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Gauges: GPWS gauge V3.3
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.24Mb (6550 downloads)
Gauges: GPWS gauge V3.3
This freeware Ground Proximity Warning System
gauge for FS2004 can be added to any aircraft
that has retractable gear and flaps, and offers
the following features: - Clickable switch,
with Test/Inhibit function and warning light.
- 8 different warning modes, with all the usual
aural warnings, like "Pullup", "Sinkrate", "TerrainTerrain",
"Windshear" and normal Altitude callouts. -
Fully customiseable per aircraft type, by just
editing the gauge parameters with Notepad. See
README for extensive description. By Rob Barendregt.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
SRCsim Icom IC-A200 Communications Transceiver.
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.17Mb (1114 downloads)
SRCsim Icom IC-A200 Communications Transceiver.
Introduction This radio gauge consists of two
Icom IC-A200 communications radios, configured
as COM 1 and COM 2. The operation of these gauges
is modeled on the real-world Icom radios. They
feature standby frequencies, selectable by switch.
They keep one frequency ready at all times as
the standby frequency and this can be changed
at any time; when the standby frequency is called
into use, the currently active frequency then
becomes the standby. Ric Ryburn. 171K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Working wipers in xml-gauge format.
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.01Mb (2394 downloads)
Working wipers in xml-gauge format.
Guy De Smet. 10K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Sound Gauges v2.1
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.07Mb (1801 downloads)
Sound Gauges v2.1
Two gauges which will play sounds based on commands
received from xml gauges. Both of these gauges
are configurable via text based configuration
files. Doug Dawson. 74K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive

Wind Drift Meter Gauge.
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.06Mb (1584 downloads)
Wind Drift Meter Gauge.
Dave Bitzer. 62K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Simulated Aircraft Bubble Sextant
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.97Mb (1715 downloads)
Simulated Aircraft Bubble Sextant As
travel by air developed and matured, navigation
over long distances also developed and improved.
In the early days, however, air navigation essentially
used ship navigation techniques adapted for
aircraft. Without "landmarks", the navigators
used Ded Reckoning (DR) and the stars. Celestial
or Astronomical Navigation provides a means
of obtaining Lines of Position (LOPs) from the
stars. Crossing LOPs will fix a position. It
requires a chart, and a planned course on that
chart, with waypoints specified by Latitude
and Longitude, an assumed time of arrival at
each waypoint, and stars (including the Sun,
Moon, or planets) in view. In the 1940s, extensive
tables of star positions were made available
to air navigators to be used with sextants to
obtain these LOPs. In the tables, all times
involved are GMT. This data is available from
the Internet in "ready to use" form. This gauge
simulates the sextant, and the process by which
one obtains a LOP, or crossing LOPs to obtain
a position, or fix. Can be used with any FS2004
aircraft. Includes comprehensive browser-based
manual and references. By Dave Bitzer and Mark
Beaumont. File name: DC3_BBSX.ZIP. 991K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
gauges for FS2004 aircraft
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.04Mb (1562 downloads)
gauges for FS2004 aircraft.
These gauge was written after a VFR ferryflight
from Key West (Florida) to St. Johann (Austria).
Often I missed wind-informations for higher
or lower altitudes. Sometimes I have noticed,
that if I will fly at an other altitude I will
have tail wind instead of head wind. But this
informations i could only got flying to this
altitude and test it. By Andreas Widmann. 42K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
Modified default Kingair Radio gauge
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (1122 downloads)
Modified default Kingair Radio gauge.
This is the gauge file which contains the six
separate Nav 1, 2; Comm 1, 2; Transponder; and
ADF radios, as well as the metallic toggle switches.
All except the ADF have transparent bitmaps,
so that only the numerical frequency display
is visible. The separate numerical displays
can be placed in any customized radio image
with any typical panel-maker program. The black,
or grey, rectangular base of the toggle switches
have also been made transparent, so that the
metallic ring at the base of the switch blends
better with a panel background. It should also
work in FS2002. This gauge is Freeware. By Will
Fisher. 28K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
FS2004 Fuel dump & refuel gauge
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.01Mb (2115 downloads)
Fuel dump & refuel gauge
Three colors red, black and gray. This is a
variation of the FSUIPC_DUMPv2004.gau that is
originally transparent but now visible to install
on any panel. Copyright by Arne Bartels. The
gauges will dump fuel up to 20% if tanks full
and refill up to 70% if empty. FSUIPC Shareware
version required. Modication to make the gauge
visible By Alejandro Villa. 16K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive

Sound Gauge
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
1.67Mb (3535 downloads)
Sound Gauge
This gauge will play most of the sound files
[NOT INCLUDED] from Dave March's S-Combo (here).
Should fit any panel. by Chris Hutchings 1.7MB
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive