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FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for Phillipines pt2.
63.26Mb (641 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas. This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data. Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values. But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands? So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Aug 9, 2012 02:37 by Wayne Evans
FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for Phillipines pt1.
72.18Mb (812 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas. This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data. Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values. But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands? So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Aug 9, 2012 02:16 by Wayne Evans
FS2004/FSX panel for Grumman S2 and C2
FS2004/FSX panel for Grumman S2 and C2 (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
1.05Mb (1959 downloads)
FS2004/FSX photorealistic panel for Grumman E2 Hawkeye or C2 Greyhound. The VC-configuration for Rick Sasalas E2 or C2 aircrafts remained untouched. Panel by Erwin Welker.
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required file
Posted Aug 8, 2012 18:41 by Erwin Welker
Africa - Tanzania Scenery Corrected
Africa - Tanzania Scenery Corrected
Africa - Tanzania Scenery Corrected (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (597 downloads)
FSX Scenery (FSX Only) Africa - Tanzania - V-shaped trench correction to the default FSX area. This is a self-contained scenery and it does not alter any of FSX's native files. At location lat -6.74 lon +34.05, in Tanzania, Africa, there is a huge V-shaped trench that is obviously not natural and couldn't possibly real and be man-made. Each leg of the V is over a hundred kilometres long and one thousand metres deep. This scenery "anomaly" appears in FS2004 as well, but in FS2004 it is made in a different way. In FSX the trench is formed by a narrow, long, V-shaped airport grass background. I removed it by removing the airport background. [G. identified it as an airport background (FS Developer forum)] For free distribution only. By Fern Marques
Posted Aug 8, 2012 12:37 by Fern Marques
Africa Tanzania Scenery Anomaly Correction
Africa Tanzania Scenery Anomaly Correction
Africa Tanzania Scenery Anomaly Correction (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.01Mb (402 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery (FS2004 Only) Africa - Tanzania - V-shaped trench correction This is a self-contained scenery and it does not alter any of FS2004's native files. At location lat -6.74 lon +34.05, in Tanzania, Africa, there is a huge V-shaped trench that is obviously not natural and couldn't possibly be real and be man-made. Each leg of the V is over a hundred kilometres long and one thousand metres deep. This scenery "anomaly" appears in FSX as well, but in FSX it is made in a different way. In FSX the trench is formed by a narrow, long, V-shaped airport grass background. In FS2004 I removed by adding several flats. For free distribution only. By Fern Marques
Posted Aug 8, 2012 12:35 by Fern Marques
FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for Fiji Islands
FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for Fiji Islands (Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
12.87Mb (649 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas. This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data. Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values. But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands? So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Aug 8, 2012 09:47 by Wayne Evans
Spike's 2012 update Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia MOD
Spike's 2012 update Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia MOD
13.35Mb (669 downloads)
Updated airfield YTWB(Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia) to look more like it does today. Includes objects, pre-compiled AI traffic and bonus YBOK(Oakey Army Aviation Centre)ready to go!
Posted Aug 8, 2012 04:50 by Spike
Airbus A380 Multi-Livery Mega-Package
Airbus A380 Multi-Livery Mega-Package
Airbus A380 Multi-Livery Mega-Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
219.35Mb (24522 downloads)
This Airbus A380 Multi-Livery Mega-Package contains the A380 Model created by The Project Airbus Team and Virtual Cockpit of the A340 family created by Thomas Ruth, 18 High-Quality Liveries, custom soundset for the Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines created by Emil Serafino (who gave me his permission to use his soundsets), a fully edited aircraft.cfg with 27 custom-made views and jetway & cargo-truck codes included, gauges for the Flight Management Computer (FMC), Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and AutoBrake systems created by dfferent authors and a lot of dedication. For a detailed explanation in English & Spanish, a list of liveries and some pictures, visit my blog at:
Posted Aug 7, 2012 22:45 by Luis Quintero
Boeing 747-400 Mexico AF TP-01 Textures
Boeing 747-400 Mexico AF TP-01 Textures
Boeing 747-400 Mexico AF TP-01 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.91Mb (1799 downloads)
FSX Boeing 747-400 Mexico Air Force TP-01 textures only for the default 747. TP-01 is the Mexico Presidential aircraft. I know that they have the B757 in use , but this repaint was specially requested. Repaint by Enrique Cornejo. 2MB
Posted Aug 7, 2012 20:34 by Enrique Cornejo
Abadan International Airport, Iran
Abadan International Airport, Iran
Abadan International Airport, Iran (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.01Mb (1101 downloads)
Abadan International Airport 2012 demo for FSX. OIAA Iran airports above the Persian gulf needs: SP2 and FSUIPC4. Enjoy. Ay Amirhossein Daryaei
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required file
Posted Aug 7, 2012 15:22 by Amirhossein Daryaei