 1954
as F-BGNS. At the end of 1962 it was joined by G-APZB a series
707 which came from Tradair. In late 1963 a co-operation agreement
was signed with British Eagle which was in effect a take over
of Starways operations. Effective from 1st January 1964 British
Eagle Viscounts appeared with Starways titles. G-APZB was sold
to Channel and this machine returned to France and a new career
with Air Inter as F-BLHI. It returned to the UK with Alidair
in June 1975 and after various leases and livery changes was
sold in December 1983 to Janus. Eleven months later it was sold
to MMM Aero Services of Zaire as 9Q-CAH in November 1984. However
it only got as far as Ostend in Belgium where it was broken
up in December 1988. Requires the FSDS Viscount 700 model by
Rick Piper here:
Repaint by Garry Russell. 647K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive