All Files > Page 3144

Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (KSTS)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.24Mb (2166 downloads)
This updates Sonoma County Airport for FSX. Taxiways, runways, and other aspects were updated using real satellite images from Google Earth for accuracy. This airport is home to some CDF Fire Tankers, and the taxiways leading up to their facility have been accuratly depicted in this release. Default objects from the FSX scenery libraries were used. View Readme file for installation instructions. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Aug 10, 2008 12:06 by Phillip Coyle

Minot AFB. V2.0 scenary from FSXF.
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
26.98Mb (1528 downloads)
Updated-new statics, Airport name is FSXF-Minot AFB (KMIB) added hangers, buildings, New starts(helo starts) etc... has static F-22S,, B-52S, A-225,, CHOOPERS,
Nuclear Power Plant Complex North Minot AFB. with two helo pads, or just find the Power Line Towers and follow them to it.
Added runway 11R/29L, added ILS, 11R-111.10 MHz, 29L-110.15 MHz, 11L-109.90 Mhz, 29R-109.30 MHZ, taxiways, etc...
Posted Aug 9, 2008 23:45 by Thunder
OR1L H3 Northwest, Iraq. Missions Airfield from FSXF
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.80Mb (868 downloads)
This is a Mission Scenery, the airport name is H3 Northwest(OR1L). It is in Iraq. No ILS. , updated stock airfield.
Tanks, S.A.M.s, around airfield. Temperary hangers, Crates in them, three static SU-37s on apron.
Posted Aug 9, 2008 23:08 by Thunder

Boeing 737 Austrlian Frontier Airways VA
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.62Mb (2699 downloads)
Repaint of the default 737 for frontier airways VA
Posted Aug 9, 2008 21:59 by Kane Foord

Iris VF-214 F-14A ("Hawk" Smith) Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
3.71Mb (4189 downloads)
VF-213 Black Lions Textures only for the Iris F14. BLACKLION 201. This repaint honors the legendary J. Monroe "Hawk" Smith. In his various assignments and commands, "Hawk" Smith helped to evaluate, improve, and develop tactics for fighting the F-14 Tomcat. This repaint depicts "Hawk's" VF-213 Tomcat during the 1979 Med Cruise, where he served as (XO and) CO. My thanks to all the VF(A)-213 aircrew, maintainers and families. Aircraft and paintkit by IRIS. Repaint by R. Santos & Perry Hayes, with technical information provided by J. Monroe "Hawk" Smith.
Posted Aug 9, 2008 21:30 by R. Santos & Perry Hayes

Cessna 208 Amphibian
(Category: FSX > Props)
21.79Mb (11819 downloads)
This is the FS9 Cessna 208 Amphibian that has been given the flight files from
the FSX Cessna 208B wheeled version. The contact points have been corrected and floats added.
Mips have been removed from textures and all saved as DXT3's.
There are so few Amphibs available for FSX that I thought we could use a few more.
tested in FSX w/ accel and DX9. Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Aug 9, 2008 15:06 by Bruce Fitzgerald

F-18 Red Camo repaint
(Category: FSX > Military)
7.23Mb (3390 downloads)
Red, gray and black Texures for the FSX Accelleration F18.
Posted Aug 9, 2008 12:04 by F-18 Red-Camo

Minot AFB. V2.0 scenary from fsxf
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
26.98Mb (1547 downloads)
Updated-new statics, Airport name is FSXF-Minot AFB (KMIB) added hangers, buildings, New starts(helo starts) etc... has static F-22S,, B-52S, A-225,, CHOOPERS, rn Nuclear Power Plant Complex North Minot AFB. with two helo pads, or just find the Power Line Towers and follow them to it.rn Added runway 11R/29L, added ILS, 11R-111.10 MHz, 29L-110.15 MHz, 11L-109.90 Mhz, 29R-109.30 MHZ, taxiways, etc...
Posted Aug 9, 2008 04:27 by Thunder

Boeing 737-500, South African Airways
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.87Mb (6856 downloads)
This Includes Model, Texture, Sound, Panel, Animations etc.
Posted Aug 8, 2008 19:21 by Afsal's TM

Boeing 737-500, Philippines Airlines
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.04Mb (4869 downloads)
This Includes Model, Texture, Sound, Panel, Animations etc.
Posted Aug 8, 2008 19:14 by Afsal's TM