All Files > Page 2527
North American T-6G Texan 'Mosquito' LTA-542.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
6.81Mb (6515 downloads)
North American T-6G Texan 'Mosquito' LTA-542.
Close to 700 man hours went into this Korean War veteran with
its all new precise detailed textures, upgraded flight dynamics
and new T-6 sound package. It has dead-on accurate fuselage
panel lines, minute rivets, new wheels, redesigned pilot, and
a photo-real engine. Combined with good lucks and flawless handling,
you will fnd this beauty a real treat to fly.Original model
by Denis da Silva. A complete "Classic" redesign by Cliff Presley.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Dornier DO-X Base Package
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
16.43Mb (11845 downloads)
Dornier DO-X Base Package.
This is the G-max Dornier DO-X base package. Includes 2D panel,
3D panel, sounds and polished aluminium textures (without paint
scheme). Inspired in the real aircraft. By Project Eolo - Aeolus
Project. 16.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS8 and FS2004 Halifax B.MkII S1A Bomber.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
3.60Mb (5518 downloads)
FS8 and FS2004 Halifax B.MkII S1A Bomber.
The Handley Page Halifax was one of the front-line, four-engine
heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force during World War II. Introduction
of 1,390 hp Merlin XX engines and four .303-in dorsal turret
instead of waist guns resulted in the Mk II Series 1 Halifax.
Original Beta model by Stiz. Updated textures,panel,exhaust
effects,airfile. New Dp file and gunners added for cfs2. Adapted
to FS8 and Fs9. - If asked to disable non compatible features
in FS9 - click no. A.F.Scrub. 3.6MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
F4U1A Corsair Invisible Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
1.72Mb (503 downloads)
F4U1A Corsair Invisible Textures.
This is a Repaint of F4U1A Corsair flight simulator 2004 Created
to be completely invisible - I call it the Phantom!. Complete
aircraft. Created by Mark Rooks. 1.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
GMAX P-51 Swedish "Vit David" Package
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
5.70Mb (3328 downloads)
GMAX P-51 Swedish "Vit David" Package.
A Swedish P-51B history: The first of 5 Variations to come of
the Swedish P-51's. The first is "Vit David" This is a repaint
of the beautiful GMAX P-51 'Reno' Mustang. Original design by
Roger L. Dial; Flight Dynamics Steve Small FSD; Sounds Mike
Hambly. Repaints By Mikael Karlsson. 5.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Gee Bee R-1 Racer.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
1.52Mb (7360 downloads)
Gee Bee R-1 Racer. Built
by the Granville Brothers Aircraft Company 1932. Not for the
faint hearted - this cult racer was notoriously difficult to
fly & being unforgiving, claimed many many who attempted.
Model, paint, FDE by Mathew Chamberlain 1.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Aeronca C-3 Collegian
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
0.98Mb (1822 downloads)
Aeronca C-3 Collegian
This model depicts the 1934 Razorback version of the Aeronca
C-3 Collegian. It has the usual animations, pilot figure and
a transparent windshield. The 2D panel and VC are based on a
photo. The VC has moving controls. The sound file was recorded
from an actual Aeronca E-113A engine. By Paul Clawson. 1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
F4U1A Corsair Ghost
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
2.83Mb (1073 downloads)
F4U1A Corsair Ghost.
This is a modified stock f4u1a Corsair for Flight Simulator
2004 The modified alpha channel gives it a Ghostly Appearance...
Happy Halloween this is a complete plane. Created by “Fireball”
Mark Rooks. 2.9MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
American BT-14 Package.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
15.12Mb (2023 downloads)
American BT-14 Package.
This aircraft is the only BT-14 in the world flying today. It
was converted from a Yale, and is stationed in Morganton, North
Carolina. File includes entire aircraft. Original model by Denis
and Daniel da Silva; Panel by Johan "VIPER" Lemmers. By Dalton
Walters. 15.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
RCS B-25J RAF Mitchell MkIII Package.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
53.90Mb (28596 downloads)
RCS B-25J RAF Mitchell MkIII Package.
This complex FREEWARE package is designed and built to give
the most realistic of flying experiences to the decerning FS
Pilot. With 12,000 man hours of development every aspect has
been finely tuned. Includes :- Aircraft/Panels/Sound/Checklists/Handling-Notes/Manual
and more. This "Updated FS9 Version" has never before been released
on any website. This version includes an extra "Camo" livery,
along with a few minor modifications to the flight model and
other things. Basically the livery from the CFS2 version has
been ported to the FS9 version and works well. You can fly from
either seat and change seats "on the fly" and has IFR and VFR
options Detailed Manuals in HTML and PDF formats. Built to run
on Windows 98/98se/ME or XP By Roy Chaffin/RCS Panels. 55.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive