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                  IAI Kfir IAI Kfir Mirage III Israeli Air Force
1.31Mb (1418 downloads)
FS2002/FS2000 IAI Kfir IAI Kfir Mirage III Israeli Air Force, It represents an Israeli Airforce Kfir during the Yom Kippur conflict. The paint-scheme is not entirely accurate I'm afraid owing to the limited references I had available. I hope you enjoy the repaint as much as I did making it! T.Sima. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Republic Co. A-10A Thunderbolt II “Warthog”
11.45Mb (5355 downloads)
Fairchild Republic Co. A-10A Thunderbolt II “Warthog” This new version 3.0 features, landing lights, rolling-steerable wheels, spoilers, fully animated landing gears, flaps, virtual cockpit, accurate panels and sounds. This third version also includes our newest improved air.file allowing you an even more realistic flight and a brand new real camouflage (two tone green-dark gray) used by the 47 TFS 917 TFG AFRES. This package cames with two versions of the same aircraft, one light weight for excellent maneuverability and high performance and another with an heavier external loudout to allow the experience of flying a fully loaded, realistic, combat Thunderbolt II. Filipe Fonseca José Campos WEBinBLUE. 11.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  RNZAF Royal NewZealand Air Force
TA-4K RNZAF Royal NewZealand Air Force (Category: FS2002 > Military)
3.66Mb (454 downloads)
TA-4K RNZAF Royal NewZealand Air Force This Repaint is based on Denis daSilva-Oliveira's famous A4/TA4 repective FA-1/FA-1A Project. Full Aircraft .... for Panel & Sound is required... Model/FlightDyn. by Denis daSilva-O. Repaint by Bernhard Behle. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  RoSAF Republic of Singapore Air Force
TA-4Su RoSAF Republic of Singapore Air Force (Category: FS2002 > Military)
3.64Mb (274 downloads)
TA-4Su RoSAF Republic of Singapore Air Force This Repaint is based on Denis daSilva-Oliveira's famous A4/TA4 repective FA-1/FA-1A Project. Full Aircraft .... for Panel & Sound is required... Model/FlightDyn. by Denis daSilva-O. Repaint by Bernhard Behle. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
3.02Mb (267 downloads)
Repaints of Denis daSilvas Mirage III EBR Variants - 5 repaints package: ... Single Seater .... texture.aaf1 : Armee de l'Air France AA European Camoflage Sheme of the EC2/4 Squd. texture.aaf2 : Armee de l'Air France AA Dessert Camoflage Sheme as used for a Squad that was based in Djibouti late 80's texture.elta : Spanish Air Force ELTA European Camoflage Sheme texture.paf : Pakistan Air Force PAF Camoflage Sheme (similar to the European) texture.saaf : South African Air Force Mirage III/NG (pre Denel Cheetah) Angola/Namibia Conflict Sheme You need any copy of Mr.daSilvas Mirage IIIEBR Variants ... wich you can find on FS2002 Military Page 11 and further ... mfg Bernhard Behle. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Boeing EB-52I Megafortress V2
FS2002 Boeing EB-52I Megafortress V2 (Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.92Mb (1596 downloads)
FS2002 Boeing EB-52I Megafortress V2 (4-engine version) This is a remake of bonzonies B-52H into the EB52 Based on the Book "Flight of The Old Dog" By Chris Loomis. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
Two other F-5 Double Seaters repaints . (Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.67Mb (359 downloads)
Two other F-5 Double Seaters repaints .... texture.thk : this is original an F-5B of the Turkish Air Force (Turk Hava Kuvvetleri) based in Eskisehr Tailnumber #21273 texture.rnlaf : this is an NF-5B of F-5B of the Royal Dutch Air Force RNLAF wich are by now out of Duty ... but until the late 80's they where the main Advanced Trainer in the RNLAF.... You need any F-5F or Double Seater Variant of Mr.daSilva's F-5 (here) Projects Bernhard Behle. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
Repaints for Denis daSilva's F5E Variants (Category: FS2002 > Military)
3.37Mb (398 downloads)
Repaints for Denis daSilva's F5E Variants (Textures only) texture.rosaf : this is an F-5ESu of the Republic of Singapore Air Force RoSAF as it serves in the 144 Squadron at Tengah AB #823 texture.fach : this is an F-5E of the Chilenean Air Force Fuerza Aerea do Chile FACH it served in the 7th Squadron at Antofagasta AB texture.tni-au : this is an F-5E of the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara) TNI-AU #0510 of 14th Skwadron, 300 Wing Meidun AB texture.tudm : this is an RF-5E Tigereye of the Malaysian Air Force (Tentara Udara Diraja Malaysia) TUDM #M29-20 for Photo Recon Duty .... You need anny Copy of Mr.daSilva's F5E (here) Variants Bernhard Behle. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Boeing EB-52I Megafortress V3 (8-engine version) Fictional Aircraft.
1.94Mb (1540 downloads)
FS2002 Boeing EB-52I Megafortress V3 (8-engine version) Fictional Aircraft. This is a remake of bonzonies B-52H into the EB52 Based on the Book "Flight of The Old Dog" By Chris Loomis. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  AEW1 Sentry for FS2000/FS2002
RAF AEW1 Sentry for FS2000/FS2002 (Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.34Mb (1564 downloads)
RAF AEW1 Sentry for FS2000/FS2002. Modifications and textures by David Brice. Many thanks to Bill Anderson for the FSDS 707-320 base model and Mikko Maliniemi for the pilot models. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive