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T-37 Dragonfly
T-37 Dragonfly (Category: FSX > Military)
10.07Mb (8498 downloads)
This is a Repaint of Capt. I. D'Attomo's T-37 Dragonfly modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is Painted as a United States Air Force trainer .The T-37 is the most prominent of the trainer-attack types known in various forms as the "Tweety Bird", "Tweet", "Dragonfly", or "Super Tweet". This small, neat aircraft flew for decades as a primary trainer for the U.S. Air Force, and served with distinction in the attack role during the Vietnam War. The T-37/A-37 has also provided excellent service in the air forces of other nations as a light attack aircraft . This package provides a history and description of the T-37/A-37. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG
Posted Sep 26, 2008 04:15 by Mark Rooks
FSX BAe 146 Panel v4.1
FSX BAe 146 Panel v4.1 (Category: FSX > Panels)
8.01Mb (15628 downloads)
FSX BAe 146 Panel v4.1 Betaversion. Completely new panel and system trainer for the British Aerospace BAe 146. This new version contents now all working systems like electric, hydraulic, fuel, pressurization and many other. Those systems based very close on the real BAe 146 systems and were programmed close to the manual and with the information and description of real world pilots. Version 4.1 contents now a full working TMS (thrust Modulation System), and all modes of the AFGS (Automatic Flight Guidance System), including AP SYNC. Completely new is the possibility now to save the complete cockpit state. A 160 pages manual which is necessary to handle all the complex functions is included together with a set of flight dynamics for all available models to bring them to work with the panel. By Matthias Lieberecht - The BAe Panel Project.
Posted Sep 26, 2008 03:57 by BAe Panel Project
BOEING 747-400 Lufthansa Star Alliance D-ABTH
BOEING 747-400 Lufthansa Star Alliance D-ABTH (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.62Mb (4243 downloads)
BOEING 747-400 Lufthansa Star Alliance D-ABTH Thanks for downloading Lufthansa Star Alliance Boeing 747-430M D-ABTH. Model by Project Opensky, repaint by Abdullah Rahman
Posted Sep 26, 2008 03:57 by Abdullah Rahman
FSX RA-5C Vigilante Update
FSX RA-5C Vigilante Update (Category: FSX > Military)
0.62Mb (2926 downloads)
This is an update for FS X acceleration of the RA-5C Vigilante by Massimo Altieri. I have updated the flight dynamics for acceleration and put gauges on the original panel and virtual cockpit that came with the aircraft. You do need the original aircraft for this update to work. I don't upload the whole aircraft very often because I have dial-up. Bob Chicilo.
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required file
Posted Sep 25, 2008 06:50 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 747-400 V4 Freighter Atlas Air New Colors
Boeing 747-400 V4 Freighter Atlas Air New Colors (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
8.16Mb (2939 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 V4 Freighter Atlas Air New Colors N498MC. Original model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Pedro Lages
Posted Sep 25, 2008 06:35 by Pedro Lages
Aeroflot Airbus A320 Textures
Aeroflot Airbus A320 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.36Mb (2222 downloads)
Aeroflot Airbus A320 Textures only. Requiires the full model by Project Airbus. Repaint by Denis Minaev:
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 25, 2008 06:27 by Denis Minaev
Boeing 747-400 Cathay Pacific Cargo
Boeing 747-400 Cathay Pacific Cargo
Boeing 747-400 Cathay Pacific Cargo (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
15.64Mb (3355 downloads)
Cathay Pacific Cargo livery of the 1980s-1990s made with the POSKY public paint kit. Original by Project Opensky. Repaint by Andrew Horeckyj.
Posted Sep 25, 2008 06:25 by Andrew Horeckyj.
F4B-1 and -2 Pursuits
F4B-1 and -2 Pursuits
F4B-1 and -2 Pursuits (Category: FSX > Vintage)
11.89Mb (4091 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Boeing F4B-1 and F4B-2 biplane US Navy fighter. The Boeing F4B biplane served as the primary carrier based fighter aircraft for the US Navy in the early 1930s, remaining in service in various support and training roles until the early 1940s. It was the last wooden-winged, biplane fighter produced by Boeing and used by the US Navy.You get the F4B-1 and updated F4B-2 versions. GMAX models by A.F.Scrub
Posted Sep 24, 2008 17:00 by A.F.Scrub
FS2002/FS2004 C.R.D.A. CANTZ 506B
FS2002/FS2004 C.R.D.A. CANTZ 506B
FS2002/FS2004 C.R.D.A. CANTZ 506B (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
2.41Mb (2237 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Cant Z.506B Seaplane. The first modern Italian airliner, entered in service in 1935.All the civilian aircraft acquired by Regia Aeronautica, were used in communication and SAR roles during the Spanish Civil War1936-39 and WWII. Model, Texture and Panel by F. Giuli Gauges by Ickie Berleim , Max Taccoli and Pierino Primavesi
Posted Sep 24, 2008 11:25 by FRANCESCO GIULI
UKMIL H.P Victor Package for FS9
UKMIL H.P Victor Package for FS9 (Category: FS2004 > Military)
18.95Mb (7912 downloads)
UKMIL HP Victor pack for FS2004 Welcome to the UKMIL Victor pack for FS2004, this pack will not work in FSX, please check the website for the FSX version. Full copyright, and install info can be found in the attached PDF file, so please open and study this before continuing regards UKMIL
Posted Sep 24, 2008 08:46 by UKMIL