Mar 14, 2025 |
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FSX Scenery--VA WA WV WI WY (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.40Mb (735 downloads)
FSX Scenery--VA WA WV WI WY. This scenery is for FSX Virginia: KCHO, KDCA, KIAD, KLYH, KORF, KPHF, KRIC and KROA. Washington: KALW, KEAT, KGEG, KPSC, KPUW, KSEA and KYKM. West Virginia: KCKB, KCRW, KHTS and KLWB. Wisconsin: KATW, KCWA, KEAU, KGRB, KLSE, KMKE, KMSN and KRHI. Wyoming: KCOD, KCPR, KCYS, KJAC, KLAR and KRKS. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. They can be found in the Scenery Objects section of FSX downloads. This is the last of the 50 US states. I hope you all enjoy. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 5, 2020 00:01 by uploader
FSX/FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-42  Izhavia  Textures
FSX/FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-42  Izhavia  Textures
FSX/FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-42 Izhavia Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.84Mb (296 downloads)
FS9/FSX Samdim Design Yakovlev Yak-42 in Izhavia livery. Textures only for Samdim Design model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Jan 4, 2020 09:29 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
FSX Scenery--Texas Airports (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.42Mb (740 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Texas (TX), USA. This scenery is for FSX Texas airports: KABI, KACT, KAMA, KAUS, KBPT, KBRO, KCLL, KCRP, KDAL, KDFW, KDRT, KELP, KGGG, KGRK, KHOU, KHRL, KIAH, KLBB, KLRD, KMAF, KMFE, KSAT, KSJT, KSPS, and KTYR. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 4, 2020 01:03 by uploader
Air Comores DC-4 textures
Air Comores DC-4 textures
Air Comores DC-4 textures (Category: FSX > Props)
4.08Mb (132 downloads)
FS9 Air Comores DC-4 textures for Jens Kristensen JBK Douglas DC-4 V3. Air Comores textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 3, 2020 21:21 by Gary Harper
Alabeo C421 improved FDE
Alabeo C421 improved FDE (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.01Mb (225 downloads)
Corrected/improved (prop design, handling, flap lift/drag) FDE for the Alabeo C421
Posted Jan 3, 2020 10:37 by bernt stolle
FSX Scenery For SC, SD, TN And UT, USA (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.67Mb (581 downloads)
FSX Scenery For SC, SD, TN And UT, USA. This scenery is for FSX South Carolina: KCAE, KCHS KFLO, KGSP, KHXD and KMYR. South Dakota: KABR, KATY, KFSD, KPIR and KRAP. Tennessee: KBNA, KCHA, KMEM, KTRI and KTYS. Utah: KCDC, KCNY, KOGD, KPVU, KSGU and KSLC. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 3, 2020 00:05 by uploader
FSX Scenery--NC, ND, OK, OR, PA. (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.45Mb (558 downloads)
FSX Scenery--NC ND OK OR PA. This scenery is for FSX North Carolina: KAVL, KCLT, KEWN, KFAY, KGSO, KILM, KOAJ, KPGV and KRDU. North Dakota: KBIS, KDIK, KDVL, KFAR, KGFK, KISN, KJMS and KMOT. Oklahoma: KLAW, KOKC and KTUL. Oregon: KEUG, KMFR and KPDX. Pennsylvania: KABE, KAVP, KERI, KIPT, KLBE, KMDT, KPHL, KPIT and KUNV. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. I have modified the the gate sizes to accommodate today's aircraft. Some runway adjustments have been made as well as the approaches. I used Google Maps and Airnav to get correct runway lengths and approach lighting, etc. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 2, 2020 01:08 by uploader
FS2004/FSX Gotha WD-14
FS2004/FSX Gotha WD-14
FS2004/FSX Gotha WD-14 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
10.13Mb (719 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Gotha WD-14 Wasserdoppeldecker reconnaissance and torpedo bomber, 1916 Large twin-engined torpedo bomber seaplane, built by Gothaer Waggonfabrik A.G. in 1916, powered by two 6-cyl 230 hp Benz Bz IV engines. Max. speed was 80 mph, and it could cary a 1598 lb Whitehead torpedo. It saw service in the North Sea and Baltic, and was later used for long distance marine reconnaissance and as minelayer. 69 units were built. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jan 1, 2020 10:06 by A.F.Scrub
0.34Mb (662 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Hawaii, Idaho and Illinois Airports (HI, ID, IL), USA. This is FSX scenery for Hawaii airports: PHKO, PHLI, PHMK, PHNL, PHOG and PHTO; Idaho airports: KBOI, KIDA, KLWS, KPIH, KPUW and KTWF; Illinois airports: KBLV, KBMI, KMDW, KMLI, KORD, KPIA, KRFD and KSPI. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. They can be found in the Scenery Objects section of FSX downloads. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 1, 2020 02:55 by uploader
FSX Scenery--Chicago O'Hare Airport (KORD) (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.06Mb (805 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Chicago O'Hare Airport (KORD), Illinois (IL), USA. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. I added runways 10L-28R, 10C-28C, 10R-28L, 9L-27R. I also rworked the approaches for these runways, per available aircharts. All taxiways have been replaced and renamed as well. I did my best to get the taxi signs correct as well. This was a very large project and took me 8 days to complete. By Rick Bennett
Posted Jan 1, 2020 02:51 by uploader