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                  DeHavilland Dash 8Q-400B
FS2000 DeHavilland Dash 8Q-400B (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.15Mb (1036 downloads)
FS2000 DeHavilland Dash 8Q-400B ver5 Augsburg Airways (Team Lufthansa) D-BAHB with full Moving Parts & night textures Authors: Barry Blaisdell/Bob May/Jens Borgstroem Premier Aircraft Design. 158K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
FS2000 version (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.28Mb (1168 downloads)
Beechcraft King Air C90. Represents ZS-NWC based in Cape Town S.A. Lenth: 35 ft 6 in. Wingspan: 50 ft 3 in. Weight: 5965 lb empty plus pilot Power: 2 x P&W PT6A-21 turpoprop engines Rate of climb: 1955 ft/min Details: 8 seat executive layout & 2 pilots Cruising Speed: 218kts Ceiling: 28100 ft Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard Sept 2000 Animation: Lee Hall. 282K FS2000 version(282K)
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  ATR-72 for FS2000 only
Arkia ATR-72 for FS2000 only (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.18Mb (728 downloads)
Arkia ATR-72 for FS2000 only! Arkia is one of Israel's main airliners and this aircraft is one of it's commen planes for iner city flights. This aircraft has a fictionl livery. It includes animated flaps, props and landing gear. Uses fs2k 737 panel and sounds. 581k Paint by Fred Bcrn. 180K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  T303 Crusader for FS2000 Pro
Cessna T303 Crusader for FS2000 Pro (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.70Mb (1470 downloads)
Cessna T303 Crusader for FS2000 Pro. Includes full moving parts and a custom night-lit panel with custom gauges. The FSC, MPI and NMP files are provided for users of FSDS and Aircraft Animator. By Chuck Dome. 881K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Montana Air DHC2 Beaver.
FS2000 Montana Air DHC2 Beaver. (Category: FS2000 > Props)
6.68Mb (1082 downloads)
FS2000 Montana Air DHC2 Beaver. Fred Banting original. Repaint by Fred Choate This is the Fred Banting DHC2 Beaver with the Montana Air livery. Montana Air uses this plane for back country charter flights in NW Montana. This file contains all the files needed for ALL THREE VERSIONS of the plane, and the panel. By Fred Choate. 6.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
2.57Mb (790 downloads)
FS2000 AIRCRAFT - CESSNA 172P OPERATING HANDBOOK From DreamFleet 2000, and intended for flight simulation use only, this is the companion "POH" for the DreamFleet 2000 & FSD Cessna 172 aircraft package. This manual is comprised of actual scans of the real manual, and is ready for printing. The manual includes check lists for the 172P aircraft. 2.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  of Dreamfleet's wonderful Cessna 172
0.29Mb (670 downloads)
Repaint of Dreamfleet's wonderful Cessna 172 to an older 1975 paint scheme. By Monica Duerr. 292K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    AIRCRAFT - Aircraft, Panel & Sound package.
                    AIRCRAFT - Aircraft, Panel & Sound package.
22.47Mb (1956 downloads)
FS2000 AIRCRAFT - Aircraft, Panel & Sound package. - DreamFleet 2000 & FSD Cessna 172P With little doubt, this is the most realistic Cessna 172 package in the history of MS Flight Simulator, and one of the most realistic aircraft packages of any kind ever! A highly detailed Cessna 172 visual model, with superb flight dynamics is combined with an utlra-realistic panel / cabin environment, which must be seen to be believed. The aircraft features moving parts, detailed textures, and complete interior, with pilot, instrument panel, and other realistic details. The panel and interior is complete, with all interior views, main panel, large view "virtual panel", and lower pedestal panel. Proper night lighting with red flood light, and white post lights is provided. Features include full IFR avionics, opening and closing left and right doors (a first for any FS panel), gyro sounds activated by the master switch and several new sounds for certain gauges. The sound package was recorded from an actual Cessna 172 with Lycoming O-320 engine. Aircraft by Flight Sim Developers, Panel by DreamFleet 2000. Tested in Win98, WinME, and Win2000. 23MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    AIRCRAFT - FSD Cessna 172P Aircraft and Sounds
12.47Mb (1271 downloads)
FS2000 AIRCRAFT - FSD Cessna 172P Aircraft and Sounds With little doubt, this is the most realistic Cessna 172 aircraft ever created for MS Flight Simulator, and one of the finest aircraft of any kind every seen! An incredibly detailed visual model is combined with accurate flight dynamics, confirmed by real C-172 pilots, and sounds recorded from the real aircraft. The aircraft model features full moving parts, and a detailed interior, featuring a full instrument panel, pilot, cargo in the cargo area, a lunch bag on the floor, and charts on the seat. The pilot's head turns when he turns the plane, as does the nose wheel. This aircraft and sound package is intended for use with the DreamFleet 2000 C-172P instrument panel, which is available separately. By Jim Goldman, Steve Small, and Aaron Swindle, of Flight Sim Developers. 12.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    Beechcraft King Air B200
FS2000 Beechcraft King Air B200 (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.25Mb (731 downloads)
FS2000 Beechcraft King Air B200 Revision A 4 bladed props Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard Flight Model: Steve Small and Michael Verlin Repaint for FS2000: Michael Verlin. 260K FS2000 Beechcraft King Air Flight Model Fixes Makes corrections for parameters in King Air B200 and Kilo Alpha FDE's Overwrite current versions Michael Verlin. 14K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive