All Files > Page 3051

Flathead Lake Helicopter Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.49Mb (2770 downloads)
Flathead Lake scenery FSX only. Start your heli flight at 8S1 and get out on the Lake to discover cool floating H platforms on the lake, I have also add a view camps around the lake.
Ruud Popping
Posted Nov 17, 2008 02:43 by Ruud Popping

VC-25A Fix
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
0.00Mb (4481 downloads)
This is a quick fix for the VC-25A Package from Project Opensky. The transparent wings at night will be corrected with this download. Requires []. By: Brandon Henry
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 17, 2008 02:39 by Project Opensky

T45C Splash Screen FSX
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.68Mb (1510 downloads)
this is my second try at making a splash screen for FSX, A BIG Thanks to Bob Hedgelon for his splash screen templates and Dino Cattaneo for his Boeing T45C Goshawk, aircraft depicted is the Boeing T45C Goshawk.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 18:00 by PJ.Pugh

Mig 29 Splash Screen FSX
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.33Mb (11026 downloads)
A Splash screen for FSX using Bob Hedgelons templates and the Abacus payware Mig 29.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 17:57 by PJ.Pugh
Miramar MCAS. V4.0 Scenery from FSXF
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
27.04Mb (3949 downloads)
Better Frames,Most scenery objects Very-Dense setting. Simple set up, added NDB for Miramar MCAS. ADF Frequency 463.0, ident NKX, range 100 NM.
Enhanced San Diego harbour shipping port, and marinas. Included BGL. FOR North Island ILS, and updated Carrier in San Diego Bay with arrestor cables
/Deck loaded WITH F-18 AND SH-60.
The airport name is FSXF-Miramar MCAS (KNKX), Added aprons, taxi ways, hangers, vehicles, STATIC. Added ILS approaches,
06L-111.75MHz 06R-111.10MHz 24L-109.55MHz, (stock ils.)-24R-111.15Mhz, new starts, helipads etc...
Posted Nov 16, 2008 12:35 by Thunder
Galway Airport, Ireland Upgrade
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
2.84Mb (1356 downloads)
This is an update for Galway- EICM - airport in Ireland. FEATURES: ILS for runway 26 (FREQ. 118.500); The new turnaround at the beginning of runway 26; the extension at the end of runway 26; taxiways Bravo and Charlie; the fire training ground (taxi via Charlie); a paring spot (located where the ACTUAL fuel station is) for FUEL(I am unable to move the fuel station so this is just a parking spot called fuel); the new tarmac section with new parking altered taxi stands for the "Gates"; an Aer Arran only gate 2; helicopter parking spots to represent executive helicopters parking; a taxi line leading to the Aer Arran hanger(Hanger not included); new apron lighting; a fictional ground freq. Ajusts the airport area to resemble the real thing. The flying club parking (located at the east side of the airport)
Posted Nov 16, 2008 12:34 by Shane Lorigan
Airport Chart Gauge.
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
5.59Mb (9041 downloads)
Airport Chart Gauge.
The gauge displays an airport layout using data
directly taken from FSX so that it will match
your actual flying conditions. It displays runways,
taxiways, parking, etc. By Holger Maass. 5.7MB
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Collins ALI-55 Radar Altimeter
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.18Mb (2091 downloads)
Collins ALI-55 Radar Altimeter.
XML stand-alone gauge. By Pierre Fasseaux. 181K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
XML-Gauge: 737-400 Autoland version 1.1
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.01Mb (870 downloads)
XML-Gauge: 737-400 Autoland version 1.1.
The "NO WIND" version. This is a simple
xml-gauge you can use to make blind landings
with your default boeing 737-400. Instructions
can be found in the readme document included
in this folder. Willem Sophia. 16K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Radar Gauge
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (2463 downloads)
Radar Gauge.
This radar and modification of the original
FSX. You only see the aircraft in flight with
their data as their flight altitude, direction
etc.. 27K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive