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FSX St Louis PhotoReal Scenery Section Z
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
73.45Mb (1155 downloads)
FSX St Louis PhotoReal Scenery. This is high resolution, 1 meter/pixel, terrain
scenery for St Louis, Missouri (MO). Section Z, is one of 30. A map and
descriptions show the section locations and some feature details. This
photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only
the USGS aerial photo data taken in March 2002. The default FSX mesh works well
with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be
purchased. The 30 sections of scenery, totalling 2 Gb, contains photoreal terrain
textures, encompassing an area bounded by 31.7 E-W and 27.4 N-S miles (about 870
square miles). Each section is independent, but the user may want most or all
sections to provide continuity and completeness. By Jim Jones.
Posted Oct 11, 2008 05:30 by Jim Jones

FSX St Louis PhotoReal Scenery Section Y
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
71.16Mb (1135 downloads)
FSX St Louis PhotoReal Scenery. This is high resolution, 1 meter/pixel, terrain scenery for St Louis, Missouri (MO). Section, Y, is one of 30. A map and decriptions show the section locatons and some feature details. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in March 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. The 30 sections of scenery, totaling 2 Gb, contains photoreal terrain textures, encompassing an area bounded by 31.7 E-W and 27.4 N-S miles (about 870 square miles). Each section is independant, but the user may want most or all sections to provide continutiy and completeness. By Jim Jones.
Posted Oct 11, 2008 05:27 by Jim Jones

Flight Sim Nation Edition Textures For The King Air 350
(Category: FSX > Props)
6.01Mb (2733 downloads)
This texture by FSN member Owen "crazieman" Young features photo realistic Flight Sim Nation graphics complete with scratched up paint and logo on the bottom of the fuse. This texture is in use for AFTS as well as free flight.
Visit us at
Posted Oct 11, 2008 00:54 by Flight Sim Nation

FSX MD-83 Alitalia Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.30Mb (8144 downloads)
Textures only for the FSX AI Default flyable MD-83. An FS Downloader requested the Alitalia texture because there is not a download that is suitable for FSX on a certain airline. The downloader also wanted me to do the Aeromexico and Hawaiian, and the 737-800 Air Jamaica, & hopefully tthese will be available soon. By Victor Vu
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2008 23:21 by Victor Vu

FSX -Carrier/Strait of Hormuz (OOKC) scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.50Mb (3282 downloads)
This scenery is good for missions.
The airport name is FSX -Carrier/Strait of Hormuz, the carrier is off the coast of Oman in the Strait of Hormuz.
Has a few Cruisers and Destroyers around it, as a carrier battle group. Carrier has LOC/DME 109.15 Mhz. 30 NM. range(no back coarse or glide sloap).
NBD Frequency is 212 Khz., with a range of 100 NM. VOR ident: FSH .
Posted Oct 10, 2008 21:36 by Thunder

StarWars Incom T-65 X-Wing
(Category: FSX > Misc)
11.52Mb (45686 downloads)
The StarWars Classic X-Wing. This model Features: A reasonable Mach 1.8 Vmax - Good High Altitude performance - exceptional manueverability and G tolerance - Hover flaps (see readme) - animated R2D2 - animated S-Foils that are tied to spoilers (which have zero drag and are visible in multiplayer) - Dynamic VC - Detailed external model - custom sound . *compiled with FS9 SDK / tested in FSX w/Acceleration winXP DX9 *for FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Oct 10, 2008 18:07 by Bruce Fitzgerald

FSX Acceleration F/A-18 "Rattlers" Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
2.29Mb (2490 downloads)
Textures only for FSX Acceleration F/A-18 Hornet.
Textures By Rajiv DeYoung
Posted Oct 10, 2008 08:48 by Rajiv DeYoung

Boeing 747-300 Ansett Australia
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
20.85Mb (4522 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 Ansett Australia. Model by Project Opensky
Posted Oct 10, 2008 06:44 by archive

Boeing 747-300 Thai Airways International
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.43Mb (3188 downloads)
Boeing 747-300
Thai Airways International HS-TGD.
This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky
Model : Hiroshi Igami
Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel
Tested : Project-Opensky Members
747 Series Masters : Corey Ford, Yosuke Ube
Painted : Yosuke Ube
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:44 by archive

Boeing 747-300 Japan Asia Airways "Gray and Red"
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.51Mb (2858 downloads)
Boeing 747-300
Japan Asia Airways "Gray and Red" JA8189.
This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky
Model : Hiroshi Igami
Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel
Tested : Project-Opensky Members
747 Series Masters : Corey Ford, Yosuke Ube
Painted : Yosuke Ube
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:44 by archive