All Files > Page 3148

FSX Accelleration F18 VMC SP V1 Textures only
(Category: FSX > Military)
1.46Mb (1643 downloads)
Textures only for the Accelleration F18
Posted Aug 5, 2008 17:49 by archive

CVW-11 Super Hornets
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
8.69Mb (19496 downloads)
CAG (high-viz) and line bird (low-viz) schemes of the VFA-41 Black Aces and VFA-14 Tophatters for the KBT F/A-18E/F: NH100, NH113, NH200, and NH206. Fully retextured with new panel lines, weathering, and simulated bump mapping. By Mike Durao of UKMIL.
Posted Aug 5, 2008 13:06 by archive

FS2004/FSX Cheeta C
(Category: FSX > Military)
15.69Mb (6595 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cheeta C Package.
The aircraft is depicted in the colours of the South African Airforce. The aircraft was designed as close as possible to the real aircraft. The package consist of the model, panel, sound, VC and is fully animated. All the gauges are designed in xml format, and are described in a document. A number of sub panels are included and toggled from the main panel. Please read the instructions to operate the panel and aircraft optimally.
Thinus Pretorius
Posted Aug 5, 2008 12:51 by archive

Boeing 707-373C No Pods "Zeus" Fuerza Aerea Columbiana MDL File and Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.57Mb (5989 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Boeing 707-373C No Pods "Zeus" Fuerza Aerea Columbiana MDL File and Textures only. Includes a new model and texture. Requires By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 5, 2008 09:50 by archive

Swissair Caravelle III Package
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
41.18Mb (4392 downloads)
Swissair Caravelle III, v1.0 for FS2004.
Swissair Caravelle III, HB-ICY "Lausanne".
This is a complete aircraft containing
panel, sounds and effects. Manual included.
Authors: Allied FS Group
Posted Aug 5, 2008 08:22 by archive

Lago di Compotosto Airport, Italy (fictional)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.25Mb (1427 downloads)
Welcome to beautiful Lago di Compotosto, Italy. This lake is in the central mountain region of Italy. The lake forms a 'V' shape, hence the name of the airport, Victory Lake. The glide slope into RW29 is at a 4° pitch due to the terrain.
Posted Aug 5, 2008 08:17 by archive

Fleet Oiler Patino (Ship)
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
5.19Mb (7672 downloads)
FS2004 Fleet Oiler Patino (Ship). Patino class is cooperative design for the Spanish and Dutch navies (Amsterdam class). It was built in Navantia shipyards and comissiones in 1995. She can supply a fleet including one carrier, five scorts and 20 aircrafts during 21 days. She can carry up to five helicopters for air supply and other missions. Model designed with FSDSV3. Textures based on photographies from Landings deck designed with AFCAD. Includes deck lights for night flights. Includes two models to be used with ez-scenery, one with the bay doors opened. Also includes hose pipes to create oiling sceneries. The wake effect was created by David Opa Marshall
Posted Aug 5, 2008 08:08 by archive

leCaravelle Club Caravelle III Package
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
41.32Mb (1140 downloads)
leCaravelle Club Caravelle III, v1.0 for FS2004.
leCaravelle Club Caravelle III, SE-DAI.
This is a complete aircraft containing
panel, sounds and effects. Manual included.
Authors: Allied FS Group
Posted Aug 5, 2008 07:54 by archive

Air Inter Caravelle III Package
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
41.32Mb (3328 downloads)
Air Inter Caravelle III, v1.0 for FS2004.
Air Inter Caravelle III, F-BNKJ.
This is a complete aircraft containing
panel, sounds and effects. Manual included.
Authors: Allied FS Group
Posted Aug 5, 2008 07:52 by archive

SAS Caravelle III Package
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
41.67Mb (3735 downloads)
SAS Caravelle III, v1.0 for FS2004.
SAS Caravelle III, SE-DAF "Sven Viking".
This is a complete aircraft containing
panel, sounds and effects. Manual included.
Authors: Allied FS Group
Posted Aug 5, 2008 07:21 by archive