All Files > Page 3641
States Army Virtual C-20B VIP Transport
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
2.41Mb (527 downloads)
States Army Virtual C-20B VIP Transport Designed by: Sergio
Ceden, Rob Bennis, Chuck Dome. Note: This was originally
an FS98 aircraft & does not include things like transparent
windows or moving parts Repaint by Ray Brower. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
States Army Virtual RC-12 Guardrail Common Sensor
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.66Mb (474 downloads)
States Army Virtual RC-12 Guardrail Common Sensor By: Chris
Lampard The Guardrail Common Sensor [GR/CS] is a Corps Level
Airborne Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) collection/location system
Repaint of the RC-12 by Ray Brower.Note: This was originally
an FS98 aircraft & does not include things like transparent
windows . 567K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
for the IAI Kfir from Denis.daSilva-Oliveira texture.
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.80Mb (139 downloads)
for the IAI Kfir from Denis.daSilva-Oliveira texture.
USN : this is one of the leased Kfir's the US Navy use as Aggressor
Aircraft for Pilot Training .... the other two are fictional
Repaints of the reported Lot (each 12) that was buyed by the
Air Forces of Ecuador & Columbia .... texture.fae : for Ecuador
texture.fac : for Columbia You need an copy of the
found on Military FS2002 Page
14 .... mfg Bernhard Behle. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

FS2002 FAB EU-93A (HS-125-800) GEIV.
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.93Mb (941 downloads)
FS2002 FAB EU-93A (HS-125-800) GEIV.
Hs of the Special Group of Inspection in Flight (Brazilian Air
Force) headquartered in Santos Dumond, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Model and Texture: Denis da Silva and Daniel da Silva. 949K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

FS2002 FAB VU-35A Lear35 Lear Jet 35A VU-35A Brazilian Air Force,
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.46Mb (1055 downloads)
FS2002 FAB VU-35A Lear35 Lear Jet 35A VU-35A Brazilian Air Force,
Model e Textura: Daniel da Silva. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
FS2002 FAB Embraer AT-26 Xavante
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
2.07Mb (965 downloads)
FS2002 FAB Embraer AT-26 Xavante. Brasilian air force Xavante
AT-26 4560, 3º/10th GAV; 2nd painting pattern. Sites:
and, Model and Texture: Daniel and Denis da
Silva. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
& FS2000 Mirage 50 Elkan - Chilean Air Force
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.00Mb (593 downloads)
& FS2000 Mirage 50 Elkan - Chilean Air Force Mirage
Aircraft collection. Developed for Denis Da Silva and Daniel
Da Silva using FSDS. Visit,
and to find other Mirages. Model and
Texture: Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

Atlas Impala MK1 SAAF
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.51Mb (612 downloads)
Atlas Impala MK1 SAAF The Impala is a license build Aermacchi
M.B.326. In its many years of SAAF service the aircraft has
been used as an advanced trainer and light attack aircraft.
This repaint shows a "Imp" in the camouflage scheme some of
them wore during the 1980's. Model by Daniel and Denis da Silva.
Repaint by Jens-Ole Kjølberg. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
BAE Systems Hawk T1A of Virtual Formation Team Canadian Bullets
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.16Mb (241 downloads)
BAE Systems Hawk T1A of Virtual Formation Team Canadian Bullets.
New Texture Files to re-create XX320. This Hawk, is painted
by Chris Black in the Canadian Bullets Colours. Original by
Mikko Maliniemi and Owen Hewitt. Repaint by Chris Black. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
flight dynamics v.2 for Dean Reimer's Sunliners Hornet
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.02Mb (722 downloads)
flight dynamics v.2 for Dean Reimer's Sunliners Hornet (,
here) Supercedes
all previous releases. With minor mods can be used with Dean's
other Hornets. Also with stronger gear and Panel.cfg that adds
pitch trim indicator and settable barometer. by Rich Hogen.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive