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UKMIL H.P Victor Package for FSX
UKMIL H.P Victor Package for FSX (Category: FSX > Military)
22.12Mb (11923 downloads)
UKMIL HP Victor pack for FSX. Welcome to the UKMIL Victor pack for FSX, this pack will not work in FS2004. Full copyright, and install info can be found in the attached PDF file, so please open and study this before continuing regards UKMIL
Posted Sep 24, 2008 08:36 by UKMIL
DASSAULT Rafale C Package
DASSAULT Rafale C Package
DASSAULT Rafale C Package (Category: FSX > Military)
17.55Mb (38814 downloads)
FSX DASSAULT Rafale C Package Including aircraft 2 textures, Panel,vr cockpit, Sounds . Aircraft designed with GMax, including moving parts, night lighting. Originally Pioffet Cyril model for FS2004.
Posted Sep 24, 2008 05:21 by Cyril Pioffet
Boeing 314 Clipper Update
Boeing 314 Clipper Update (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.04Mb (5877 downloads)
This is an update for FS X acceleration of the Boeing 314 Clipper by Mike Stone. I added a basic autopilot toggled with the compass icon; otherwise it is almost the same as my FS2004 update. You need the original aircraft for this to work. You don't need any other update. Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 24, 2008 05:06 by Bob Chicilo
Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs Package
Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs Package (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.02Mb (11496 downloads)
GoM Fun Rigs Pack Did you know that there are over 6150 complex sites defined in the Gulf of Mexico related to oil and natural gas production? I didn't. The scale of this is huge. In those complexes sit a wide variety of assets, Jackups, Semisubmersibles, Submersibles, drill ships, platforms, etc. There are 6972 of those listed in the database. Roughly 3290 of those are in use. The majority are unmanned. The rest are either removed, abandoned, or in some other status. Of the ones in use, 2259 complexes have helipads. The instructions are simple. Place this BGL file in your Add-on Scenery, Scenery folder and start your sim. Then enjoy flying around a much more populated Gulf of Mexico. Created by Chris Gaeth
Posted Sep 24, 2008 05:01 by Danny
FSX Texas Coast Carrier Ops (Category: FSX > Missions)
0.04Mb (7178 downloads)
These flights allow you to take off and land on a static aircraft carrier located off the coast of Texas near Galveston Bay. I have included two AFCAD files, one for the ship and one for an airfield located in Freeport, Tx. Also included is the GPS Oil Rigs File that will have the carrier and surrounding ships located in it. It is suggested that you fly a plane like the Cessna 172 from the airfield and a helicopter from the carrier to practice chopper landings on the surrounding ships. If you have any problems feel free to let me know.
Posted Sep 23, 2008 16:49 by Don Harris
Oceana, Va, NAS V3.0 Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
23.83Mb (2160 downloads)
Oceana Naval Air Station (Apollo Soucek Field) Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA (KNTU), Added hangers, vehicles, STATIC F-22S,F-18S,CHOPPERS,B-52,B-747, MD-80. Added ILS approuches, 05L 110.70MHz, 05R108.95MHz, 14R 109.35MHz, 14L 110.75MHz, VOR Ident ONS., new starts, helipads etc.
Posted Sep 23, 2008 16:06 by FSXF-Thunder
FSX Captain Sim C-130 Demo version (Category: FSX > Payware)
36.41Mb (5136 downloads)
A demo for Captain Sim's C-130 for FSX. This is not the whole aircraft. Not all systems included due to being a demo.
Posted Sep 23, 2008 13:25 by Richard
FSX Captain Sim 757 Demo version (Category: FSX > Payware)
35.67Mb (3705 downloads)
A demo for Captain Sim's 757. This is not the whole aircraft, some aircraft systems are not included, though a highly detailed exterior and interior model is included.
Posted Sep 23, 2008 13:14 by Richard
Polish Border Guard Repaints
Polish Border Guard Repaints
Polish Border Guard Repaints (Category: FSX > Props)
4.97Mb (3543 downloads)
Set of fictional repaints of Polish aircraft for the default FSX aircraft. But repaints is based on real Polish Border Guard aircraft. Set contains repaints for default 4 planes and 1 helicopter: Cessna C172SP, Cessna C208B, Maule_M7_260C, Beechcraft Baron 58, Bell206B. Repaints by Krzysztof Winiecki
Posted Sep 23, 2008 11:55 by Krzysztof Winiecki
Flight Replicas Fokker Dr.1 Texture Sets
Flight Replicas Fokker Dr.1 Texture Sets (Category: FSX > Payware)
57.17Mb (2180 downloads)
Eight paint schemes for the Flight Replicas Gennadich Fokker Dr.1. Based on Flight Replicas: G-BVGZ, G-BTYV, C-GFJK, D-EFTJ, ZK-FOK, PH-EBF, PH-DRI and OK-DUD07. Repaints by Krzysztof Winiecki
Posted Sep 23, 2008 11:46 by Krzysztof Winiecki