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P-51 Mustang Don Hinz Tuskegee
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.92Mb (12619 downloads)
This is Robert Dial's P-51 Mustang Modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is the P-51 Mustang that was Owned by Don Hinz. He was at airshow in 2004 and was doing a low pass and the engine failed and he crashed. He was air lifted to the hospital after his crash. He passed at 2:00 AM in the morning. The MN Wing of the CAF is rebuilding the P-51.Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft, This Package Includes Pictures of the actual aircraft.
Posted Aug 3, 2008 03:51 by archive

P-51 Mustang Little One III
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.57Mb (10073 downloads)
This is Robert Dial's P-51 Mustang Modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is painted as Captain Donald Bryan's " Little One III " of the 352 Fighter Group ,328th Fighter Squadron . Aircraft Crew Chief Kirk Noyes was awarded the Bronze Star for 110 missions without a mechanical abort. Captain Donald Bryan was credited with 13.300 aerial victories with five in one mission becoming an ace in a day. He retired from the Air Force in November 1964. His received the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross with two Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Air Medal with 14 Oak Leaf Clusters. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft Package Includes Pictures and History of Little One III
Posted Aug 3, 2008 03:50 by archive

FS9 Default Ford Tri Motor Converted TO FSX
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
48.29Mb (4891 downloads)
I have given the Converted Ford Tri-motor alot of new updates. If you have the Shockwave 3D Lights installed then
you will have them here also. Along with better flight dynamics.
I have also added 12 new repaints, I have taken all the trouble for you by adding the free repaints that are always readily available. All the code has been written the panels and sounds are already in-
stalled all you have to do is download Install into your flightsim and have fun. What more can you ask for. So
don't just sit there download and have some fun.
Package put together By: David Grindele
Posted Aug 2, 2008 15:49 by archive

(Category: FSX > Military)
2.54Mb (4577 downloads)
USAF RAPTOR TAIL FLASHES, PART 3. This package contains "tail textures only" to represent the two F-22 Raptor jets from Nellis AFB. The 57th Fighter Wing, air force tail code WA, trains pilots while the 422nd Test & Evaluation Squadron (TES), air force tail code OT, tests the aircraft's performance during various operations. These are repaints of Kazunori Ito's excellent F-22 Raptor. DL Tarboxer's contains the other textures and panel required for completing this jet and may be obtained here: Otherwise, obtain the orginal Kazunori Ito's jet here:
File size is 2.54 MB.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 2, 2008 11:09 by archive

FSX Hughes 500D FSX Theme & Colors
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
6.43Mb (7866 downloads)
This is a Hughes 500D in a FSX theme. It has great textures. It has a repainted cockpit as well.
Repainted by: Brandon Filer
Posted Aug 1, 2008 18:31 by archive

Skysim Hawk T1 XX284 Grey
(Category: FSX > Payware)
6.20Mb (781 downloads)
This repaint requires the Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 developed by Rick Piper which you can purchase from It represents a grey livery as applied to XX284 during the mid 1990's.
Posted Aug 1, 2008 05:13 by archive

Skysim Hawk T1 XX195 Grey
(Category: FSX > Payware)
7.60Mb (1386 downloads)
This repaint requires the Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 developed by Rick Piper which you can purchase from It represents a grey livery as applied to XX195 during the mid 1990's.
Posted Aug 1, 2008 04:54 by archive

FS2004/FSX General Electric CFM-56 3B sounds V.2
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
10.58Mb (8196 downloads)
The new version of the CFM-56 3B sounds. This soundpack is designed for use with any FS2004/FSX Boeing 737-300/-400 series. These were recorded from a real Boeing 737-300 and are extremely authentic. Please download this for FS2004 or else you'll be left with the original boring sounds! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb.
Posted Aug 1, 2008 02:07 by archive

Zia International Airport, Dhaka, Bangladesh
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.42Mb (3642 downloads)
This is a scenery addon for Zia International Airport.
FSX narrow taxiways widened, and parking space were expanded as real as possible and compatibility with any aircraft of AI Traffic. Everything is visible with any FSX settings. Designed by Faisal Nahian
Posted Jul 31, 2008 01:07 by archive

FS2004 "Gomez Niño" Bucaramanga Old Airport v1.2
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
Description: The airport in Bucaramanga, functioned until 1974, however, Lebrija airport opened in 1974 by then Don Colombian
President Misael Pastrana, who was then the father of Andres Pastrana. The new airport is opened in 1974 bucaramanga on the hill historical Palonegro, located near Lebrija located within an hour of Bucaramanga via a road to Giron. According to a neighbour told me, who lived in Bucaramanga on the description and functioned as the old airport. The old airport, the old tracks is part of
the Commune Citadel Mina Real, even a little covered the remains of the old runway, but the old terminal is still functioning government unit of the department of santander, the old hangar into a coliseum indoor basketball, the old terminal located between the mall Akropolis and current dependence on government headquarters (formerly airport), parking aircraft hangar was are now converted into a park, now called Parque La Cigarra (in spanish, called Park La Cigarra). Located in Lebrija near Bucaramanga in the department of Santander in Colombia.
Credits: Version 1.2. Copyright @2008, By Cesar Marcano and my email: Email:
The file SQX is freely only of professionals designer sceneries of FS2004/FSX. Alls Right Reserved. It's a free scenery for FS2004. Made in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Filename: Bucaramanga (Gomez Niño).zip
Posted Jul 31, 2008 01:07 by archive