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China Eastern Airbus A340-600 Skyteam Livery
China Eastern Airbus A340-600 Skyteam Livery
China Eastern Airbus A340-600 Skyteam Livery (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.76Mb (8842 downloads)
China Eastern Skyteam Livery B-6053 for Tom Airbus A340-600. Original aircraft by Thomas Ruth. China Eastern repaint by Lingyuan He from China. This package contains Texture files only, original aircraft package is available: TomA346.ZIP. For more information see Readme.txt. IMPORTANT: The Tom A340-600 is for FSX only , and you have to at least have FSX Acceleration or install FSX SP1 or SP2, or the aircraft won't be displayed properly!
Posted Aug 12, 2012 06:48 by Lingyuan He
Air Macau Airbus A320 Series
Air Macau Airbus A320 Series
Air Macau Airbus A320 Series (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.44Mb (2174 downloads)
Air Macau Airbus A320 Series for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft models and texture of B-MAO "Rio Yaluzangbu"(A319),B-MAX "Development"(A320) and B-MAP "Rio Das Perola"(A321) are included, along with panel, sound and virtual cockpit from the default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, textures by Lingyuan He from China.
Posted Aug 12, 2012 06:35 by Lingyuan He
Boeing KC 135R Stratotanker
Boeing KC 135R Stratotanker
Boeing KC 135R Stratotanker (Category: FSX > Military)
6.83Mb (5549 downloads)
Boeing KC 135 R U.S AIR FORCE Stratotanker. Original model by Mike Stone. Repaint, adaptation to FSX, 2D panel for wide and standard screen (no VC) by Philippe Wallaert. Fully functionnal gauges including GPWS callout. Credits: Mike Stone for the original model. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Nice flights!
Posted Aug 12, 2012 03:59 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX Aero L-39ZA, ZU-FMN Textures
FSX Aero L-39ZA, ZU-FMN Textures
FSX Aero L-39ZA, ZU-FMN Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
2.07Mb (2271 downloads)
FSX Textures only for Albatros Aero L-39ZA Attack variant of L39, ZU-FMN, significantly upgraded L-39ZO with GSh-23L 23mm twin-barrelled cannon attached under the pilot's compartment, by Harri Thaha & Hadi Tahir (original aircraft needed:
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2012 19:26 by Enrique Medal
Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-8i Package with Advanced VC
Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-8i Package with Advanced VC
32.70Mb (7077 downloads)
SkySpirit 2011 - Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-8i Skyspirit FSX native Boeing 747-800 Freighter model upgraded using the vastly improved Boeing 747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND (See panel docs for details). VC includes FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches. Beautiful Skyspirit 747-800 Freighter model with complex features and ground service vehicles (press shift e 2, shift e 3, etc. ). Textures by Project Opensky member. Also includes Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade by Jason A. Lee. This give a much clearer 747 interior look. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans. Zip preview for larger pictures. See panel docs and images for VC details and controls!
Posted Aug 10, 2012 17:11 by chris evans
FSX Myanmar Airways Intl. Airbus A320-231 Flag and Fleet Textures Update
7.14Mb (899 downloads)
For FSX with DX9 only! XY-AGG, XY-AGI, XY-AGL and XY-AGM. With new Myanmar (Burma) flag, that is used in the country since October 2010. You need the base-pack
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2012 15:20 by HOUSE-RP, Robby Pauletto
Airbus A340 Real Sound Pack
Airbus A340 Real Sound Pack (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
29.23Mb (13426 downloads)
Airbus A340 Real Sound Pack by Muhammad Ihsan Alfian.
Posted Aug 10, 2012 00:14 by Muhammad Ihsan Alfian
0S9_Addon for Orbix 0S9 and PNW scenery
0S9_Addon for Orbix 0S9 and PNW scenery (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.70Mb (286 downloads)
This is an Addon for Orbix Jefferson County International airport (0S9) and Orbix PNW scenery packages. The three .BGL files include: -Downtown city of Port Townsend, WA -Washington State Ferrie Docks with cars waiting to load -Industrial area representing PT Paper Mill -Two city of Port Townsend Marinas -US Coast Gaurd station -Point Wilson lighthouse with rotating beacon (complete with night textures)
Posted Aug 9, 2012 14:35 by Larry Robbins
Borgo Maggiore Int Heliport, Italy
Borgo Maggiore Int Heliport, Italy (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.05Mb (1673 downloads)
Borgo Maggiore Int Heliport San Marino, Italy.
Posted Aug 9, 2012 10:45 by Alberto Thomas - Costa Rica
FSX Vought SBU-1
FSX Vought SBU-1
FSX Vought SBU-1 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.36Mb (2041 downloads)
The SBU-1 first entered service in 1935. It was the first scout bomber to exceed 200 mph and the first US Navy plane to use cowl flaps for better engine cooling. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It features the usual animations plus cowl flaps. It has a specular shine and liveries for service on the US CV-2, CV-3 and CV-4 carriers. The VC is based on real photos. It has animated flight controls and back lighted gauges for night operations. By Paul Clawson
Posted Aug 9, 2012 03:40 by Paul Clawson