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Carribbean AI Ship Traffic for 63 AI Ships and AI Ship traffic
Carribbean AI Ship Traffic for 63 AI Ships and AI Ship traffic
0.70Mb (4297 downloads)
This package contains AI traffic files covering the Carribbean Sea for the ships included in my package "63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for Europe and South America" available here at The new AI Ship routes are mainly concentrated in the Eastern part of the Carribbean along the Antilles from Puerto Rico to Tobago, but routes also include Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Jamaica and Florida. Ports visited include: Colon (Panama), Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Caracas/Maiquetia, and Barcelona (Venezuela), Kingston (Jamaica), Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Tampa (USA), Nassau and Freeport (Bahamas), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Charlotte Amalie (US Virgin Islands), Saint Martin (Netherlands Antilles), St.John (Barbuda), Point-a-Pitre (Guadeloupe), Roseau (Dominica) Fort de France (Martinique), St.Georges (Grenada), Bridgetown (Barbados), and Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) You will need to download and install "63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for Europe and South America" before you can benefit from this package. This package does not contain any ships, but just the AI routes for the Carribbean Sea.
Posted Mar 9, 2013 05:34 by Henrik Nielsen
Patch for 63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic
Patch for 63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.10Mb (4241 downloads)
This is a fix for my package "63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for Europe and South America" It resolves an error in the model.cfg of one the AI ships - the "AI_CHD_Empty". This ship only travels along the Argentinian and Uruguayan coast to Rio Grande in Brazil, but a spelling error in the model.cfg can cause FSX to freeze if you fly nearby this ship. I am sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.
Posted Mar 9, 2013 05:14 by Henrik Nielsen
FSX Update Cranecabins For Pilotable Cargo- And Containerships
FSX Update Cranecabins For Pilotable Cargo- And Containerships
0.96Mb (515 downloads)
FSX Update for my cranecabins of the pilotable Cargo- and containerships. Now the cranes carries payloads. The crane of the cargoship "Sedna Desgagnes" carries a steam locomotiv and the crane of the containership "Caroline Shulte" carries a Maersk-container. Just for overwriting the previos bitmap. By Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 9, 2013 04:57 by Erwin Welker
FS2004 MAAM Douglas Dc-3 HK 3286 "Sadelca"  Textures
FS2004 MAAM Douglas Dc-3 HK 3286 "Sadelca"  Textures
7.07Mb (272 downloads)
Douglas Dc-3 HK 3286 "Sadelca" from Colombia. Texture only for the payware MAAM DOUGLAS R4D / DC-3 / C-47 Model(Fs2004/FsX). Textures By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S.
Posted Mar 8, 2013 13:26 by Jose Armando Yanez
FSX Noorduyn Norseman on floats
FSX Noorduyn Norseman on floats
FSX Noorduyn Norseman on floats (Category: FSX > Vintage)
3.31Mb (1644 downloads)
FSX Noorduyn Norseman on floats The Noorduyn Norseman was built from 1935 until 1959. They have been used all over the world in both civil and military roles. Includes 3 paint schemes, Canadian, USAF and Bush Flying Unlimited. Original model by Brian Gladden. Upgrade to FsX (tested in FS2004/FSX/FsxAcceleration, Windows7) by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 8, 2013 03:33 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Triplepack Pilotable Container Ships
FSX Triplepack Pilotable Container Ships
3.56Mb (2593 downloads)
FSX triplepack pilotable container ships with the huge magavessel "Emma Maersk", "Caroline Schulte" and one ship from the "Hanjin-Line". All ships comes with one sharing navigation bridge and sounds. Seven or eight cameras allows you to explore each ship. Sailing the "Caroline Schulte" allows you to mann one of the cranes und to swivel around. All ai-models with the textures are made by Henrik Nielsen. They belong to his great scenery-/ai-traffic-package "63 AI Ships and AI Ship traffic for Europe and South America" which brings life into empty harbours. Features for the pilotable versions with all the configuration for the panel, cameras and effects by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 8, 2013 02:16 by Erwin Welker
FSX South Dakota Airfield Locator
FSX South Dakota Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.69Mb (74 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for South Dakota. USA. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 7, 2013 16:01 by carl vokes
F-8 Vought Crusader Package
F-8 Vought Crusader Package
F-8 Vought Crusader Package (Category: FSX > Military)
47.50Mb (12170 downloads)
F-8 Vought Crusader FSX. This was the ex payware Alphasim Crusader from Virtavia/Alphasim created back in 2005 and now available for freeware. Slight modifications in VC and 2d panel so that it now work in FSX. (find it under 'Vought' in your FSX menu). The Vought F-8 Crusader was a single-engine, supersonic, carrier-based air superiority jet aircraft built by Vought for the United States Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps, replacing the Vought F7U Cutlass Liveries/models: French Navy, USAF- Death Angel - F8-E, F8-J, F8-Marines, F8U-1E Original model by Alphasim. Also added realistic military jet sounds. See File preview for images. Modified for FSX by Danny Garnier
Posted Mar 7, 2013 07:32 by Garnier D
F-8 Vought Crusader Package
F-8 Vought Crusader Package
F-8 Vought Crusader Package (Category: FS2004 > Military)
20.75Mb (5028 downloads)
Alphasim Crusader from Virtavia/Alphasim created back in 2005 and now available for freeware. (find it under 'Alpha' in your FS2004 menu). The Vought F-8 Crusader was a single-engine, supersonic, carrier-based air superiority jet aircraft built by Vought for the United States Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps, replacing the Vought F7U Cutlass Liveries/models: French Navy, USAF- Death Angel - F8-E, F8-J, F8-Marines, F8U-1E Original model by Alphasim.
Posted Mar 7, 2013 07:01 by Garnier D
FSX Pilotable High Sea Salvage Tugboat
FSX Pilotable High Sea Salvage Tugboat
5.34Mb (1721 downloads)
FSX pilotable high sea salvage tugboat "Abeille Bourbon". The real ship is stationed at the entrance to the fjord of Brest at the Northwest coast of the Bretagne/France. The FS-ship comes with navigation bridge, sounds and special effects. The "Abeille Bourbon" is equipped with two of three working high power fire pumps and they are not useless because fire-effects are included. Nine cameras allows you to explore the ship. The Ai-ship model with the textures is made by Jean-Pierre Fillion. Features for the pilotable versions with all the configuration for the panel, cameras and effects by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 7, 2013 06:27 by Erwin Welker