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FSX/P3D Cera Sim Bell 412 (USMC UH-1N) Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
2.23Mb (414 downloads)
The UH-1N "Twin Huey" first began service with the United States Marine Corps in the 1980s. It was later replaced by the UH-1Y Venom. Initially the Venom was to be allocated from rebuilding existing UH-1N airframes, but was later approved in 2006 to be built as completely new airframes. This livery is based on Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 269 (HMLA-269). You must have the PAYWARE Cera Sim Bell 412 EP for FSX/P3D.
Posted Jan 17, 2020 14:56 by Jason Anderson

Overland Boeing 737-800 - Smartavia Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
6.69Mb (88 downloads)
FS9/FSX SMS Overland Boeing 737-800 in Smartavia livery. Texture only for the payware Simmers Sky/Overland model. Paint kit & Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Jan 17, 2020 03:59 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

P3D JBK Ilyushin IL-14M Civil Aviation Administration of China Package
(Category: Prepar3d > Props)
22.24Mb (556 downloads)
JBK Ilyushin IL-14M Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) package for P3D. Author by Jens B. Kristensen ,Kristensen,Kazachek. Textures made by Whisky.For P3D V4.5
Posted Jan 16, 2020 04:01 by liao yitong

FSX/P3D Airbus A321 NEO Indigo Blue
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
89.22Mb (2643 downloads)
The Airbus A321NEO for FSX/P3D. This model is the FAIB A321NEO model, made flyable by Michael Velasquez. Thanks to Jureugen repaints for the Indigo A321NEO 1000th NEO textures, and thanks to Tom Ruth/Bjoren Kesten, for the re-textured A321 default VC. Includes wingviews. happy flights.
Posted Jan 16, 2020 03:01 by Bill Johnston

P3D/FSX Douglas DC-7 Airtanker Pack
(Category: FSX > Props)
137.33Mb (1429 downloads)
This extensive modification to Cal Classic Propliner's DC-7 into an airtanker was done with their permission. The base DC-7 for FSX/P3D3 is required for the panel, gauges, effects, and documentation to appear correctly. The DC-7 has seen many years of service as an airtanker. Despite the USFS deciding to no longer contract the DC-7 for aerial firefighting in 2003, stating it was too old Several have remained flying as airtankers for nearly 2 decades after that decision on state contracts mainly in the Pacific Northwest. The DC-7 is large and fast. Despite it's age, the DC-7 is able to carry 3,000 gallons of retardant and cruise at high speeds. It's 350 mph cruise speed is slightly affected by the external tank. But it is still quite fast and has remained a viable tanker for decades and is likely the reason for it being the last remaining radial engine tanker in service in the United States. Only a few aircraft remain flyable, owned by Erickson Aero. This pack contains 2 model versions and repaints representing 3 operators. Butler Aviation, Erickson Aero, and T&G Aviation. There are a total of 7 aircraft represented. Aircraft should be compatible with FSX up to P3D v4.5. Original aircraft by Jens Kristensen, Tom Gibson, and Greg Pepper. Aircraft donor part conversions by Bjoern Kesten. Sounds by Jon Jefferys. Airtanker modification and repaints by Nicholas Mitchell.
FSX/P3D Base Model for DC-7 Airtanker
Posted Jan 15, 2020 05:18 by Nicholas Mitchell

FSX/P3D Douglas DC-6 Airtanker Pack
(Category: FSX > Props)
105.87Mb (1095 downloads)
This extensive airtanker modification pack are modifications of Cal Classic Propliners DC-6s with their permission. Cal Classic's base DC-6s (CB-16 and CB-17) models are required for these aircraft's panel, gauges, effects, and documentation to appear properly. This package includes 3 model versions of the DC-6 and custom repaints that represent Macavia/Sis-Q, Sis-Q, Securite Civile, TBM Inc., and Conair. Retardant effects are not included. The DC-6 operated across the world as an airtanker. It was used in the United States, Canada, and France. Depending on the version, operator and tank design the DC-6 could carry anywhere from 2,000 gallons to 3,000 gallons of retardant. A special feature of the DC-6 was it's ability to reverse it's propellers into beta or reverse thrust. Something rarely found on radial engine aircraft. A feature that also found it's way to the DC-7. The DC-6's last operator was Conair finally retiring their last tanker in the early 2000s. US service as well as France did not make it out of the early-mid 1990s. Only flying versions that remain are rural transports and museum pieces. Most have become boneyard relics. Sadly, no airtanker versions remained flyable. These should be compatible for FSX up to P3D v4.5. Original aircraft by Jens Kristensen, Tom Gibson, and Greg Pepper. FSX/P3D converted donor parts by Bjoern Kesten. Sounds by Jon Jefferys and Gary Jones. Airtanker modifications and repaints by Nicholas Mitchell
FSX/P3D Base Model 1 for DC-6
Airtanker Pack:
FSX/P3D Base Model 2 for
DC-6 Airtanker Pack:
Posted Jan 15, 2020 04:45 by Nicholas Mitchell

(Category: FSX > Scenery)
71.24Mb (529 downloads)
Today, after half a year of construction, I introduce you to my new Mombasa airport, which I built because I was on vacation in Mombasa and found nothing useful in freeware in FSX. The airport Mombasa was tested in FSX (Steam should also work) and is published by me as freeware. Ai traffic works / approaches work as well as road traffic and jetways work. Go on safari and discover the animals of Africa start with a small plane or heli from the small runway towards the coast in low flight and find the animals, (Tip: at the waterholes ................ Visit the coast of Kenya with the hotels ................ make a harbor cruise and see many details ............... Installation: Put the folder Mombasa in the folder FSX Addon Scenery and activate it ......... ! steps listed below only if you do not already have these addons! ! to see people unpack the supplied folder 3dpeoble_Lib and put the unzipped folder into your FSX Addon Scenery and activate it ............... ! to see moves (static only) unpack the folder PKP and put the folder into your FSX Addon Scenery and activate it .............. ! To see more vehicles and parking spaces, unpack the folder objilib-large-carparking-fsx and put the folder into your FSX Addon Scenery and activate it ................ Have fun and good luck on your flight safari .............
LG Jamaika
Posted Jan 15, 2020 02:00 by Wagner Ewald

FSX Portland International Airport KPDX
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
12.65Mb (1060 downloads)
Welcome to Portland International Airport for FSX!
The City of Roses is in the process of revamping KPDX. Many of us have spent time on Concourse A
waiting for our Horizon flight. Many have utilized the ground level walkways on Concourse E to
get to their United Express flight. Both are things of the past.
KPDX is now a primary Alaska Airlines hub. This summer British Airways will start service to London
The runways have been adjusted to their current length. The taxiways have been corrected (this is
particularly important at the juncture of 10L and 21 which used to overlap). A copy of the current
airport diagram is included.
All the buildings (with the exception of the tower) are custom. Airport vehicles use
the proper vehicle paths and do not use taxiways.To achieve this I had to add a vehicle path that crosses
10R and another that crosses 03.
Three scenery complexity levels are used (normal,dense, and very dense). More eye candy appears with each
Posted Jan 14, 2020 15:56 by Brett Delana

Nemeth UH-72 Lakota US Army Medic Textures
(Category: Prepar3d > Payware)
7.96Mb (227 downloads)
The UH-72 Lakota is a twin-engine helicopter with a single, four-bladed main rotor. It is a militarized version of the Eurocopter EC145 and was built by American Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters, Inc.), a division of Airbus Group, Inc. Initially marketed as the UH-145, the helicopter was selected as the winner of the United States Army's Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) program on 30 June 2006. In October 2006, American Eurocopter was awarded a production contract for 345 aircraft to replace aging UH-1H/V and OH-58A/C helicopters in the US Army and Army National Guard fleets. It performs logistics and support missions within the US for homeland security, disaster response missions, and medical evacuations. This repaint is for the PAYWARE Nemeth Designs BK-117 helicopter
Posted Jan 14, 2020 14:51 by Jason Anderson

Nemeth UH-72 Lakota US Army Textures
(Category: Prepar3d > Payware)
6.51Mb (168 downloads)
The UH-72 Lakota is a twin-engine helicopter with a single, four-bladed main rotor. It is a militarized version of the Eurocopter EC145 and was built by American Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters, Inc.), a division of Airbus Group, Inc. Initially marketed as the UH-145, the helicopter was selected as the winner of the United States Army's Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) program on 30 June 2006. In October 2006, American Eurocopter was awarded a production contract for 345 aircraft to replace aging UH-1H/V and OH-58A/C helicopters in the US Army and Army National Guard fleets. It performs logistics and support missions within the US for homeland security, disaster response missions, and medical evacuations. This repaint is for the PAYWARE Nemeth Designs BK-117 Helicopter.
Posted Jan 14, 2020 14:49 by Jason Anderson