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Flight 1 ATR72-500 Iberia Regional Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Iberia Regional Textures
7.06Mb (2013 downloads)
Iberia reg: EC-LRH "1000" textures only for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500
Posted Mar 5, 2013 06:31 by Trino Rojas
VOBL, India Fix (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.13Mb (444 downloads)
These are some bgl files to be replaced to correct some taxi signs and terminal textures for my Bengaluru Int Airport scenery. Please place them in vobl/scenery folder and select yes when prompted.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 5, 2013 01:30 by Ratan Lewis
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum EC-LRU Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum EC-LRU Textures
7.25Mb (800 downloads)
Texture for the payware Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Reg: EC-LRU "Ciudad de Melilla"
Posted Mar 4, 2013 19:40 by Trino Rojas
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum 1000 Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum 1000 Textures
7.06Mb (450 downloads)
Textures for the payware Fluight ATR Flight 1 Air Nostrum Aircraft number 1000 Reg: EC-LRH
Posted Mar 4, 2013 16:56 by Trino Rojas
Flight 1  ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures
Flight 1  ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
7.35Mb (374 downloads)
Textures for the payware Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Reg: EC-LQV
Posted Mar 4, 2013 14:27 by Trino Rojas
Atol das Rocas, off Brazil
Atol das Rocas, off Brazil (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.00Mb (899 downloads)
FSX-only Atol das Rocas scenery package. This is a self-contained scenery to place the Atol das Rocas (Rocks Atoll) off the north-east cost of Brazil. This atoll has seen its share of shipwrecks. The initial light was installed way back when. Like most oceanic light-houses, this one has a very colorful and tragic story. If you like reading, Google it and you'll see what I mean. The atoll is now permanently staffed by Brazilian scientists and it is serviced by the Brazilian navy. The weather vane doesn't work. I really tried, but couldn't make it go. It is, however, such a small item that you'll be lucky if you ever see it. I won't give you the coordinates where the atoll is, as it is easy enough to find in Google Earth. The atoll has no NDB or VOR. If you have questions, send me a message. For free distribution only. By Fern Marques.
Posted Mar 4, 2013 10:33 by Fern Marques
Handley Page Victor Package
Handley Page Victor Package
Handley Page Victor Package (Category: FSX > Military)
24.71Mb (8206 downloads)
The Handley Page Victor was a British jet bomber aircraft produced by the Handley Page Aircraft Company during the Cold War. It was the third and final of the V-bombers that provided Britain's nuclear deterrent. The other two V-bombers were the Avro Vulcan and the Vickers Valiant. Some aircraft were modified for strategic reconnaissance role using both cameras and radar. After the Royal Navy assumed the nuclear deterrence mission using submarine-launched Polaris missiles in 1969 many surviving bombers were converted into aerial refuelling tankers. The last Victor was retired from service on 15 October 1993. Freeware package by Virtavia.
Posted Mar 4, 2013 04:34 by alphasim
Handley Page Victor Package
Handley Page Victor Package
Handley Page Victor Package (Category: FS2004 > Military)
22.56Mb (3614 downloads)
The Handley Page Victor was a British jet bomber aircraft produced by the Handley Page Aircraft Company during the Cold War. It was the third and final of the V-bombers that provided Britain's nuclear deterrent. The other two V-bombers were the Avro Vulcan and the Vickers Valiant. Some aircraft were modified for strategic reconnaissance role using both cameras and radar. After the Royal Navy assumed the nuclear deterrence mission using submarine-launched Polaris missiles in 1969 many surviving bombers were converted into aerial refuelling tankers. The last Victor was retired from service on 15 October 1993. Freeware package by Virtavia.
Posted Mar 4, 2013 04:25 by alphasim
43 Static Ships Objects for FSX
43 Static Ships Objects for FSX
43 Static Ships Objects for FSX (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
12.94Mb (2194 downloads)
This package contains 43 ships created in GMAX and placed in three library files for scenery development. 14 ships have landable helicopter platforms. The package includes harbor tugs, anchor handling tugs for the offshore industry, container ships, bulk carriers, tankers and a small ferry. As a small demonstration of the possibilities this package also contains two placement bgl-files, which sets 15 different ships anchored in the bay in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and another 7 ships southwest of Rotterdam in the Netherlands
Posted Mar 3, 2013 17:06 by Henrik Nielsen
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Air Nostrum Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
7.40Mb (438 downloads)
Air Nostrum textures for the payware Flight 1 ATR72-500.
Posted Mar 3, 2013 04:47 by Trino Rojas