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Steve Gs' Static Military Objects
Steve Gs' Static Military Objects
Steve Gs' Static Military Objects (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
7.75Mb (1830 downloads)
Here is a Collection of my military objects l made using instant Object maker. Place using instant Scenery and EZ Scenery. This pack includes a Humm-v Full Detail interior,US Desert Camo Soldiers/Navy Seals as well as /Terrorists or Taliban. Alot of hard work went into these and note they are made up of several pieces some over 100,This may or may not impact frames. This pack was made by Eaglezero6205.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 21:55 by Steve G.
63 AI Ships and AI Ship traffic for Europe and South America
63 AI Ships and AI Ship traffic for Europe and South America
16.49Mb (9132 downloads)
This package contains 63 new AI ships created in GMAX including containers ships, oil tankers, tugs, and bulk carriers from shipping companies like Maersk, Petrobras and CMA CGM. Around one third are equipped with landable helicopter decks. Most ships have simple animations like rotating radars and most also have custom light, smoke and wake effects. The package also contains a complete set of traffic files which will activate the ships along the East Coast of South America and along the coasts of North West Europe. In South America ships visit Belem, Sao Louis, Natal, Recife, Salvador, Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Florianopolis, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Puerto Madryn. In Europe the ships visit Gibraltar, Algeciras, Lissabon, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Saint Nazaire, Brest, Le Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Thamesport, Felixstowe, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Esbjerg, Oslo, Aarhus, Copenhagen and St.Petersburg.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 15:41 by Henrik Nielsen
Essential gauges for FIP
Essential gauges for FIP (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
1.74Mb (4098 downloads)
For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel. This is folder contains 8 essential gauges, 7 for the Beech Baron and 1 for the Mooney Bravo. Beach Baron: Airspeed with TAT, Alternative Airspeed with the True air speed, Vertical Situation Indicator (VSI), Altimeter, Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI), Horizontal Situation Indicator (HIS) and Vertical speed. Mooney Bravo: Airspeed with TAT.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 10:37 by Philippe Verhaege
FSX Pilotable Canadian Icebreker Amundsen
FSX Pilotable Canadian Icebreker Amundsen
23.44Mb (1358 downloads)
FSX Pilotable Canadian Icebreker Amundsen. The ship comes with navigation bridge, sounds for sailing in water and for breaking icefields. Eight cameras let you explore the ship, including the option to set a Bell 206 Jetranger helicopter onto the flightdeck. The Ai-ship model with the textures are made by Jean-Pierre Fillion. Features for a pilotable version with panel, camera- effect-configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 07:06 by Erwin Welker
FSX/FS2004 Embraer ERJ135ER Intercoastal N779LW
FSX/FS2004 Embraer ERJ135ER Intercoastal N779LW
78.05Mb (3941 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Embraer ERJ135ER with VC. Intercoastal N779LW, operated by Western Jet Connect. Using the Posky public paint kit textures and installed in the wonderful Posky ERJ135ER with VC base pack ( Screenshots enclosed. Easy installation. This is the entire aircraft. All credit to the Posky team for a most wonderful ERJ135ER. I fly her in FSX SP2 successfully. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 03:51 by Tom Tiedman
Splash screen for FSX  (VGS) 2
Splash screen for FSX (VGS) 2 (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.45Mb (736 downloads)
Displayed on the splash screen is the "Boeing 737-800w" American Airlines (New c/s) from the Alejandro Rojas L. for FSX.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 03:10 by Dmitry Prok
Continental Textures for the Awesum4sum DC-3 Package
Continental Textures for the Awesum4sum DC-3 Package
3.07Mb (466 downloads)
Continental Airlines textures for the FSX default DC-3 aircraft by Microsoft/Aces and modified James Eden and Jon Murchison. These textures require modification to the default FSX DC-3 Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 28, 2013 23:52 by Gary Harper
Mountain Air Airport, NC
Mountain Air Airport, NC (Category: FSX > Scenery)
19.20Mb (2781 downloads)
FSX Mountain Air Airport, NC, USA. This is scenery for the challenging airport of Mountain Air (2NC0) located in the rugged and beautiful terrain of North Carolina. The scenery fixes the actual natural shape of the runway, adds parking, adds static aircraft, places the golf course around the runway with its pond, adds the lodges and houses with the swimming pool, animated people, 3D cars and auto-gen stripped and added where necessary. Scenery is based on images from Google maps. By Harry Patten.
Posted Feb 28, 2013 23:51 by uploader
Mil Mi-10K Hark Updated
Mil Mi-10K Hark Updated
Mil Mi-10K Hark Updated (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
8.60Mb (1826 downloads)
I updated Predrag Filipovic's FS2004 Mil Mi-10K Hark by adding the Mil Mi-26 Halo Panel I Updated from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy, Kazunori Ito's MI-12 Homer sound and thumbnail texture. 2d panel but no vc.
Posted Feb 28, 2013 20:41 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX RHNAS Sopwith Camel Triple Livery Package.
FSX RHNAS Sopwith Camel Triple Livery Package.
48.53Mb (4994 downloads)
FSX RHNAS Sopwith Camel Triple Livery package. This is the new Acceleration model by Graig Richardson & Matt Ivey with high gloss metal surfaces animated machine gun fire and pilot, full virtual cockpit,2d panel and custom sound.Effect and gun sound files as well as historical info and photos of the period are included. The Hellenic Naval Air Service(NAY) had used the Camel from 1917-1923. It saw a lot of action during the Greeco-Turkish War in the Asian Minor Campain and as many as 24 F.1 Camels where used until the end of the conflict.The "Z" Squadron at Smirni had at least 15 F.1's.There are three Repaints in the package of #B6338/7270 and #1967 that was handed over by the British command to RHNAS.Repaint By Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Feb 28, 2013 06:44 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS